The need to make more than one character from the same base class tree simply wouldn’t fit with the full class reset. As you’ve mentioned with 2 Pelt characters and so on, why work on a separate swordsman when a full class reset would simply allow you to try out both on one swordsman character. If full class reset contained no penalties, I wouldn’t see the need to invest in another character from the same base class tree when I can simply reset to it, learn all the attributes, and move on.
You might as well recode the entire game so that after picking your base class, you can be any other class that you want (quite sure multiple MMOs do this), any time, just that you will have to grind out all the job exp for it.
An example would be if you made a C2 Cleric/C3 Diev/C1 Oracle/C1 PD. You can change it to any combination as needed, say C1 Cleric/C2 Krivis/C2 Bokor/C2 Druid, just that you have to grind up all the job exp for the respective jobs which you did not have in the past (in this case, everything rank 2 onwards). If this was the original game design, nobody would complain other than the extreme grinding nightmare it brings.
A full class reset would completely eliminate the need to make more than one character of the same base class, because one is all you need, unless that TP cost is too much for you to handle. If all you want is a quick rank 5 character which would probably take a week to make to test, alright I can see why people would do to test. But a rank 7 or 8 character given what the game currently has, yea, that’s why there’s a call for full class resets.
Three 250 characters is already team level 20 (40% of the max team level). Making multiple characters to increase the team level with full class resets, I can assure you, just about everybody’s character lodge is going to be 1 base class of each type + 2 pets. Going beyond this is most likely for economic fillers (such as placing a squire at a map that is hard to get to for easy repairs, likewise for pardoner).