Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] How many tokens do you plan to buy per month?

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Well I wouldn’t necessarily assume that western players would have the same purchasing habits or price tolerance levels as Asian ones… which is why I made this poll…

So I don’t necessarily expect the economy to turn out the same either…

You do know you don’t even have to respond to me you can simply turn to another post or just ignore my posts…

If I did not exist I would not be putting posts or reply’s to the forum sorry I don’t agree with your viewpoint but I try not to follow people blindly and look into stuff myself with facts and evidence to justify someone’s claim as truthful or exaggerated information in an attempt to direct people with misinformation to put something you disagree with in a bad and negative light.

Sounds like a good ideal but lets stay away from calling one premium haha how about this Token A and Token B they would simply be packs similar to how some F2P games do where they give 2 packs that enhance the F2P aspect with brackets.

Token A
Exp bonus 15%
1:1 Trade (5 trades a day + silver tax)
Extra gestures +3
Reduced Market Commission to 20%
3 market items
Movement +1

Token B
Exp bonus 30%
1:1 Trade
Extra gestures +5
Reduced Market Commission to 10%
5 Market Items
Movement +3
Pay more get more and I personally see this as reasonable.

The trades a day/tax concept is from war frame it seems to work well vs RTM.

Will buy for about 10 or 12 tokens per month and sell all of them. After I will buy everything on market and will keep destroying game economics. Have fun.

if anything has told me that is simply not possible ever heard of supply and demand?

You are one of from what someone has said 100k people the more people put on the market the lower the price will become so you saying put 10/12 tokens on said market might be good at the start but will drop radically in price to the point where you would no longer profit from it the term is called market crash and that is normal because after a crash and a number of days markets will stabilize try to learn basic economics please…

Lol, this kid. Donate stuff always become expensive in time. In Korea it was 500k at start, last time I saw 1.7kk. In month some of players will be w/o token and there will be new f2p players, in two month most of players will be w/o token, in three month all. Ofc if they will not waste their TP on token. But go ahead with your “basic economics”, it is really fun to read. :grin:

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Here is what has happened in EvE which instituted a similar service (PLEX):

Current PLEX price: ~1 billion ISK used to be ~300+ million ISK per PLEX back in 2012 or so if I remember correctly

Here is a chart of PLEX prices over just one year

DISCLAIMER: Tokens are different from PLEX in the sense that you can continue playing the game even without a Token… but that also just means that you can continue grinding for more silver to try to save up to buy tokens. Inflation, hoarding, and relative lack of supply is likely what drove PLEX prices up and are likely factors which will be at play in this game as well.

Note: imc will likely have no desire or interest to keep Token prices down because they want players to spend money buying Tokens

Inflation in MMORPG is so obvious and natural, that anyone who is trying to deny the fact that prices will rise over time is just a hopeless ignorant fool.

You know… it’s interesting to see the results and you can see why the F2P model works… There is that huge group of 1 token users and then you have the 7% going for 5+. More then makes up for the users that aren’t buying tokens.


I guess FFXIV only does so well because they fill the niche of players that hate F2P model and are fairly universally accepted by MMO players. I wish ToS filled that role instead but I think we’re probably too niche.

Basically controls need to be put in place so I would probably recommend:

  1. Make tokens cost less in real life (increases supply)
  2. Prevent excessive hoarding of tokens by individual players (token hoarding caps maybe 3 or 4 would be reasonable)
  3. Take steps to prevent excessive in-game currency inflation (better start coming up with some good gold sinks imc!)

Otherwise we might as well call Tokens P2W because normal F2P players will not be able to afford them (this will become increasingly true as time passes by).

Um… define ‘working’…

If you mean the prediction that tokens will become increasingly unaffordable by f2p players over time, then yeah I guess that would be working (working out for imc at least since it will force buying tokens to be competitive) See this post for an example in another game: EvE

If you mean ~7% of the playerbase making the majority of in-game profits from token sales to ~35% of the player population, then yeah… I guess things will be “working”. I don’t even want to start analyzing what effects this would have on market prices =_=

EDIT: Ah, I misinterpreted your post as you thinking that this token system would work out well.

I’m pretty neutral about things… I don’t like jumping in on sides when it’s something that is an obvious grey area. That said… I like exploring the ideas people have.

Is Plex useful enough outside of player trading to stop inflation? Cause I could understand that being a problem.

I do wonder though if we’ill be as bad off as Eve since silver is so useful outside of player trades. The upgrade and potential system that just lets you burn Silver and equipment in mass. It could get to the point where there is a lot more silver for upgrades and not enough equipment drops, though.

Should ask the kToS’ers.

PLEX in EVE is basically 30 days of game play time in an in-game tradeable form. So players could buy PLEX and sell it to other players for the in-game currency ISK.

This is similar to how players will be able to buy Tokens and and sell them for silver to other players.

If Token supply is low (due to even a fraction of those 7-8% of super token buyers quitting for whatever reason, or if p2p population is higher than what this poll has projected), if rich players decide to buy up and hoard tokens, if silver ever ends up inflating, all of those things will be bad for people wanting to obtain tokens and the situation converges on a situation where tokens become P2W (because F2P players won’t be able to get them reasonably).

Silver inflation is only one part of the equation (though it is an important part).

This analysis is also complicated by the fact that some fraction of those 1 token buying players will presumably want to switch to using in-game funds to buy tokens at some point. They will have a higher starting leverage point in terms of purchasing power because of additional dungeon runs. This will further make life not fun for F2P players.

EDIT: I would really love to be wrong, so criticism of my analyses are quite welcome!

Ha… that’s interesting… People playing the market and hoarding the supply. I wonder if putting an expiration date on their version of a Token would fix that. Do our Token’s have the potential system implemented on them? Cause that’d stop the hording.

I think capping the number of tokens a single account can hold at once would probably be the best solution… I really don’t see it happening though because obviously imc would like to sell more tokens…

They could implement an expiration system for the tokens… if they want the forums to be on fire again…

Bump! Please keep voting!

If you haven’t voted try to avoid reading the thread below! Though it kind of doesn’t matter.

I’m also hoping people can check my preliminary analysis of token obtainability. It starts here:

xD I have to point out the irony of this being at the very bottom of the thread.
So it’s quite likely that if they read this message, they’ve read the thread.


Well, here we go bois. Are your wallets ready?