Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

People coppy now Becouse they dont want to fack up after lots of playing.where is the diversit. Now?

I m ok for a job reset, but that need to to it the right way : simply reset the job to rank 1 and reset all job xp. By keeping the lvl of the character it sounds ok for me.

That’s hard to judge either way, unless you wait for a few months (with/without reset available). Even then, most people that quit dont leave a note saying why.

ToS is advertised as being more hardcore then casual, so I dont think using ‘‘few’’ in this context is close to reality.
You know this as well, I think. I’m not sure why you are playing the ‘‘casual vs hardcore’’ card.

Or the ‘‘players will leave if you we cant reset’’.

Because the exacty same can be said for the implementation of such a system. Considering its advertisement its reasonable to assume more will leave if it is implemented then if it isnt, but even that is assumption only.

Your welcome to post first, as I’ve made no secret of my build, either in game or on the forums.
You were also asked first I believe, by Jintello.

The argument has been used several times now, by the more vocal people in here, but also by the ‘‘mysterious skyfire’’ (who appeared out of nowhere, to use the same arguments used before, but in a ‘nicer coating’).

But I don’t see how casual vs hardcore is even relevant truth be told.

Personally as a hardcore player (in this game, atleast) I also have far more time invested in my character, and I would lose far more if I had to completely remake.

Casual players dont have 50k adventure points or rank 7 worth of time investment into this game right now.

Looking at it from a pure time investment I stand to gain more from a reset then most.

Not to mention casual players rarely care about ‘‘wasting time’’ and are more likely to be ‘‘well lets play for a few hours now that I have time, and have fun’’ then the most dedicated players who play 10+ hours per day.

Remaking a character and spend a hundred + hours on it would be a waste of my time. I could make an entirely new character instead, I could make a test build instead, I could continue my previous character instead.

Yet I still consider it to be important that it’s done: -IF- it’s truly needed.

Because your character ends up being nothing more then a shell if you reach ‘‘full potential’’ without the ‘‘journey there’’.

If someones sole purpose is to play ‘‘endgame’’ with a ‘‘perfect build’’ then I really feel this game is not for them.

The main reason these type of games have enormous level caps is because the journey is considered a very important part of the game experience…

The same players will continue to do this regardless of reset or no. It’s understandable: if a build works really well why not use it?

No, because they want the easy way. Which is understandable to some point.

Thanks. We can only hope at this point. So far it seems that nearly all people against it are only interested in mumbling their “class reset is bad” mantra and not interested at all in discussing the positive aspects of it. It’s quite sad.

They don’t want the easy way. They will still spend time to level their characters, what’s easy about that? They merely want to know that the time they invest in them will not be wasted later on.

Now, if you argued that they want it easier, we can talk about that. The question then becomes; what kind of commitment can we reasonably expect from the average player? As you pointed out, the average player of this game would already be more dedicated than the average player of a more casual game and I do take that into account.

I’ll return to my previous suggestion. Is it reasonable to expect people to commit 20 hours of their time in order to get a partial class reset if a balance patch radically changes how their classes work? Yes, I think it is! Make it 50 hours if 20 is too easy. It’s also a great way to keep people playing the game instead of having them quit due to large amounts of their time being deleted out of their lives because some people on the forums want to do things the hardest way possible.

Is it reasonable to expect them to ditch their character with 500+ hours of playtime, various cosmetic items they paid money for and that can’t be passed down to any other character, and possibly emotional investment as well and just go for a reroll? Those are the things that having no class reset brings with it. If you think it is reasonable, I’m afraid not many people will take your side.

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Its not that they want it easy. Lots of people dont want to replay the same thing Becouse the text on a skill was wrong.

skyforge very eastern much wow even more p2w

WOW p2w? stop saying bs casual… wow will not be p2w cause all the endgame are BOP you cant buy them on the market like this crap

I will try again:

skyforge is p2w & eastern.

whatever skyforge is a crap exception… what matter is the 3 most played estern MMO´s are WOW FF14 and GW2 and none of them has the slightest p2w. PE2 = asian crap and should stay there

Uh… no there are tons of support builds that aren’t in the cleric tree. You yourself said you never played Linker so please don’t assume it is easy. In fact, you give me the impression that you’ve never actually played a support build that wasn’t cleric before.

You can believe that FS isn’t hard to level, but it is obviously harder to level than a solo-focused DPS class pre 200. So no, you don’t get to level up to 200 as a super DPS then reset into FS and take advantage of the popularity you will have in parties. You should work your way up through FS, since it’s so easy.


When did WOW become eastern to you? Or ff14?

None of the end game items are tradable on ToS and you can only receive them through dg drops so …hell the recipes are not tradable either

how is this game P2W?

Exp buff isn’t even considered as pay to win item, because there are people don’t have time to play the game for hours. It is a very reasonable item.

The only controversy is the Enchanting Costume, but they are sold in very cheap by many players. I do not see them as an issue.

THIS GAME IS TOTALLY P2W, exp buff is p2w buying full gear until 260 with the silver from selling tokens and enchants is p2w

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I suggest that you should go to listen some of the experienced MMO players out there. Such as the following

you can watch this in youtube regarding the ToS p2w argument.

To me your point is so pointless, and pretty much like those people who just want to pay a bit money and expect a lot from game developer.

This guy has no clue about P2W. In his opinion skyforge was not pay to win but enchant scrolls are hahahaha.

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i play the best games out there like wow and poe and i know why they make so much success… cause they arent p2w like this one

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are you high? skyforge is a joke as much p2w as this one… im talking about decent games like wow, dota and poe casual!

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the only real argument is if you can get ANY INGAME ADVANTAGE AT ALL FROM $$$ ITS P2W.

This cant be achiev in wow or poe or any other decent game out there.

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Ok, guess we won’t see you anymore in this game right? Bye. Have fun with your WoW