Tree of Savior Forum

Policy Update Regarding RMT

Hiding your shit under the couch still leaves a smell :unamused:

EDIT: I flagged your last comment and bet many others are flagging you cause you are been an asshole and looping people into a flaming argument…

Don’t be an ass and stop posting if you got nothing new to add

@STAFF_Yuri I still think it would be best to move the “discussions” between 2+ toasters to another thread…


I dont even know what you are getting at .
Just pointed out that IMC cant catch player : player RMT and the policy is in the wrong direction
This current policy deters RMT buyers but at the same time encourage RMT bots to look towards 1:1 trading , which will most probably go unchecked. RMT still exist, bots still alive. Nothing changed

You can talk about gathering data, and policies covering this and that to stop 1:1 RMT.
I hope you can see that i agree with some of the things you mentioned but at the same time we should take a more realistic approach
Sad truth is nothing can and will be done. You will feel the same if you are IMC.
In other words you don’t have to elaborate how the perfect ideal situation will be like. Cause it will never happen

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And I’ll say this for the last time. This is just proof that 1:1 RMT affects economy. If you deny all the rest, you’re still covering the point that it helps to mask bot <-> player RMT.

And this is where it comes that IMC should enforce RMT policy on 1:1 RMT as it affects the game in a negative way.

Cover everything and check trades, sanction and remove illicit gains from 1:1 RMT as the policy evolves. Then you catch suspect transactions from bots and players altogether.

It will need to be done anyway if sellers change their tactics like you said.

Sorry to hurt your e-ego but I haven’t flagged a single one of your posts.

Initially, we were talking about high end 1:1 trading between players. That has no effect on economy.
Now you are mixing this up with RMT bots 1:1 with players. Of course it affects economy, bots and silver generation is involved.

You are saying stuff like; " Oh they can release anti RMT policy to Stop RMT then do this this this and that . Then there will be world peace q(^_^)p"
My point is , realistically speaking there is no policy that can stop A.
Cover everything and check trades ? They barely have enough manpower to ban bots.
If you can figure something out please go apply for IMC they’d probably be glad to hire you.

How and what policy ? To force anyone from doing RMT 1:1

How and what resources are required to make this happen ?

Once again I wish it will happen but it wont.

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You may not be personally defending it, but using terms like ‘RMT via TP/Gacha’ shows the rest of the community that you honestly think buying TP items and selling them on the Marketplace is RMT.

RMT is traditionally known as buying in-game currency from 3rd party sellers, and by using such terms you are sympathizing with people breaking the terms of service, whether you mean to or not. Look at who is liking your posts.

If people are going to spend money in the game, they should do it within the terms of service, or expect to be banned. Period.


1:1 RMT in general, not trading. High-end items as example.

Which is the point you brought by yourself.

Just as it does 1:1 RMT to avoid silver sink and reduce market competition.

No, I’m not, read again.

Yet you can enforce it and catch offenders, example:

That’s why you gather data and automate the processes. 1:1 RMT doesn’t happen daily.

I don’t live in Korea but if you pay all my expenses I might consider giving it some time.

Make examples like Blizzard did and soon you’ll see it being reduced.

Already answered.

Then stop being party of it, simple, right? Get everyone who cares to do their part and you can reduce the problem.

Making it 0 takes a long time, reducing the frequency it happens is just a start into the right path. If they never start, things never gets done.

I also think that we are putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay. #infowars #thanksobama

And Btw I have not done 1:1 RMT in TOS

Consumers look for the best value when they spend money.
Dont need to tell them you should this you should that.
It is not their fault that Bots offer better value comparatively to IMC cash shop.
IMC did not control the situation of bots in the game.

That blizzard ban ? Dont make me laugh.

  1. They destroy the most hardcore group of the players and they arent coming back
  2. You really think they stopped the whole 1:1 RMT ? Dont be naive. Till today it still goes on like nothing happened. They are just discreet about it while understanding the risks involved.
  3. Every game will claim they are anti RMT. But as long as it is beneficial to the company in any way, they will not seek to fully eradicate it but instead keep it under control.

I find it so hard to get anything through to you cause of your white knight and perfect world ideas.
Even in real world, governments have policies that are exploited for activities like money laundering for example.
You will believe the government is un-aware ? While it is morally wrong, both legal and illegal money contribute to financial growth in the same way. It is somewhat welcomed as long as it is under control.

Just an honest question to you.
Between you the super white knight and the Heavy RMT fella who buys 20k TP monthly as well.
Who will IMC care more about ?
This is the difference between the “Shoulds” and reality in this world

This is my last post
Good luck i hope you find your perfect world

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Then you’re out of my point.

Yet you have to follow rules. You shouldn’t like, pay bandits to rob people of their money because that will give you more money.

Also not all consumers are dishonest.

Yeah, no need, it’s all written on the terms of service which you agreed up on starting playing the game.

But it is their fault for buying. Are you just saying they’re not guilty and shouldn’t be banned?

And that still doesn’t make any form of RMT legal.

Because they’re breaking the rules and that’s how things work.

IMC also banned one of biggest addon developers some time ago, also banned whales who goes for “I buy TP, I don’t get banned”.

No, I don’t think they stopped but they reduced it which is the point. Lowering it already reduces its effects.

Yet, it’s not beneficial to the company. Like I said earlier:

And it’s not being a white knight or perfect world ideas. I’m just saying that 1:1 RMT affects the economy in many ways and showing you how they do.

You’re the one hard to get anything through assuming I’m talking about eradicating a problem from night to day. Doing something is good and a start, doing nothing is bad.

Which is bad and against laws, some goes to jail even if others doesn’t. Definitely better than if it was allowed and everyone made it a money laundering party.

And that have nothing to do with the game.

The RMT, obviously. But if both cheat both gets banned and this “I buy TP I don’t get banned” trope is old enough, it doesn’t work this way.

And an addition, not everyone participating into 1:1 RMT buys TP.

And my last addition to you “worst possible world”:

Assume the worst possible scenario, 1:1 RMT allows (doesn’t need to happen, allowing is enough) 100% of players to buy everything they ever need from each other without spending silver at all, there are no taxes and no silver flow, just cash out of game.

Would you still say this doesn’t affect economy at all? It’s still 1:1 RMT at worst case but possible to happen.

This is my last post
Good luck i hope you find your worst world where RMT happens even when buying kepa dolls



Seems as though most people don’t understand economics in a video game but I’ll try to shed some light.
In an MMO when you kill a monster, currency appears. This currency regardless of the source is then in the system until removed by an outside source. On its own the currency is worth less however it’s value is decided by a few factors such as the amount of time it takes to obtain amounts of currency as well as the cost of fixed items in the game such as silver sinks which effectively work to stop a literal infinite supply of a currency.
This is different from real life because irl the only (legal) way to obtain currency is to exchange items or time for it (a job ect) and that money never fully “leaves” the economy since money doesn’t just materialize like in an MMO. Thus irl it’s much harder to reach a state of inflation (value of currency comparable to amount of currency ) than it is in an mmo since again in an MMO money literally appears from nowhere. Because of this if this money isn’t going into silver sinks it inflates the prices on the server . This gets worse because RMTing is rarely done though players but through bots who don’t need to eat sleep or go out. Because of their ability to constantly generate silver and trade it for money that isn’t related at all to the game, this throws the economy into a death spiral. This is different from tp since the value of those items is 100% decided by the community and isn’t in it’s self it’s in form of currency. You can’t buy anything at all in the game for a diamond anvils, however you can trade it to another player or sell it on the market. Thusly TP trade doesn’t actually hurt the game(in the framework of this discussion, the tp shop is a mess and that’s a topic for another day).

Tl;Dr: RMT bad for a multitude of reasons. Tp trade is bad but not for the same reasons.


Drawing real-life comparisons to MMOs seems reasonable to me, but feel free to digest this and call me out for being an idiot:

  • Currency appears in game when you kill monster == spending your time at a job or making money on your own IRL
  • Money materializing in MMO == Countries’ Mint generating/printing currency

Lets say IMC is the bank. The bank and you come to an agreement, when you kill monsters or complete dungeons we pay you. Also, we will provide you will value-added services that cost silver, such as re-rolling velcoffer cubes, so money comes back to us. Also if you want to use our marketplace, we take a cut.

The way I look at it, every MMO is its own economy, and it is simple to draw comparisons to real life.

EDIT: Yes, I get the fundamental difference in that IRL, money is transferred and doesn’t just materialize, but it isn’t too much of a stretch of the imagination to apply RL econ to a video game.

I just want to comment on a couple of things here. Reading this forum thread has been really facepalm-worthy. The main things that people seem to be confused or wrong about are:

Just ban the bots. Gold sellers literally can create multiple if not hundreds of bot accounts and then level/farm silver everyday. Banning bots is only a temporary issue and will not solve anything as long as they can effortlessly create more with the press of a button. Dealing with the demand for bots (banning gold buyers) will also affect the supply (eliminating the need for bots).

It’s IMC’s fault that buying from RMTers is more profitable. Although this now most definitely is a pay to win game, I’m surprised that so many of you are openly so in love with p2w. Whoever’s fault it may be that RMT was able to run so rampant with no punishment, IMC is now taking initiative to deal with this problem but people are still complaining. Confused

But now I can get banned for doing trades via market. No, you won’t. You’re not a bot. It’s easy to tell. Complain after you’ve been wrongfully banned. By the way, that doesn’t mean complain to IMC for getting banned for actually RMTing like some people have had the nerve to do. Terms of service says that you can be banned at any time for this transgression so RMT at your own risk. You got caught :wave:

Buying TP sucks and I’d rather not spend money on the game. Well good for you. If this crackdown actually succeeds in greatly hindering RMT, then this only benefits f2p and honest TP buyers. Inflation drops as silver sinks do what they are now intended to do. Suddenly things are affordable. Rejoice

I’m obviously an RMTer and now my RMT is getting taken away. Boohoo :tired:


Interesting note: rare drops like Dratt Two-Handed Sword seem to be the new target for bots, as evidenced by many bots at Dvasia peak. Can anyone explain to me how they plan to RMT with these items? You buy a Dratt XXX for real money, but its value is much less compared to silver, you can complete a collection, which doesnt give you much. This has way less value than buying anything (masinos, atttributes, DA, etc.) with silver. How can the RMT-sellers make profit from this?

They’re just leveling there, as far as I know.

Need new bot armies.


Credits to Master Excrulon for the good old addons!


oh god, my sides

Photoshop heroes fail. The same idiots making this claim for years. Yet here I still am… interesting. I dont even have that team name.

I have no idea how to use photoshop, nor do I own the software.