Tree of Savior Forum

Player being wrongfully banned left and right!

There have been multiple threads, numerous tickets and lots of emails about this and this has been going in for at least 3 days now and yet there has not been a single credible and competent response coming from any of the IMC staff! All we get are copy and paste replies and some of them dont even match the issue that we’re reporting…

We have players that are not on the ban list being banned, we have players who are on the ban list but the list shows that he/she is from another server (like me, the list shows im a botter from Varena but I do NOT bot and I play on telsiai) and still got banned.

Who ever it is that you handed the Ban Hammer to is doing a very very very lousy job. If this is an automated banning done by the report bot function in-game that that only tells us one thing, that function is flawed.

How many paying customers needs to be banned by either a flawed function or an incompetent staff before you guys consider this as an issue worth of your attention and time?

If you guys will insist that those who claim that they were wrongfully banned are real botters/gold seller/exploiters then I dare the banning team to show proofs that I have botted.

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_John @STAFF_J @hkkim

Hopefully that the problems will be fixed with today maintainance.

what time is the maint going to run from?

Still waiting for ANY imc staff to reply…

Submit your appeals here:

Bot accounts are being created in increasingly massive quantities as time goes by so maybe IMC had to take some drastic steps to at least slow that issue down or it’s going to be login queue fest all over again.

One of these steps could include IP blacklisting which (correct me if I’m wrong) could result for those using VPNs like WTFast that uses shared IP to get flagged by mistake. If you by chance had unintentionally shared a proxy IP with a bot account, you could likely get penalized as well.

So again, please submit a reconsideration request here: (make sure to include all the relevant details including, but possibly not necessary, any addons and VPN you’re using, any in-game actions you think could have been misinterpreted by other players causing them to report you, etc.)

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Why do i get the feeling that BOTs are now “reporting bot” on everyone they encounter as a form of DOS to the bot reporting system… Which would probably explain why we’re getting so much false positive reports.

By any chance any of the above mentioned supposedly wrongfully banned players ran into something like this recently?

Then again, if the RII system really does worked as intended, this shouldn’t happen.

if you used modified text . eg large text or bold or colored you will get a ban hammer. and please stop baby crying if you havent done anything against Terms of Services of TOS. youll be fine. just play fair and dont exploit anything. stop crying this is just a game and there are rules implemented. bye

if they actually did this, their RII (the “strength” of their bot reports) would be so low the system would just ignore them.

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Yea, i know. If I understand this correctly, all new accounts starts with an RII “strength” of 1. It’s only after IMC scans through and deem those reports to be false then your RII drops.

But Bots are always new accounts. Assuming 50 bots were to mass spam on you, you’d get a “report value” of 50.

Those people might have been reported for those reason: afk pet farming and afk auto attack. Or worse because they were afk jerks in dungeons.

I personaly consider these type of behavior similar as bots.

LOL those are A$$hats, not bots. Different, but just as bad.

Anyways, seems like IMC has some updates on this issue

Hurray! my name is included.

IGN: PinoyAllStars

I just hope this doesnt happen again… game on!

Congratz to the people get release, and mine still in the jail.

i played SEA telsiai for 4 days only and get banned as bot LMAO

26th of may brought veterans pack
28th of may brought begginers pack
29th BANNED as bot pack :rage:

lucky enough?