Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

You said there is no p2w in eastern games I gave you an example of a russian game - skyforge.

World of warcraft is not eastern nor are any other games you mentioned.

i mean western games, so im talking about wow, ff14, poe, dota and all decent games over there. Asian and eastern games all sucks doesnt even deserve my attention

nah im gonna stick here for a while bashing the p2w casuals

staff’s should say something about this thread.


Right now op leveling characters are what is played but give the game a couple months and somehow everyone will want X class because of the utility it brings.

Some people just need to get off the beta tester mindset. We get it you’ve perfected your builds by going through all betas of tos. Not everyone is as lucky as you. I won’t mind rerolling characters if this game isn’t filled with bugs. For that, thank you, worst beta testers ever. All you cared about was which build trumps what. Nobody even bothered to suggest map change confirmation? Trying to 100% map explorations then stepping into the deceptive portal aoe wouldn’t be so annoying if the game is optimized as loading takes ages even for decent machines. Party quest teleports send you to some quest 4 maps back from your mate’s current quest. I’ll stop here :stuck_out_tongue:

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…No you don’t get to blame beta testers for that. Try blaming the developers and maybe posting your problems in the correct subforum.

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Op class will change over time.but some classes are never be there becouse they are way to situational or hace not so fast skills.

Ff14 is a Japanese game you moran.

So here we are, two diffrent sides:

  • MMORPG Players - everything is fine enough

  • MOBA / n00bs Players - oh no i made mistake with my character allow me reset class, this game sucks, too hard for me.


You’re dumb and I mean that.


No. No Job Reset Please.
Restart the Class from start.

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So do it. how people having a reset taking this from you?

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If imc let use transfer all the items in this ■■■■■■ up charecter rhen no problem.
Or you think people tjat pay for tp and used it on this charecter will just delet it?
You know not all of use8 get money from momy like you.

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Sounds like you should go play FFXIV

Yes, I blame them, beta testing was a privelege that came with certain responsibilities. Participants were too focused on how to build the best character so they didn’t bother reporting obvious issues in detail. This is the thread i’m interested in because so many people are being so anti-newbie giving a hard no towards a simple request, see topic title. The issues I mentioned are just to show that after 2 days of playing, I had to ask myself, how many betas did these problems exist? Why did it make it to paid access? Part of the answer lies here, in this thread, showing a majority of the beta population who only cared about researching builds. That’s why they can tell everyone else to reroll, cause they’ve done it over multiple betas.

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ff14 was made famous on the western market not on japan so shut up casual

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sounds like you are just another casual that needs p2w to be decent at a game


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And stat/skill reset potions charater bound, whatta bullshit.just make them useful in team storage. Or add them on TP shop ! Maybe circle reset potion on market? like a token, all players (p2p and f2p) can acces this. Sorry for english.

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I never played in any of the betas. I never read or watch anything korean. (altho I cant read korean anyway)

FF14 is westernized and became a WoW clone with its ‘‘rebirth’’

Everyone is a new at a game the first time they start playing it.

Ask them, not us.

Don’t headcanon forum discussions. It’s not a good idea.

Yes, but that’s no reason to be so rude about it.

Casual/Hardcore discussions or namecalling is so pointless. Ultimately people only use it to further their own opinion.

All premium items, these included, should be teambound, not characterbound.

But that’s a different topic.