Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

you do understand that the easiest circles to level quickly are the endgame dungeon at the time. they are because most don’t want to experiment if there no way to fix it later on.
as for read yuo do know there lots of skills having a really wrong text on them,do you?
as for pvp what so bad if there more competitive players there?

now if they do the reset this way there will be no problems no p2w.

Ya I think they are being really foolish by thinking people are going to have many alt builds. The leveling systems seems to potentially go up to 400 or so or will do eventually. I mean it takes how many hours just to reach level 120. This is not diablo where you can make a new class in one day.

The game already focus on long long time commitment to leveling any hero if any no lifer hard core fans want to sink their whole life into the game they can make 4 characters and try to get to max max level. At least probably 70% of players don’t have 200 hours to go, oh well that class is ruined I’ll go spend another 200 hours on another class.

And of course people get bored with the same build all the time. Having a full reset will keep people interested in the game as they level and will open the game up to more experimentation and more diversity.

As it stands, you either follow a build guide, make a plan, or post on the forums is my character perma ruined?

This is really short sighted as I think many will leave if they think there even 80+ character is ruined. No one wants to reroll when it’s so difficult to get high level.

I know I only really have time for one character and will likely quit the game if hes some how ruined or massively under powered with no reset in sight.


If i find myself in a position where i have reroll my class because of changes or mistakes, and the game no have a reset feature, ill just stop playing it, no problem.


TLDR; inb4 thread closure…I agree with the topic, and proposals on how to limit the reset to avoid “cheating” I guess…as the game is relatively new without an established guide/manual, it’ll be nice to allow us players to experiment builds at least once, before we decide to follow a path we’re comfortable with.
what I have observed so far is the mechanics of the game do not encourage diversity with builds, there are more ‘bad’ builds than optimal ones, which make me question why some skills exist in the first place if they render useless in the end. it’s like they’re not alternatives for a different experience, just bad decisions :stuck_out_tongue:


shhhh… fake diversity!

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Honest we won’t make any progress without truly understanding how anti-circle reset people think.

Literally, one guy in the other topic who argued in favor of the female style options costing more. Like, these people are thinking on a wavelength that is difficult to even comprehend.

They believe that, all things considered, despite a the 320+ levels unaccounted for, the lack of good documentation, the lack of definitive class balance and the huge assortment of skill bugs that we should be permanently locked in to a class without having any idea how it plays practically.

This is practically believing Bush caused 9/11 or that Lizards are invading the planet, it’s really that level of nonsense.


I’ll just quote this even if off-topic, because I don’t know which FFXIV you played, I enjoy that game even if I don’t have every class capped.
and I never felt left behind because I actively chose not to participate in hardcore/savage content, while I enjoy end-game/cap level content that is suited for my character’s build or gear level.
anyway, it’s useless to compare these two games. especially if not everyone in this forum plays the other :stuck_out_tongue:

@IceCold you called it, just saying I don’t see the purpose of having a ton of skills at one’s disposal when half of them just have cool animation :nerd:

Honestly the best part is that when we do get circle resets as this game is practically screaming for them and if imc wants money theyll make it.

But the best part honestly is when it does happen none of these people are going to quit theyll moan and complain but they wont quit. These people claim to be hardcore if that’s true they wont go anywhere theyll adapt and move on


I don’t get why everyone is up in arms over a circle reset. It’s not going to affect others in any way it’s mostly a quality of life type patch much like skill reset, stat reset which is already in the game. It would however bring money into the pockets of IMC if they make it cost with TP.

The current method of people making characters is build your self, use a build, build off someone else build and make it your own. It’s the same method people will use now and the same method people would use if circle resets was a thing. It’s not going to change class combinations because there already doing the methods listed above. Who knows they may swap out there skills or jobs to a new meta but all that will do is have IMC look at that new meta and balance it out as well until all classes and skills are more balance. There will always be metas there is no way to ever stop that in this day and age. They aren’t all even going to have the same metas there are different metas for almost everything (PVP, PVE, AOE, Single DPS, Support, Hybird).

I also don’t understand the argument people have with well this guy went pure damage then switch to a full support. So… everyone who leveled with cards shouldn’t because this one person leveled without using EXP cards within the game why should everyone else get there faster when people who choose not to use the EXP cards aren’t as fast? No because it doesn’t affect how you play as the same as people would with the ability to change builds.



I don’t get why your not up in arms over a circle reset. It’s going to affect how others and I play the game. If they made a mistake they should have to live with it there shouldn’t be a easy reset button just because your skills been nerfed or they removed a skill. Life isn’t easy so why should a game be easy.

If the current method of people making characters is able to change then they will switch over to the new current meta and just be more powerful until they get nerf then they will switch again to a newer meta. There would be no reason just to take any other class because you like the outfit or like the skills of that class or just want a falcon even if the class skills are broken because everyone would simply be the meta.[quote=“cole.cyprien, post:564, topic:215759”]
I also don’t understand the argument people have with well this guy went pure damage then switch to a full support. So… everyone who leveled with cards shouldn’t because this one person leveled without using EXP cards within the game why should everyone else get there faster when people who choose not to use the EXP cards aren’t as fast? No because it doesn’t affect how you play as the same as people would with the ability to change builds.

It shouldn’t be allowed they should have to stick with what ever they choose never mind that there a stat and skill reset potions which can be used to swap out DPS to Support with the use because that’s already in the game. Just because someone chooses not to use EXP cards doesn’t matter to me it’s his choice if he wants to grind then use cards to help level quicker. It does affect me and everyone else because allowing people to change things is awful go play FFIV, GW2 or any other popular MMO games and leave this one alone.

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I’m…so confused on whether you’re trying to make a point or you have multiple personality issues lol.

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Job/Class reset doesn’t promote build diversity, less make that one clear. It actually does the opposite. People would aim for the metas and avoid any real experimentation of not that used builds.

Then you’ll say that it would leave space for experimenting, right?
I don’t see maybe people actually paying real money to experiment on builds all the time. As of now, you get a lot of players doing that. Either by choice or mistake. Plus, if you can always “change back to the correct build”, I don’t see anyone actually figuring out new build to counter the current meta, to make a rare build become useful, etc.

The reset to anything resetable will be in shop, guaranty it. You us players have no say in how the game makes money. It might not come all at one time, but after tp becomes buyable, around 1month after that circle reset will come out, or it can also come around holidays us special item. You all forgetting ftp game runs around the gameshop, if they don’t make money then they don’t need to keep servers open

so you ■■■■■■ up/didnt like the class so go start over is promote build diversity? or may be yuo will be the first one here to show me where is all of this diversity at lvl 100+ go to. as i cant fined it no where.

Shouldn’t offer job reset, then everyone will just go for the easy leveling jobs and at the end just reset. This is totally 100% P2W. If IMC want to offer job reset then should charge ppl with 10k TP for it.

The last 2 characters are both aiming for Alche2. Currently playing the selected one.

but the easy leveling jobs are the top build any way. thats why they are there in the first place.

Why are you making 2 Alchemist?

and? alchemyst 2 is something people normally don’t do now?
what is your point here? show me sapper or hunter or rodelero or some other not welcomed to the party classes.

Because when you play the alchemist, the classes in between are the one doing the grinding, then the combination of those classes is what’s gonna determine my play style with the Alchemist.