Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Well u mentioning abuse of circle reset which the problem could exist if stat reset too. Diff matter same issue too

Or make the reset purchasable for those people who reach the max level. as a rewardā€¦

Isnā€™t everyone in this thread in complete disagreement with that? Why keep bringing it up? Weā€™re asking for a way to make moderate changes to an existing characterā€™s build, to correct small mistakes caused by lack of information or to adapt to future balance changes. People want to protect their time investment. Weā€™re not asking for a free and easy reset.

I think your fixation on this problem of DPS builds leveling up and switching to FS is clouding your judgement.

Firstly, I think you overestimate the difference in leveling speed between DPS and FS. The difference isnā€™t that large. It is slow if you choose to grind solo with a support build, thatā€™s a given, but why would you do that? You can comfortably reach lvl 200 by completing quests and achievements, plus doing your daily instanced dungeons. Maybe ask a friend to help you once or twice with a difficult boss fight if you really canā€™t do it alone. After lvl 200, when questing slowly peters out and grinding becomes the real way to progress, your FS build will already be in great demand and you will level faster than any lone DPS you know.

Secondly, the issue of DPS > FS switching would not be an issue at all if the circle reset feature was implemented well. If the effort required to make your character eligible for a reset (through a long quest, for example) would be comparable to the difference in effort required to reach lvl 200 between DPS and FS, there would be no reason to use the reset for this purpose.

Something like that could work.

Another way would be to reset characters all the way to base lvl 1, but give them all their exp cards back, effectively only deleting the experience they obtained through grinding. Punishing for someone at lvl 200+, but less punishing than a full reroll.

Although that may be taking it too far already. Limited class reset is needed, most of us agree on that I hope, but letting people reset everything about their build and pick any class combination they want is not. I think we all want some sense of permanency to our characters, itā€™s just that some of us donā€™t want everything to be completely permanent and irreversible.

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I hope they wont give this fail nubs job resetsā€¦ or the competitive play will need to endure this delimaā€¦
Anyway stay casual go make another chracter and have fun with itā€¦ theres no need to keep up with the competive play if u didnt think enough further to your current builld., this people demands too much on IMC, please stop and let them deal with bots and gold sellers for the mean time. Whats next, youā€™re gonna ask for free silvers?
.did i just describe how noobs think?

Sorry for my bad engrishuuuu

Think of the ā€œdelimaā€ youā€™ll have when the game is dead due to lack of players. When all the casual players that could have kept it alive are gone and the competitive ones donā€™t bring in enough revenue to keep the developers paid and the servers running. How will you enjoy that?

Because casual players will not stay when they are asked to throw away 500 hours of character progression and reroll. You may not like it, but they are the majority. Without them the game will not survive.

And anyway, what kind of argument is that? There are other ways to make the game competitive for those that care about competition, without making it unnecessarily frustrating for everyone else.


Thatā€™s why I said those disagree most probably selfish and ignorance. I came to tos wit 9 frenz. With those server problem n game design. Left only myself and another Fren of Mine still playing. To me the game engine is Bad. It lag badly on world boss. I can play any better mmo wit max ultra graphic wit my pc. Still Iā€™m sticking to this because of the old time memories. Honestly at 2016 game client that not optimised to pc is really bad tho. If I screw up my build I think I rather playing another class than remake another same class to go on again or even consider quitting this. I invest 400 hours in this game so far.

On klaipeda there is a team of people that through having early early access on beta learned enough to make specific team comps to screw everyone over while farming dullahan so they can control the market

Chronomancers using slow on outside players etc

For something like this to be happening before the game is even released live is just idiotic and to be this nieve as to assume people didnt use beta to come up with strategys is just sillyā€¦

I play on fedimian so i dont care what happens on klaipeda but that doesnt mean its not an issue or that its not happening lmao

We definataely need a job reset.


only a p2w lover like you would want a job resetā€¦ casuals make me sick

Job resets promote meta growth in pvp and pve and allows people to experiment with new builds more easily causing the meta to grow and become healthier

If you are against this you are for a stale metagame keep that in mind.


then why you dont play some of the super old mmos? the mmos befor wow days. there will be no "casuals " that want modern mmorpg in 2016 that have all the good thing mmo can have.

mmo before wow sucks so bad, im only expending time while wait for Legion to come out

casual players ruins the gameā€¦ game must be made to hardcore players only

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No, please do NOT offer job reset.

This would discourage creating new character and so many things are obtained through new play through s. Hats, Gems, Recipesā€¦ Plus, I know no game that does this. Resetting skills, yea, resetings stats, sure. Job reset?! No, please no.

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Why dont you go play a ā€œmodern 2016ā€ mmo then? This game is meant to be like the older mmos.

Not that Iā€™m defending that guy, he was kind of rude.

Also, you are including wow in those games that have all the good things? That game is ruined. They catered to casual players so much the game is ruined.

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Why didnā€™t you tell them.
You seem to know better than those big companies with teams and statistical data.

You are sincerely underestimate the effort it takes to coordinate a party which has like-minded individuals with similar need of progression and complimentary class. Not to mention for longer grind sessions, you have to balance peopleā€™s schedules, their breaks, random AFK. There is a lot that goes into managing a party that you take for granted if you havenā€™t done it a lot. I myself main a FS class, a LinkerChrono and I consider myself the party leader. I tell the group where to go and make sure we have similar quest progression. My friends and myself go AFK at times, one of us gets confused about what weā€™re doing and falls behind (or even gets ahead), these things happen.

The point is, leveling a DPS is much faster than FS pre 200. You donā€™t rely on other people, you can freely kill things as you see fit and it is difficult to steal mobs away from you. Post 200, partying is more common and FS is more popular. To me, thatā€™s the reward of leveling so far as FS. You have an easy time getting into parties.

I have always said that I am for an circle reset, but there must be a penalty. I think we agree on that much. I donā€™t think giving people back EXP cards is going happen. The system most likely does not remember what cards we used. It would be a very odd thing to track. I donā€™t think that is a likely implementation. If they did that going forward, you would piss off a lot of people. I think the level at which you reroll should give you an EXP boost (but put them back at the rank of their choosing maybe?)

So if you were Rank 5, you gotā€¦ I donā€™t know say 500% more class exp but got to keep your character level. If you were Rank 6 youā€™d get 600% more exp? Something like that maybe.

i agree wow got ruined because of casual and this game is on the same road, catering to casuals, cashers and pw2 lovers

Circle resets are p2w incarnate.

Step 1. Level using the best and easiest circles to level quickly.
Step 2. Pay to reset your class to whatever the meta is for the endgame dungeon at the time. Gear up.
Step 3. Pay to reset your class to PVP.

This is so goddamn pay to win it hurts. It devalues the effort of people who take the time to level a niche build and it devalues the intelligence of people who took the time to actually read and understand the class abilities when they designed their build.

Let me be clear: If you didnā€™t research your build and ability interaction and just spent points expecting to be great, you deserve to have an inferior character forever. You deserve this. You deserve to be forced to reroll.

Iā€™m on the fence about single circle resets for specific classes that get overhauled. The changes would have to be dramatic, and the user would only be allowed to choose a different circle instead of the exact circle that had dramatic changes. No ā€œfree new characterā€.

We have definitely not seen changes so dramatic as to deserve that, yet.