Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

I got friends with kids and death march work schedules. So on that note I’ll accept it.

And lets not forget that the game drastically changes everytime a new Rank is added. And players build paths will become invalidated in the process.

The only negative is an increased focus on end game content if people are rerolling less. But we know giving up a little bit for accessibility will increase population.

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Ah, thank you for rephrasing those things in such a specific way. When you put it like that, I see what you mean about potentially wasted work hours.

Do you personally believe this issue is not important enough to the community that the number of neutrals would have meaningful impact on IMC’s decision?

As for cheeky, eh’, that’s true. I think you’ve caught me fair and square on that one, and you’re the first person with enough grasp of the english language to spell it out directly.

I’m indifferent about this. There are times I want circle reset, and there are times I don’t

Right now majority don’t seem to care though.

OP is like those manipulative people that try to pretend you can have your own opinions but will look down on yours and is trying to manipulate what you’ll choose.

What about,
“It’s a needed features, but I personally won’t use it”, or “It depends on how they’re given out/made” which could be easily put into the usual “Other: explain yourself” choice.

If those resets are added I won’t quit, and I won’t be unhappy. But I’m also not a really “pro-reset” person.
I don’t care as long as it’s well done, and not something you can abuse, and hopefully not something that allows you to repick everything. If it has enough good restrictions, it’ll be a nice add and something proably needed in the long run.
The first option is so much a drama queen option I hope everybody who chose it is trolling XD

And you want to know that much why neutral opinion matters, OP ? It’s actually a good way to show the general atmosphere.
When out of 1000 people you have 750 who voted Yes and 250 No, it’s indeed clear what the majority wants.
When out of those 1000 people you have 450 who voted Yes, 200 No, and 350 “Other”, it’s different. You may have many more “Yes”, but the majority still obviously isn’t for whatever you’re proposing.
If you don’t count the “Other” ones, if you don’t give them the right to show their opinions, you can’t truly judge what the general population wants/needs, because you ignored a lot of that population.
The “Don’t know” is an option to show the ones who made the polls there are currently no right options, not enough options, or that the issue won’t be resolved like that.
The ones who truly don’t care won’t vote anything AT ALL.
The ones who vote “other” are people who care but the options aren’t good enough.


IMO this poll is so fkin biased its like if i choose 1,2&3 choices im siding with you because them choices show that i abhorr resets while the 4th choice says that im a “whale IDGAF about you come at me bro” can’t i choose a choice to support reset for a reason or maybe a choice that says im neutral on this and IDGAF? but anyways i chose 3 the answer why is on the other thread too lazy to link or copy paste lol

oh sh** how can I remove my vote? I accidentally clicked a choice.

People who believe it’s a needed feature are in favor of class resets. They’re a firm “yes” even if they don’t plan to use one personally.

As for including “other” it would just lead to people inventing their own version of the class reset. This isn’t a poll for people to design their own ideal class reset. That sort of thing belongs in the suggestions forum. This was simply designed to measure “yes/no and if no, what will you do about it?”

I agree that the details are important. If someone believes that they need more information on what the details of class resets are to make a decision, that’s perfectly respectable. That information isn’t out now. I did not need further information to decide - I already know what I will and won’t tolerate as a player.

my favourite topic~ <-- just came to post this~ huehuehuehue

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You imposter!

At topic: There are many similiar threads… so…

Not this sh-it again!

I am too lazy to post a meme too.

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Uh, this one was the first one.

This whole topic has been discussed so hard already. We got enough threads for circle resets.

So people are literally going to throw tantrums and delete their characters because the game will be appealing to more casual players?

Waah waah wahhh


No, we’re just going to delete our characters and move on with our lives, sober with the knowledge that the hardcore mmo genre is dead, probably forever.

Really, I ought to be thankful that these games are all so bad now. The better they are the more time they waste.

IMC please bring back the days of 6 slot inventories and no warps between locations. The TRUE hardcore days.

Or not.

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What are you talking about?

Exactly. You don’t know.

In 15 years kids will be talking about how hardcore WoW was and won’t know about the ones you’re calling hardcore.

And people will be having the same arguments about better, newer mechanics and the hardcore stupid frustrating and unnecessary old mechanics.


I played WoW vanilla from beta on. What 6 slot inventories? Are you talking about when you were level 2 and had no bags?

No warps? Mages had warp spells for their parties to use from day one, if memory serves.

I genuinely liked the travel system and how it led to lots of good world pvp from people travelling from one place to the next.

Or did I fail to grasp your meaning, and you meant something else entirely?

I didn’t say wow had 6 slot inventories.

It’s hard to make snarky posts when people have poor reading comprehension.


I can only read coherently what is written coherently. You have all of these disjointed sentences jumbled together and no clear indicator what they’re about or how they relate to the conversation. You seem to communicate in short mental dog barks that I really can’t translate.

What do 6 slot inventories and no warps have to do with character resets? Are you saying that they’re symbols of bad times?

Like someone said, take a strong cleaner for PVE from any basic classes for soloing and then u can forget about group content because u don’t need anyone to lvl up anymore because u can reroll what u want… This is not good from my point of view.