Tree of Savior Forum

Poll For Psychokino Must Be Nerf!

  • NERF

0 voters

as op and scrubby kinos are you cant nerf kinos without nerfing clerics too

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kino already nerf these latest patch have…gravity pole decerease damage to 50% and cooldown increase to 45…

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How about sugesting actual good changes to the broken game mechanics, instead of “hur dur nerf” when there are only 2 skills left on a Circle 3 invested Kino, a support-CC class, to use against all CC resistance/immunity around?


Poll for Psychokino :
GP must be unnerfed (give us back our dmg).
Raise bugs should be fixed.


GP is 100% useless in PvP now, Raise is bugged up the a ss, and Magnetic force remains strong.

You want to nerf the class that has only 2 decent skills left and not touch clerics that single-handedly win games? Sick joke.

Reduce Ausrine to -50% dmg taken, max duration 15 seconds

Rs7 reduce the reflect damage, its disgustingly high atm

PD needs nerfs all around, literally


No need to nerf things.
Imc needs to fix things.

We currently have strong classes that are failing hard because of bugs (hunter, for example) and some classes that werent supposed to be PvP top tier and became way too strong because os bugs as well (linker, for example).

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Stop requesting for nerfs. What we need is fixes for bugs brought by some of these CCs as well as better resistance for supposed PVP classes that are being completely dominated no matter how skillful the player is.

The only worry I have is that future nerfs can make Kinos even worse in PvE content. While not completely useless for PvE, this class doesn’t offer much consistently because of the cooldowns (PP is 25cd only without the stun attribute, Raise has 50 secs cd), I saw a lot of people complain that the last nerf in Gravity Pole for PvP made it a lot worse in PvE too.

I understand that most people complain about Kinos meant it in PvP, I’m just worried that IMC doens’t get that, why IMC doesn’t make Kinos skills work differently in PvP like they do with others classes instead of messing their PvE game completely. Sorry for the bad english.

List of classes that need pvp nerf in a priority list:

  1. Kino
  • 10 second disable with raise > nerf to a fixed duration of 3 sec + 1 per level in tbl, so 7 second max
  • Magnetic force > pull range smaller
  1. Archer (pretty much every archer class has 1 or more op skill in tbl, so im putting them here)

-Full draw 10 second skew. > change to 4 sec in tbl, for a class that can deal damage equal to double ur health, a cc this strong is unnaceptable

  • Hunter > increase cd of the 2 op stun skills, i know the class is bugged, but the skill is really op, even with all the bugs, there are classes even buggier than hunter that dont even have a skill like this
  • Wugushi > nerf poison dmg
  • Fletcher > no explanation needed
  • musketeer > nerf pretty much every musket skill xD, they one shot you without effort
  • Cannoner > same
  1. Priest
  • Resurect > disabled in pvp, ressurecting a musketter on a 1v1 fight? op
  1. PD
  • PD isnt op at the moment, but that r8 skill that it gets looks op xD, so nerf that in tbl
  1. CRYO
    cryo > reduce all freeze durations with the exception of frost tree to 3 seconds

  2. Cataphract

  • Rush > remove stagger effect

this is all IMO

why should cc be as strong as it is when there are skills in the game able to 1 shot you? if skills werent able to 1 shot, then maybe cc this strng would be acceptable

1 raise than youre done, if skill couldnt 1 shot, then 1 raise = maybe 50% hp left.

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Why are you people getting hit by the Kino raises?

They have a cast range, stay out of the Kino’s cast range, stop doing dumb stuff and you will be fine.

There are a ton of CCs that last 10 seconds that are just as good. The thing that defines all of them is that the caster must stand still for the cast and the target must be in range.

Pay attention to what you’re fighting. They’re not the only ones that do this, Corsair Hook is basically the same and lasts a full 10 seconds too.

The only people getting hit by CCs are people that are out of position or stupidly rushing when they have no anti CC support. Bait the enemy into using the CC then attack them when they’re on CD, this isn’t a difficult concept.

Kino isn’t the worst offender of this anyway. Chrono3 Stop on a full CON build using haste to rush through any counter offensive is a much larger offender, with Pass to decrease the CD of Stop even further.

Just play the game, big CCs are here to stay. Sweeping changes to wayyy too many classes would be needed to change that, it’s an intentional part of the game.

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I can’t believe someone is suggesting to unnerfed GP. Clerics already got their nerf, ressurection and revive only apply once per round, Heal tiles only last for 10secs, but you CC class can CC all the time without nerf to your CC duration and cooldown. not to mention PD which ppl call master of status ailment have their core skills nerfed to the ground even Oracle is better to prevent status ailment than PD. Not to mention Kino skills have low cooldown, can bypass Bloodletting and they have one skill that has crazy range and can bind your team for eternity.

tree of kino indeed

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Oh, the poor wugus. As if antidotes weren’t enough to counter them. :smiley:

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Magnetic force --> Raise. Good luck dodging that, especially when the kino is using zoomy addon

It is funny how I suffer as a kino in PvE a lot just to shine in PvP and people want us nerfed. It is a CONTROL class, get used to it.


Frost Tree would have the same effect.
You still need a DPS skill to kill the party, kino doesn’t really provide that.
Well GP was good, but now it provides ridiculous dmg…

more whine threads about professions they cant kill



nerfing stronger classes angers them, some might even quit
buffing weaker classes make them happy, some might come play again


lol i forgt about antidotes, so lets disable those in pvp then nerf wugus

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You can jump out of frost pillar, you can’t jump out of magnetic force