Tree of Savior Forum

Poll For Psychokino Must Be Nerf!

So remove the only reliable CC from the only class build in the Sword Tree that can at least rank in the top 200 but very rarely the top 10? Nice try.

Also, any damage that goes through, whether physical or magic, will stagger a player unless they have P. Barrier. You’re basically requesting that all players should have a P. Barrier effect as well when they’re being Rush-ed? RIP swordsman.

If you’re dying too much from Rush, you’re definitely doing something wrong in TBL.

that doesnt matter, if the only reliable cc skill in the wiz tree was raise, then it would need a nerf, its just toher swrd classes need pvp buff

with rush you take continous damage, youre being staggered so you cant move, you cant use any skill, so baisaclly its not my fault if i de, its my teamates fault for not cc the cata.

The only nerf that should ever happen to kino, as long as they bring the damage from GP back (not the CC).[quote=“BlueByu, post:10, topic:320740”]
cryo > reduce all freeze durations with the exception of frost tree to 3 seconds
It is already like this. All freeze has half the duration of PvE (and shield even weaker iirc). Problem is stacking over itself.

Common or easy CCs to stack should have dimishing returns, like freeze, stun, knocks and sleep. (Diablo 3 system somehow, but special CCs shouldn’t be considered).

Funny how you think 1 shot skills from classes that already have other good damaging skills is more acceptable than a class meant to CC, and only have that, with already many skills gutted by CC resistance, to do their work.

Is it too hard for you to read? The guy asked the damage back, not the CC lock effect.

Wow, one skill with 25s CD and other with 60s CD being the only thing you can use againt Clerics, or the ever increasing CC resistance from other classes, for a Circle 3 class is so damn OP, yeah.

TBL problems are IMC base damage fetish (wait for Rank 8 to have 2,5k base damage multi-hit skills) and awful management of CC-easy-to-stack vs. CC-resistance-slash-immunity.

Sorry, I know this may sound childish or immature… but…

You need to get good, man. Seriously.

You blame your teammates because you died? You want a class/skill nerfed because you keep dying from it (while others have no issue with it)? LMAO

Look at the 5v5 TBL rankings and tell me how many swordsman you can count? You’ll have at least enough fingers in your hands or just one hand to count them all (e.g. in SEA). Now look at the top 10. Tadah! Tree of Clerics and Wiz. It’s like asking IMC to not allow any swordsman to join TBL.

#Nerf swordsman from TBL! Rush so OP!

Good trolling though (if indeed you are). If not, holy sheet, you need to practice some PVP outside of TBL. Hey @haukinyau @thailehuy @ijbest @kyokahn , look at this guy! Hahahaha

On a serious note, can I ask what class/build you’re playing? I might be able to provide some acceptable insight or constructive criticism (not kidding).

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IMC can remove the stun attribute of Rush for all we care since there is Restrain (primary reason for the Sw3 build pre-cata - like when wizes go Cryo2 or 3 for Subzero Shield).

I think he means the stagger, not the stun. You know, when you get hit by something (not blocked or dodge) and your character flinches for a few milliseconds.

He wants that removed so he can freely move while under Rush unless the stun procs. Basically wants a p. barrier effect.

only class that need con nerf is wizard, theyre magic, have no reason to put points in stat othr than con, and have mroe hp than sword. cleric dont need con nerf, magi clerics maybe, but imc wouldnt do that bcuz there are physical cleric builds that have same issues as swordies.

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i though sword already got higher hp scaling from con,

archr at level 100 and 130 con = 15k hp
sword at level 100 and 130 con = 22k hp

wiz need con nerf bcuz they can go full con without penalty, they need at max 20k hp

Actually you can use skills while being rushed, just use any skills that have <0.3 seconds cast time (safety zone is one of it)

Also you can interrupt rush with any CC like sleep, stun (stone/heavy shot)

And you can simply add more HP, a cata rush can deal at max 30k HP, if you have more than that you can’t die to cata, ever. Not to mention healing from cleric, defense, miss etc.

All classes receive 85 HP per CON. Swordman just have better base HP

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Because the problem is not a few classes having such high base damage that makes getting matk through INT pointless, righ?

If every skill had 0~200 base damage ppl would need to raise their damage stat, leaving CON as secondary investment. Only tanks and full supports would take high CON as of now.

And where the heck did you get that from…?

why would you nerf them again? they are somewhat balance to me. the only UN-balanced is the glitches from raise which your character is stuck in heaven until you die by getting hit by missile attacks

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There is no op skill in TBL there is just shi t ty matchmaking… If they would fix that everything would be alright.
Almost every Skill can be countered or avoided. Projecting poor PvP design and missing knowledge about different synergies etc on supposedly op classes is just meeh.

Raise can be countered with counterspell and later on with r8 cannoneer and lancer will be able to counter them to so why nerf them?

Wugushi have a hard time with antidot, prophecy and pd.

Ausrine is strong but you can wait it out if the team is not rushing

Priest resurrection just apllies once and revive also, stone skin got nerfed to the ground with block pen

PD already got a big nerf

Cyro, this class is supposed to freeze people and there are two classes that can make you immune to freeze

So yeah, despite the fact that those characers build for PvP should actually be a lot better in PvP than PvE chars, there is not really an inequality between the builds. You cant expect that every class is good for everything,

If IMC fixes the matchmaking it should be more about skill and not about, yeah the other group has ausrine, another cleric and a psycho and we got 5 swordies.


i dont, but tosbase does,
i think you should look at this website, it shows all the classes in the game, theres even a skill calculator to make sure you dont mess up your builds.

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i think youre forgetting that about 30% of cleric classes are phyical, so they have the exact same problems as sword and archer, so you could do the nerf on con for clerics, but they would qq and quit and then there would be 0 clerics, then everyone else will quit bcuz the endgame would be impossible

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whe theyre both at same hp yeah cleric can do better, but in the long run, cleric will have about 10k+ less hp than swordsman. pain barrier seems like a great skill, if it works on bosses, those mission bosses dont stop knockng back.