Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Well yea… Circle reset likely to have same effect as stats reset too… If there is any element of abuse… Then stats reset won’t be created at first place. This is all about conveniences of player. But I do think it’s fair to farm for the job exp again if differ from what u choose after circle reset.

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I play a Cryo/Chrono FS (Full Con) and i am lvl 234 at the moment.

From my experience till you get to Chrono C1 its easy to level up, after that it becomes a pain in the ass you have to sit alot at the bonfire to get your mana back up ( even with spamming SP potions).

Monster with low hp are easy to kill but you have to wait 20 sec, because of skill cooldown and you only have 1 good skill with 1 minute cooldown to kill a more than 3 or 4 monsters.

High hp Monster are a really annoying to kill, takes long time and you might encounter mana and hp problems.

So i can understand why people would say that its not fair to switch your class from DPS to FS.

I still think the best solution for the players is still to make 2 different servers. (Skill reset and without Skill reset)

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Any staff able to answer in their behalf here?

If I were to read your post exactly the way you wrote it, it sounds like:

‘‘having a job and/or a family means you have a license for a bad attitude’’

But I don’t believe in what you say, so I won’t think that. Most people I know that have a job and/or a family don’t go around demanding extra respect from others because of it.

A job and a family are its own rewards…consider that not everyone has one (or both).

I try to make assessments based on multiple points of views, except that of the dishonest point of view.

Here is your real problem. You consider the month you played so far to be a waste.

There’s far better games to play if your time is limited, then MMOs.
Single player games really give much more ‘‘bang for your buck’’ per hour spend.

If you decide to play MMOs anyway, that’s your choice and you are free to it. But please don’t go complaining ‘‘your time is limited’’, because that water holds too much salt to be drinkable.

There hasnt been a vote that I’m aware. Incidentally, how many here asking for resets don’t need one themselves…

I’m sorry, selfishness you say?

It’s pretty easy to find what I play. I could post my build here if you want.

But one request for you then: post your builds that are so ruined that you must have a reset, instead of simply remaking or continueing your character.

Sound fair?

That’s a pretty good suggestion.

Yes yes because playerbase is so huge that we can split it up among 6 servers and 2 variants.

Its not bad, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise if you feel like your going strong at 235 then your build is probably ok.

Half these guys probably didn’t 200+ yet

Thats true, but its still the best suggestion so far. That in itself…

No, I consider having to do it OVER AGAIN a waste. That’s the whole reason people want a way to reset circles, so they can avoid wasting time.

Jesus, where did you go to school? I need to bitch slap your teachers.

Well its somewhat true, but we dont know how the playerbase would split anyway.
The complaints about the class reset are minor from what i can see, you usually see the same people arguing.

And you might want to consider how many player quit when there is no class reset available or vice versa.

As I said the game needs a circle reset. It doesn’t need to be completely, but somewhat to keep a broader audience.

These few hardcore players that wanna constantly reroll will not pay the bill in the end, will not be enough to fill the queues, will not be enough to supply a steady influx of items into the market.

Everyday they implement it faster is a potentially saved player.


Post plz . my build is jlnot ruoned i just dont like how one of the class plays.

Do you have any numbers or how would you know that there are only a few “hardcore” player?. And i dont think you are a “hardcore” player if you dont want the skill reset option.

By “hardcore” player you mean people that dont want the class reset right?

Guys… are the classes work perfectly fine and the tosbase skill description is 100% exactly correct information? If not, I guess it’s safe to just follow cookie cutters or popular builds instead. :worried:

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Thats is whats going on now.if you have a reset you can do somthing new.

only casuals want more p2w features in this game and thats why this game is gonna crash hard… Eastern decent MMO´s do not support p2w crap like this game has…

Circle reset for TP? No, please no, IMC i beg of you

Surprisingly, some say that if there is reset circle, there will be no diversity. Everyone will just reset and copy the successful build.

Problem is, plenty of players already copying builds ever since the beginning of founder period. :confused:

How this will be p2w?