Tree of Savior Forum

Ranking up made less punishing, but still permanent: The "Circle Reset" fix that works for everyone

Please read the entire post before responding with “No I don’t approve of circle reset” or I’ll bop you in the throat.

People irrationally believe that having a means to fix mistakes in a game where there are a huge number of choices to be made before you’re even halfway to the eventual lvl 600 cap is horrible and game breaking. Fine. I disagree on a level that makes me judge you, but I’ll try to put my personal feelings on the matter at bay for a moment while I talk about a change that can work for everyone.

My proposal for a flexible rank up system that works for everyone

  • Your base class is obviously not changeable.

  • At any circle/rank, you may “reset” to a different circle of only choices in that particular rank. (maybe only once or twice maximum, limited feature).

  • Your class level will be brought down to 1 immediately.

  • Your skills learned for the current circle at the time of reset are unlearned and all of the skill points you’ve earned at your point of reset are unlearned (obviously). Same with attributes.

  • Once you reach class level 15, and subsequently, upgrade to the following rank, you are no longer able to reset the previous circle. It is locked. You can, however, follow the same mechanics for your current, new circle.

  • If you are a Templar you must disband your guild before the reset can be issued.

Why this works for everyone

You still have to put in the effort, to level the class itself from 1 if you switch, but you aren’t locked in to an irreversible decision because of bad skill descriptions or misled hype/preference and do not have to reroll your entire character’s level.

Once you lock in to the your next rank, the previous circle is now permanent and there is little excuse for having made a mistake. You have 15 levels of that class to decide if you didn’t like it enough to reset to class level 1 with a different circle of that rank.

Players still have to put in 100% of the work to get a class from 1-15, and at the same time gain the ease of mind that their choice can be reversed if they make a huge error in their class path once they try out the skills.



Stillllllllllllllllllllllll no.


Great argument. There’s literally no negative repercussions that could possibly be incurred from this system, and you’re blindly hammering away as If I’m proposing free full circle resets being handed out at an NPC for 5 silver.

Good on you.

If you ■■■■ up your character make a new one. Repercussions like that make players learn. Rather than remaining stupid because there is a reset button on everything.


So…you didn’t read the OP. Gotcha.

Not sure how you can call a person “stupid” for not liking a class they picked.

If you do this, I can take a class that has a lot of damage and up to lvl 14 class. When I left less than 10% to change, I do a “reset class” and I get the kind of support you want.

Pure damage classes take less time to kill and level up.

At least as expensive as 250k * Circle level.

I did but its clearly your just going to be salty to anyone who doesn’t agree with you.

Okay, you’ve made your point, I agree with your suggestion. Nice job bro.

Um, no you cannot, because it de-levels you completely to class level 1 if you swap. That would be the most un-productive exploitation of a system I’ve ever heard of if this was how it actually worked.

This isn’t even a “hole” in the system. Your post doesn’t even make sense in the context of my proposed change.

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I would just like to see better arguments from anti-reset people aside from “Shoulda studied” or “Just reroll”.

I’m guessing one of those is you.

All the cards that I used to raise my 12 class levels have not helped when I do the reset?

Sorry but I don’t agree.

Well seeing how your in favor of keeping the population uneducated i would have to assume your american lol.

Why would you not want the player base to improve?

I’m not American, but I can be whatever you want me to be in your fantasy land that you live in.

I can’t believe I’m about to say this because now I feel like I’m just parroting your camp…

…but if you don’t want to have to re-grind your class because you have no cards…then don’t reset your circle. Live with your choice.

Those who choose to reset it will find a way to re-level it.


I kinda agree with you, I would be more inclined for a full class reset, so you keep your chracter level but you have to level all those rank from C1 LVL1. That would probably make a pretty unbalanced character but heh, you decided to reset.

The only reason why I’m in favor of reset is to see how painful it is to transfer stuff from a character to another in your own team. (All those premium item lost on my effed up character T_T)

I don’t like circle reset. It is a fine idea, but i don’t think it is healthy. It’s kinda part of the game experimenting with all the classes you can have and choose which one you like the most. I know that, out of nowhere, your class can get nerfed to the ground and made useless. But still, i myself pick i class because i like its style, skills, gameplay, whatever. The gameplay itself usually does not change.

It can be awful, yes, to finally get to C7 and don’t like your class, but that’s a risk you’ll have to take. It’s part of… you know, playing the game. It has worked this way very well in lots of games that does have lots of classes in it, and, well, i can’t see why it wouldn’t in ToS. But that’s just my humble opinion :slight_smile:


It was just a guess, I don’t know people any where else that actively try to avoid educating their people.

Implement this, and you will have the same group of people complaining that they can’t reset a 2nd time when they mess things up twice.

You draw the line at 2 chances, I draw the line at 1 chance. Make a serious decision about what class you want to be, and stick with it.

Implementing a ‘class change’ would be unprecedented, and would have a negative effect on the meta of the game, especially for pvp.

The coding of it would also be a nightmare. Quick example would be what if someone goes templar, makes a guild, and then class resets? How would that be handled on a coding front?

Also coding wise, what if you are rank7 and you want to class reset your rank2 class, but you are circle 3 in the rank 2 class. How would you code it to avoid ‘un-makeable’ builds? It is just too much to consider.

Don’t take the bait.

Although I wonder why this shouldn’t be implemented for all rank, you can reset down to rank 2 and restart all over again.

Due to the lack of exp cards, the process could be much harder too.

I don’t think you get it. We would forfeit all of our achievements, adventure journal, untradable items, silver, cards, cash shop items, pets, etc. and the list goes on. You are literally asking to throw your money away when remaking a new character.

That’s the reason why people don’t want to remake their character. It’s not because they’re lazy, it’s because the game doesn’t allow you to transfer anything to your alts.

So the argument you’re making in itself has absolutely no bases to it. Resetting circles has absolutely no intrusion on your gameplay. If you don’t want to reset, you don’t have to but other players should have that choice. If you don’t like free choices, you must live in a oppressive country.

Nobody is asking for a 1 click button reset that will undo everything. We’re asking for a way to implement so said resets that would be given to a player at rank 7 or Lv.280 in a form of side quests or something as an example.

This game was supposed to be built on flexibility yet we aren’t given much freedom to move.


I don’t know people any where else that actively try to avoid educating their people.

North Korea.

Also I am american, sweeping generalizations ftw.

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