Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

You don’t need to go back don’t worry. Just don’t answer to my posts and therefor pinging me back to threads. I dont want to be annoyed by pretenders wasting my time.

You can annoy other people with your meaningless posts that add nothing, just don’t press reply under my posts.


What are you even saying? Do people take you seriously? I doubt it.

If you don’t want to see my post then stop posting wall of text that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.


Class resets go against what they’re trying to do with their game, whether I’m totally with it or not.
Certainly I feel quite a few things can be “iffy” about their ideal but eh.

Conceptually you’re making teams out of your characters and can rotate between the characters you’re playing. Each Character is a “journey” in itself so class swapping removes that by solidifying it within a single character.

This works fine for FFXIV, because FFXIV has the Warrior of light do it all.
In other games it doesn’t fly and instead you just get skill resets (free or Cash depends on the game). GW2 has its own free skill resets for instance but you don’t change the characters profession. Wakfu recently allowed you to change character profession but you (in practice) still make more characters in order to take advantage of the Heroes system regardless. ToS has no “hero” system so it currently doesn’t incentivize you to create additional characters outside of the Team level bonus, however its clear from dev interviews they want you to make more and think screwing up a char is fine. This isn’t that odd given they were making this an Auto attack based game…and all classes can at least auto attack.

Tree of Savior tries to make your time as that class stick out specifically…while you are that class.
They’ve gotten better by putting a fair amount of Strength in the C3’s, this isn’t complete obviously but for KTos (as an example) Flame breath gives you 50% more fire damage. While Wiz C3 gives you 50% more magic attack, while you are a Pyro (and all your damage is fire) it’s practically the same thing (until you are no longer a pyro and have other damage types).

They’re continuing to do balance changes to make multiple paths appealing and have their own niches.
If your build path does not suit you, create another character (that is their words), and hold onto the previous one to see if something changes for it later.

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Hi @Jintello ! Please kindly watch your words :slight_smile: we do not allow posting offensive/inappropriate words on our forum!


Which is still a third party resource since we are playing iTOS.

Common sense dictates, that if you were to ask around in a circle that has people with similar interests, you would get…a lot of similarities.
You were assuming that no 20s, 30s, 40s or anyone else over the age of a teen played RO. Or that those above a certain age automatically have no time for games.

That’s projecting.

I don’t understand what you mean with this. What do you base this on?

That’s nice, but off-topic.

I think you might get some surprising answers out of that question.

‘‘my situation always represents the situation of everyone else’’ certainly is not the answer, however.

I remember playing an online game roughly 15 years ago, and it turned out the majority of the players were not just 20+, but also 30/40+.

This was an adventure/shooter M2P game. ‘kids’ have never been the only ones to game. You really think gaming systems were only bought for children, and not secretly for the parents themselves (as well)?

Just like magic, logic isnt some word you can randomly throw around to make sense out of things.

Personal experience, again. Altho interestingly enough this time you raised the age limit by roughly 10 years, why?

In the next example old will be 35+?

I still have no idea. You seem to believe I have little experience with the game for some weird reason.

Underperforming is in your mind only. It is as simple as that. Because it implies that you have some kind of performance to uphold, which you dont?

If it does not help this implies you already have a seriously easy time leveling as it is. In which case I have to ask? What is the problem with rerolling a new character?

That’s not twinking, that’s: ‘‘free level boosts’’ or ‘‘powerleveling’’

Well you brought it up, I’m all for discussing it.

Then explain why they suck, as was my original question.

No, they have listened too much, to the majority.

Instead of trying to create something more solid for a specific target audience, a game with specific strengths that appeal to them.

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Wikipedia has this to say about your post; “A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.”

I don’t see many people on the forum asking for an easy way to reset circles, yet I see a great many people trying to argue against easy circle resets. It’s very strange.

I was typing a reply to another post in another thread, but I think I’ll post it here instead as this thread is more relevant…

Wrong. If it doesn’t happen, everyone will be using cookie cutter builds for fear of ending up with a sub-optimal class combination and no way to change it. Being unable to make alterations to your build in the future will lead to uniformity as most players will simply go for what works best. Circle reset, with suitable restrictions and cooldowns to avoid abuse, will lead to experimentation and diversity. Which of the two is preferable to you?

Circle reset is good for the vast majority of players, as it promotes trying out different builds without fear of having all your time investment eventually flushed down the toilet by a future patch or maybe just a simple realization that your class does not work the way you expected it to. This game is far from finished and information on some classes and skills is incredibly hard or even impossible to come by.

Circle reset is also good for class balance. If people are not stuck with unalterable characters, the developers have more freedom to pursue balance. Case in point would be the current kToS situation where the devs are afraid to nerf Highlanders because too many people flocked to that class with the Skyliner overbuff and would probably leave the game if it were to be nerfed now. So instead they are buffing Barbarians, further enlarging the discrepancy between kToS and iToS. There really should not be any discrepancy at all to begin with and I believe the lack of a circle reset option is the culprit here. With a way to change up your build to better adjust to future balance patches, those balance patches can be much more substantial and daring. Or do we really want the developers to be too scared to even attempt to properly balance the game?

Somewhat ironically, it’s poor balance that ultimately leads to cookie cutter builds, while good balance promotes build diversity, so all those people who are against circle reset because they claim it would lead to more of them are either unintentionally working against themselves or they are hypocrites with ulterior motives. I suspect there’s quite a few people in both of those camps.

And lastly, circle reset is good for IMC and the game’s longevity. Implementing it may drive away a few dozen players that are too strongly opposed to the idea, for one reason or another, and anger a few dozen more that will stay regardless, but not implementing it will drive away hundreds and eventually kill the game. Casual players, which form the majority of the playerbase in every financially viable game I know of, will not bother rerolling a lvl 280+ character. Some will keep playing even if a patch butchers their build, but they won’t be very happy about it. And many will simply quit the game. So if you want this game to shut down in one year’s time due to lack of players, by all means continue campaigning against circle reset. I personally can’t wait for all the short-sighted people who are now opposed to it to realize, once we get lvl 600 cap, that they perhaps don’t want to spend a thousand hours on rerolling their characters after all and will take to the forums and cry for a circle reset because a patch or a new class made their build obsolete and they suddenly figured out that 1k hours is a whole lot more than the 200 hours required to reroll a character right now.

Circle reset is only bad for a handful of hardcore players with too much time on their hands that take pride in min/maxing their builds, don’t mind rerolling high level characters and want the general population to stay as far behind them in build efficiency as possible.

So can we please stop arguing about whether to implement circle reset and start arguing about how to implement it in a way that will prevent abuse and exploitation of the system? Thanks.


and what is the iTOS in game description for burrow?

I actually give up trying to get an actual reason for “why reset would kill the game, other than; because I said so”.

circle reset is good for the players, as it is also good to have an item that moves you to circle 7 saving you the effort level up, but it’s bad for game turn a special game to a generic game

I am with you on the devs in general listen to the general population too much. Games suck because they are not as iterative as one would hope after 10 years of gaming. I didn’t mean they should listen to XYZ I meant exclusively to look back at other games and check what failed and what didn’t. Maybe they start hiring consultants that gamed hundreds of games to help them avoid critical oversights.

Most of the MMOs I start playing fail miserable in one of these categories and thus not learning from previous mistakes:

Problems with damage scaling(Damage buffs scaling multiplicative/DoT snapshotting stuff like this), Punishing group play, no incentive to seek out new people, little to no reward for proficiency at the game, unfinished endgame or bad difficulty design

These are the main ones to elaborate on one example:
Itemization on D3 vanilla was quite good. Tons of sets and stuff - exciting, but it had problems with damage scaling or lets say balance. Melees had a hard time progressing as far as ranged classes.
Group play was further punished by simply saying 2 players = mobs double hp. Not seeing the consequence on burst classes.
Or simply d2 was botted to death, d3 comes out without any form of bot protection.

Simply not learning from past mistakes again and again. Doesn’t need to be your own mistakes. TOS could have learned from D2 aswell or D3 how strong the RMT industry is.

Also the personal experience thing you mentioned I am not projecting from myself. This is how it was for literally everyone in school. I visited so many class mates and it was almost always the same. The kids had the consoles and PCs. However I can’t tell about too many girls rooms I only “visited” ;)) about 8 until I left school.

There was just one gamer girl out of 3 full classes :frowning:

Towards the powerleveling you are partially correct. That is of course what it is, but why not? Why can I not spend more time in an area where I can level and maybe farm something beneficial for my other characters?

You outgrow all zones sub 150 so fast unless you literally start grinding them randomly. That is a missed opportunity to me. If I start a new char again (would be my fourth) then why can’t I pick 2-3 zones I wanna do instead of being drawn through the same set of them again.

But this is too far off-topic for this thread. I just worry about a big loss of players - especially casuals because at the end of the day the masses pay the bill.

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Liking your post is not enough. I hope you can get them to be reasonable better :slight_smile:

To put it differently because it is very true: Gamers have the most fun at the expense of other gamers.

Ok. They choose these builds and when changes to classes do come, some will re roll, some will continue on. Adding to class diversity.

This pretty much applys to everything you said after that. [quote=“Skyfire, post:347, topic:215759”]
Circle reset is only bad for a handful of hardcore players

There are just as many people opposed to the resets as there are people for it.

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Wow i don’t know with what type of players you played to have so negative arguments about people that are against the circle reset.
So i’ll explain my point of view :
All characters have their own journey they should be played by what you think is fun, be it not the best possible outcome for everything. It’s all about a story you have in mind for your character when you look at the skills that seems to be the type of attacks you want him to use, even if it’s not the best one with actual patch. But sadly right now there are things that are really hard to do, like taking two rank 2 classes with 3circles each in your own build, to get for example the one we see the most : the cryo3/pyro3 because it’s one of those ice-fire character that some of us likes so much in some stories/games/etc. ^^
What shows the most that the devs of this game may intend to balance the classes to make everything having it’s pros and cons, is how they nerfed barbarian which was the cookie-cutting class last year. ^^

By the way i don’t think all the guys that don’t want those resets are people that wants the others to have a hard time. More about guys who’d like maybe to have another great journey of ten years on ToS like they had on RO, to try all the characters they could even if they didn’t have “a lot of time to waste” per day like you think ^^

After the whole flame bait (from others) earlier in the thread, its kind of nice to actually discuss things.

which is the exact reason we NEED an RP server, goddammit :sob:

There isn’t a real need for an RP server itself i think. You can be RP while being with non-RP players, even if i build my characters with a story for it in my head, i don’t really use the RP playstyle of playing into the character’s character or things like that.

I really need a reset I came in as a complete noob, and now that I am lvl 100+ I feel I suck I will even pay 50$ for a reset I just don’t want to play from 1 again… :sob:

Your reasoning completely ignores the fact that many will quit. Having their characters ruined after putting hundreds of hours into them is a big deal to many people.

And I would prefer class diversity that arises from the fact that a number of different builds are good and people want to use them, rather than having a bunch of unhappy people with bad builds that artificially create the kind of diversity you describe. Wouldn’t you?

I don’t get this impression. There does seem to be a large group of players that argue against circle reset, but when you take the time to read their posts, you see that most of them are against easy circle reset. I’m one of them. I don’t want an effortless way for people to change their builds on a whim. But I see very few people that are against any and all forms of circle reset and even fewer that come up with reasonable arguments to support their case.

More importantly, the representation of people for or against circle reset is completely distorted on the forums. People that frequent these forums are naturally more likely to be informed about the classes, including future classes that are yet to be implemented, and much less likely to make mistakes with their builds. There are thousands of people playing this game. Most of them don’t come to the forums and most of them make mistakes with their builds.

after reading this…i feel like i dont want to reset my circle if they implement one. tbh. whenever i make a first char on every game, i really messed with my first char but i chose that circle build in the first place. true, this game is trial and error but it’s ok with me now. i made my own build and i think it’s fine. the only that matters to me now is that…I NEED A STAT RESET!!! :cry:

ah… i remember wakfu that has a skill reset period every 30days. the catch is that…you will gather materials that are required and submit it to the npc for you to be qualified to have a reset voucher or something

Whats to say the people who dont want resets wont quit? To these people, adding resets would ruin the uniqueness and diversity of classes. Player identity also if you know what i mean by that.

Yea that would be cool, balance will happen in time. It wont be perfect though.

The original circle reset post shows the split between wanting resets and not. By this third/fourth post about it, i bet many people are tired of saying the same thing. I’m getting to that point.

This is the only version of class reset id be ok with. Click link to see the whole thing.

Another option that I like is allow you to reset a character from the beginning, keeping items and achievements. This way they wont go to waste. Possibly give some kind of bonus xp that makes grinding faster than quests for leveling until you get back to where you were. Maybe some other benefits. This way you wont be doing the same quests you already did, unless you want to.