Tree of Savior Forum

[poll] Rank 8 - Class Rank Reset

The need to make more than one character from the same base class tree simply wouldn’t fit with the full class reset. As you’ve mentioned with 2 Pelt characters and so on, why work on a separate swordsman when a full class reset would simply allow you to try out both on one swordsman character. If full class reset contained no penalties, I wouldn’t see the need to invest in another character from the same base class tree when I can simply reset to it, learn all the attributes, and move on.

You might as well recode the entire game so that after picking your base class, you can be any other class that you want (quite sure multiple MMOs do this), any time, just that you will have to grind out all the job exp for it.

An example would be if you made a C2 Cleric/C3 Diev/C1 Oracle/C1 PD. You can change it to any combination as needed, say C1 Cleric/C2 Krivis/C2 Bokor/C2 Druid, just that you have to grind up all the job exp for the respective jobs which you did not have in the past (in this case, everything rank 2 onwards). If this was the original game design, nobody would complain other than the extreme grinding nightmare it brings.

A full class reset would completely eliminate the need to make more than one character of the same base class, because one is all you need, unless that TP cost is too much for you to handle. If all you want is a quick rank 5 character which would probably take a week to make to test, alright I can see why people would do to test. But a rank 7 or 8 character given what the game currently has, yea, that’s why there’s a call for full class resets.

Three 250 characters is already team level 20 (40% of the max team level). Making multiple characters to increase the team level with full class resets, I can assure you, just about everybody’s character lodge is going to be 1 base class of each type + 2 pets. Going beyond this is most likely for economic fillers (such as placing a squire at a map that is hard to get to for easy repairs, likewise for pardoner).

Do you really think that a full reset, if it cost 99 TP, would be spammed by the average player?

What if the reset was a difficult quest that is available monthly?

You’ve funneled your assumption towards thinking a reset is spammable and, as a result, would negate the need for players to make more characters for different situations.

Even if a reset was spammable (similar to the way RIFT handles classing), it could be restricted to an NPC with a cost or something so players can’t easily do it in the field.

Depending on the cost/time required to perform the reset, players will still feel the need to make more characters.

How can you assure me of anything when you have no idea how IMC would implement the reset feature? Again, monthly or 99 TP cost would make lots of people still consider being careful about their builds and make new characters, but the option would exist and give people hope for salvaging the time they’ve invested in their mains.

Now wouldn’t that simply be a P2W reason you’ve just given, which can also make players leave the game. A reset doesn’t need to be spammable, but if someone can easily throw $100 bucks and buy the reset (could be up to 10 times or more), that itself is a non-issue.

Many are calling for a class reset, but speculation just like me given arguments against a class reset are presented here. I’ve pointed out that if you wanted to test builds up to rank 5, that would take about a week, but most that are calling for it, are in the rank 7.

If you’re that worried about time, take a break. Enough people are at 1000+ hours in this game, and most are simply waiting for the next update before they start their massive grind sessions once more.

Are Skill Reset potions P2W? Stat Reset potions? Tome of EXP?

What exactly is “winning” in a MMORPG when there’s no clearly-defined method of “winning” ?

It’s a convenience, just like Skill Reset, Stat Reset and EXP tomes.

Plenty of people are doing that already, which is why the population is low. Refer to my previous statement:

Skill resets and stat resets wouldn’t fall into a P2W because you’re locked in for the ranks. A full class reset on the other hand, would create it because as mentioned before, you no longer need to go past one of each class type when one alone can get every single attribute over time.

This in turn would put you in a position where you will have to create more characters (or in some cases delete if you don’t want to pay extra TP for more character room), therefore advancing your team level.

There are some that made mistakes, but if you’re looking to be the best, then I can understand the frustration. This is a game where the next rank can easily pick you apart, and you either live with your decision, or hold back if you don’t want to run the risk of making another character. I’m quite sure with IMC’s design, if you follow the synergies, those builds will be fine.

What you think is fine, and what other people who want resets think is fine, are clearly 2 different things.

To put it another way, how many people would quit the game if resets were introduced versus how many people would come back, stay and continue playing?

Players against resets don’t have to use the system, even though its available while players who want to use the system can spend money and/or do some monthly quest to change their build. Not much changes except maybe a few people you know changing their build to something else.

Nothing really changes. Nobody is “winning”. It’s just a new option available for people to use to maintain the value of their time.

Arguing what is and isn’t P2W when “winning” isn’t clearly defined in this game is pointless. There are simply different ways to play the game, and paying and/or doing a monthly quest to change the way you play is not much different from the player rerolling to make a new character with the same intention, except for the fact that they can maintain the value of existing characters with reset options.


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If there would be any class reset… I guess they “SHOULD” just limit it to reset any class that was only C1 meaning if you have C3/C2 rank of a certain class.

and all Attribute of that C1 class will reset into lvl zero and C1 costume will be deleted. that’s the only “EASY” way to do it.

since common sense tells us that if you have gone through C2/C3 it mean you did choose it and love the class and it was not a mistake which means class reset should not be given to you.

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Yass. While we’re at it, make pet a class too.

Im thinking of rebirth quest and not reset.

there was a free reset skill in the scavenger event. probably a reset stat not sure.

The underlying problem is, a lot of the anti-reset crowd deep down feel that the ‘dirty casuals’ will damage their ego/pride of being ‘hardcore’ on their ‘hardcore’ rerolling grind game. You won’t get too many admitting to what equates to plain snobbery and elitism.

That is why they don’t really have any good arguments, or any argument at all.

That is also why I don’t bother entering anything to do with attempting to discuss anything with these brick-walls.


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There is nothing “hardcore” about rerolling a new character. It’s not hard, it’s just dumb and repetitive.

The reason people don’t want to reroll is not because it’s hard and in my case not even because it takes time, it’s just because the quests and dungeons and the whole leveling process in this game are super boring, bland and uninspired.

Have fun calling yourself a “hardcore” gamer because you enjoy doing the same easy ■■■■ over and over again.

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Farewell my fellow con-spr swordmen :pig2: :pig2: :pig2:

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I hope they a releasing job reset scroll, but there are just reroll a single job.

Ex: cleric2 priest3 druid2
I used job reset scroll for priest job, so I can reroll 3 rank from priest c3 (r2-4).

Ex2: cleric2 priest3 oracle1 pd1
I used job reset scroll for oracle job, so that i able to reroll oracle to other rank6 or below of rank6’s job.

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