Tree of Savior Forum

Poll For Psychokino Must Be Nerf!

Am i the only the who doesn’t have a clue WTF the topic is even about?
“Poll for psychokino must be nerf!”… A poll for a psychokino must be a nerf? WTF does that even mean? And a poll “nerf/don’t nerf” without any proper description.

All those sensible people “OMG you can’t nerf my psycho any more, so unfair Q:Q” and “Yes, psychos deserve to be nerfed, bla bla!” when the topic doesn’t even properly describe what it or the poll is about.
“OMG Psychokino and nerf in the same sentence… TRIGGERED!!! MUST POST!!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Awww how I love those people who start to get rude as soon as someone has not the same opinion as they have.

Frost Pillar: You are actually able to jump out of that one so not really a reliabel CC

Magnetic force is powerful but it depends on how the team is playing, as long as there isnt a bunch of players hogging the same spot it is strong but not op

Sleep can be avoided with PDs and Oracels, same goes for all freeze skills

Snow rolling is not a fast skill so you can avoid it by running away su cks if u are immobile at the moment but it takes time to cast the skill so the rest of your team should be able to interrupt the casting. It is also possible to throw the Cryo of the snowball.

Pole of Agony, Dark Theurge are supposed to deal dmg as they are Warlock skills, if someone combines Psychokino with Warlock its just this, good Build design, why punish him for having a good PvP build?

What I was actually saying with the part that u quotet and replied to so nicely was, that nerfing skills in IMC style (like Stoneskin adn Block Pen, as much as a lot of different skills) would end up in cc beeing most likely useless. This would result in Dps builds beeing the dominant part in PvP matches, while CC builds ending up being useless. As soon as players dont have to look out for skills like Ausrine, 7fold or raise, magnetic force etc it will end up in who deals more dmg first. Though cataphracts can rush into the other groups cannoneers can blast their skills etc.

Counting in that some people demand that resu shouldnt be possible in PvP yeah, its going to be a who kills whom first. Not implying that Dps chars are headless chicken running against each other without any self preservation but if the only skills you have to consider are dps skills the safest way is to kill the enemy befre he kills you.

Sometimes I spam like 20 antidotes but nothing happens.

I Think Wugushi need a Buff/Nerf at the same time… someting like:

-Less damage
-Wugushi poison become Rank 2 in PvP

The same thing for Fletcher Bleeding arrow.

No reason to buffs and nerfs as rank 8 is just around the corner. The “so called” Meta will be changed accordingly to new skills and items in the upcoming patch.

What I want is diversity and balance.

As I’ve said before we can keep cc, just tone it down a bit so I don’t have to be locked down for 30 seconds if I don’t have a certain Cleric build baby sitting me.

The basic gist of what you’re saying is:
Change PvP matchmaking so every team gets a PvP build cleric.
If you don’t get a PvP cleric too bad, not your lucky day, just accept it.
If you don’t have a team with cc and PvP builds that can keep most of the enemy down, just accept it.
You don’t see a problem with that logic?

Block isn’t useless. Stoneskin is still useful. The thing is… before the nerf, it made physical damage completely useless.

That’s just a part of PvPing… you kill the enemy before they kill you. Isn’t that also the point of cc? To make it easier to kill the enemy before they kill you?

CC has gotten to the point where it’s “too easy.” Maybe you mainly play a cleric or something and CC doesn’t often affect you.

Offensive clerics are fine, they are actually really balanced.

Defensive clerics just need a slight nerf (probably just remove safety zone attribute in PvP, and increase cool down of resurrection) and they are fine as well

Overall I like cleric tree the most in this game because it is the most balanced tree.

The real problem with PvP is too much anti-melee CC and not enough anti-range CC. And the CC lasts too long (15 sec, like wtf? most TBL matches last 40 seconds)

TBL just started, no chances for people a huge edge on experience alone. In those matches it’s usually 2 very good / smart players with meta builds. Yeah, that, if there was no real time chat, then they communicated in the waiting area very well on what their builds allowed them to do. I’d call that smart over experience.
You were right though, I was at 1090 or 1100 at the moment, so probably fighting the high ranks (won’t even mention my consequent matchups).

Having died to a well executed maneuver though is delightful, not frustrating. What is frustrating is having your team not even realize what had just happened and blaming swordies and rank 5s. Me being the only swordie in play.

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sword will still have higher hp.
plus physical cleric will not have that much hp unless they sacraice their dex/str, which wil mean that their dmg wil lbe low

i would rather take a swordsman con buff and a wiz base dmg nerf, than a con nerf

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the swordies i see have about 30k or mroe hp, with only 100+ con, my cleric has 140 con, and only 15k hp.

in return of us healing, our dmg is lower than swordsmen, the highest cleric dps class imo is monk, and monk is seen as a terrible dps class

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idk but from my experience, diev deals most damage overall as compared to monk.

I have seen diev outdps wiz, archer and swordsman in the dungeon and came 1st after boss is killed

ironically, he was also the tank (cause heal as well) and lead the entire group while slaughtering any mob that comes to his path. The swordsman, even with his high hp, would stand behind him because that diev can heal himself whenever he wants. The swordsman had to run to him for heal, which is rather inefficient.

moreover, u only need 1 tanker. if diev wants to be tanker (that means he will reserve heal more for himself), swordsman is rather useless there

that level 200, at level 280 you get 2 shotted so lets compare at lvel 280,

18k for cleric with 130 con
26k for sword with 130 con

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diev is really situational for dps, owl is main reason why diev is top dps, but due to its high cd you cant use it like normal dps skill, it only shines on bosses, monk has multiple skills that u can use and arent situational, even enrgy blast has a low enough cd to use, and compared with diev is really good dps, thats why i think dievmonk is best dps for cleric

even in tbl, cleric gets 1 shotted even with the heals. my palain has 16k hp in tbl, and archer 1 shot me every time, i get cc so i cant even use heal. you should be complaianing about wiz, they can make u disabled for an entire match, overkill you, and have 40k hp all on one build and soon theyre gonna be able to heal so they are gonna make cleric useless bcuz they already have better support

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If INT wasn’t scaled like garbage for a wiz, wiz classes would take it over CON, but since that puny 1matk does nothing for us, t’s better to have survivability in the long run because you don’t want to get one shotted by bosses and monsters later in harder dungeons.

But back to the poll, I think psychokino shouldn’t be nerfed as they are the CC class and that is their mechanic. 1v1, tough luck for you if you get caught, but 5v5 where stuff is cast everywhere and the fps is 2, you have a decent chance of winning.

Why not nerf archer class so they don’t one shot players with a 50k arrow or whatever it is?

What’s needed is better party matching so that both sides have a pretty decent fighting chance. Sometimes the other side just has an army of undying clerics killing you with heal tiles or 3 ice walls right left and center cast out with frost trees.

Rather than nerfing classes, IMC needs to focus on fixing the bugs and exploits =_=…

Kino2 only add in one skill (Magnetic Force: CC+little damage) and you wan nerf it.
Kino3 add in 2 skill (raise : no damage) and (GP : CC+damage skill) and you wan nerf it and GP had been nerf useless in PVP.
Did you know how hard kino3 go through in PVE with limited damage skill?
Kino3 is a PVP build, shine in PVP is a very normal thing, what you expect?! Shine in PVE and PVP?! GP is totally rubbish in PVP so means that a PVP classes kino C3 from add in 2 new skill become 1 skill (raise) useable in PVP only due to GP is over nerf to become rubbish skill and you still request to nerf KINO?!!! WHY DON YOU JUST ASK IMC TO REMOVE KINO or BUILD UR OWN GAME WITHOUT KINO?!!!

For Example:
PVE = Running
PVP = Swimming

Fish = Kino
Dog = Other class

One day, Fish and Dog having running competition, Dog win and Fish din request to nerf anything, they just accept it become they are not born to run.

The other day, Fish and Dog having swimming competition, Fish win and Dog start blaming and request nerf. Eg. it’s not fair, fish can breath in water, fish got tail help them move faster, dog tail is just useless and bla bla bla.

Wake up kids and learn to accept it, no one is perfect.
No classes is perfect too.