Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

I cant send them with my team storage :confused:

gratz for quoting like 10 ppl ā€¦ and yes theres a lot of reasons to be rude against p2w cashers

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This right here give it a read people

Well i think its a good idea make one item to reset it or IMC do one arena for we test all skills in the game before we create our childs :yum:

I was complete lost only with the game information about classes and skills, so i needed to find the database to see what the skills do, this is fine for me, but some ppl donā€™t go in this way. :sweat_smile:

Well, if one TP item to reset, and one area to test builds, i prefer the area for test builds :grin:

If u play Ragnarok - u must to know: if u made wrong build - lets play new one. In RO i am first be a Wizard from 40job lvl, and some time later i made Sage from 50 lvl of Job in Mage and its will be really cool. Coz when i play so much time in this game, i can understand bad and good from skills, stats, stategy and other from the game. I will say Thanks to IMC 4 2-nd life Ragnarok Game. And reset potions of skills and stats - its mean very easy lvling for support classes and others, and ask them 4 jobreset its more then just bad.

And if u play Ragnarok, just think about support sage with VIT and Dex, and made new character in this game will be really easy)

P.S. Sry 4 my English) I know it`s bad) :slight_smile:

Why not give every player the GM command so that we can edit our class, stats, skills and lvl as and when we like?

Please offer me a level 400 boast too while we are at it. It can be optional too.

soon they will put a token to lv 400 on store so losers that love p2w gonna buy it and think they are good

This is what happens when f2p gets delayed.
Kids crying over $.

no this is what happens when p2w takes over the entire gameā€¦ casual cashers wanna play less and have more things

I really hope you get banned soon or they give us the option to block you

Youā€™re basically a spam bot at this point saying the same thing over and over in a very rude manor

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Iā€™m legit impressed how people can butcher an idea just for the sake of arguing/trolling and get the complete wrong impression about whatā€™s asked here. Even leading to INSULT players because they ask for something that, in my opinion, is reasonable. Some people donā€™t even want a full reset and a lot of counter-arguments float around that. Partial (very limited) and very controlled resets are more accepted than a complete reset, but some of you ignoring that and bashing others just to win the argument.

I PERSONALLY would love to have them, because Iā€™m one of these ā€œselfish playersā€. I could fix my small mistake of not taking Pelt 1 instead of Swordman 2. (Yeah, go ahead. Insult me for this. You know you want to call me noob, etc, without even knowing me). I had no feedback until Iā€™ve played the game.

Having some FIELD EXPERIENCE how certain classes are more needed than others, reading the shout channel for example. Having experience in dungeons where people expected something from that I couldnā€™t perfectly accomplish. No build Iā€™ve read explained me that. No build told me ā€œYo, YO! swordmen are TANK first and DPS second. AND NOT EVEN THAT YO. Except you pick ONE single class that is for that purposeā€. I wouldnā€™t have cared to select that one circle and be the DPS I wanted outside dungeons/grind parties.

Youā€™ll get a healthier end-game where youā€™ll have more useful characters to party with, instead of insolating yourself with the build you think itā€™s perfect and struggling to find people to play with. Some of you even say ā€œOh, itā€™s easy to level upā€, if you have time, thatā€™s it.

I tried to re-roll my character but I got REALLY demotivated to continue because I had to explore all maps, kill all the monsters Iā€™ve killed, gather cards, do quests, gather silver, buy items/gear again (recipes included), materials for said items, my reset pots that I havenā€™t spent yet, get monster cards, talt, ALL THE TP Iā€™ve invested on premium items, effort, time, achievements. Do we really have to lose all that for a mistake? I know (because I read it) Iā€™m not alone with this.

Iā€™m currently at the point of quitting but Iā€™ll move to the SA servers and hope the community accepts me even with the mistakes Iā€™ve made. I canā€™t spend all the time Iā€™ve spent on my character again. Iā€™ll just hope IMC considers this option, as most of the people are actually against a full reset, thinking they can roll all circles at once or changing the class completely (itā€™s not whatā€™s itā€™s mostly asked).


you are rude to me being a p2w lover and i dont like you. Im not being banned cause im not disrespecting any rules, just saying the hard truth that casuals p2w dont like to hear

The more people feel this way, the more people with their own build will be in this situation.

Then you should direct this post to those few that insult others over this matter, not direct it at everyone who is against resets.

Sometimes I wish the games are just subscription based or buy 2 Play. Gets rid of ungrateful kids.

Look at the gameplay feedback subforum or the suggestion forum. Tons of people report problems and many people offer solutions. No one here is a paid beta tester. To blame any issue on a beta player is ludicrous. This game has been in development for a long time. The same issues have been reported time and time again. They havenā€™t been fixed. Thatā€™s not a beta playerā€™s fault.

The reason why people are telling others to reroll is because of how streamlined the request is. You are asking for the ability to level as a DPS which can solo very well and reset into full support which does not not solo well at all but is very popular mid to end-game. You want to bypass everything a support goes through and only reap the benefits. That is not fair. If you want to play support, then you should level as support.

I do agree with circle resets, but I think if you reset, you should keep your character level but your class level should go back to rank 1 level 1. You should have to level up as the class you want to be. Itā€™s only fair.

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no its not play ff14 at all ?
it a japanes game and the developers are japanes.

im a 100% supporter of sub based game like wow and 0% p2w

yeah i played it for over a year and the entire game is designed to be played by western ppl

@lans1234567890 @marcello

Can you both just stop? No need to devolve into name calling.

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