Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

A bit deeper than just saying divrsity and uniqueness.
so, you make a total unique build indetifying you. Now, with reset in game, are you going to move away from your “uniqueness”? just because it is available?
let’s assume there will not be any sort of reset and when you find out the uniqueness you wanted is not fun or rewarding enough. So, are you going to stay in this uniquness or try something new?
now this something new involves another 300hrs which could be rewarding or not.
your so called diversity is not efficient and no one wants you in the group, cause you slow the rest of them down. It’s just fake.

P.S: no offense, I just couldn’t find something to use instead of diversity and uniqueness.

Why would i find it offensive? I dont know why id have to explain to you what unique and diverse means. Its not only about the individual player feeling unique. Its the game.

Like i said, if you dont care about that stuff you wont understand.

I dont feel like going back and forth with you because it seems you will just keep asking me stupid questions. If you would actually read my post you will see i suggested ways that people could change thier build.

Let me add my own personal spin. As was just added into the discussion about WoW’s over balancing and also the fact that everyone was expected to roll certain specs in order to be accepted into groups and etc. if you didn’t then good riddance, basically.

I for one, with a game like this, like to design my characters around character concepts i’ve created in my head, for example, my alias Gloric started back in 2000 with a character creation in Runescape, i’ve since used it in EVERY single game i’ve played and i’ve slowly build up his story as a character, something I do in my head, sometimes write down in short stories or otherwise. Another would be my Wizard idea, name unimportant, i’ve created a narrative around her, a fire mage type character with a somewhat dark touch.

Now lets say I wanted to stylize my Wizard around that character idea. I start building Pyro and go full circle 3, what’s next? well since i’m really mostly fire oriented I go Ele 2 for the meteor and then go Sorc/warlock or just Sorc C2.

Tell me how viable that build is? I am going to wager that it’s pretty crap, as far as i’ve read, Pyro in general is crap in terms of cookie cutting at end-game and etc… How will I ever get into any group that wants the best if everyone else just specs whatever is deemed the most OP spec at the time? It is very unlikely to happen.

Yes that’s just going to be me, and it’s “my choice” if I don’t go cookie cutter. but you make it a whole lot more acceptable to segregate and tell people to play a certain way when you implement options which punish unique builds and exploration of a game. The act of choice then becomes the illusion of choice.


if I get it right, your build is pretty OP considering how additional damage works.

on topic
you are implying a reset should not be implemented, so a player with crappy build can be sure to get into a group?
tell me when 5 players with crappy build are not able to complete end game dungeons.

Oh, some would. No doubt about that. But the number of people that would quit because of a circle reset (a properly done circle reset that takes effort to go through, mind you) is insignificant in comparison to the number of people that will quit if there is none.

There is a problem with that approach. Unless the exp bonus was to be quite extreme, it would actually take longer than rerolling the character. Which is what people want to avoid in the first place. I’ll illustrate this on my own characters if I may. I have a Druid (~220) and a Corsair (~150). To get them there, I did only minimal amount of grinding. I did, however, spend a lot of time on doing every quest, getting 100% map exploration on almost every map and completing monster kill achievements. So if they were to be reset to lvl 1, without giving me back exp cards for every quest and achievement I did, it would take me twice as long to get them where they are now, defeating the whole purpose of a circle reset, which is not having to waste hundreds of hours to correct a small mistake in your build. It would be more time-consuming than rerolling them. I’m quite happy with both of them, by the way, and would not reset them if I could do it today. I did my research beforehand and I built them the way I wanted. But many people don’t have time for that. And many that do, including me, still want a circle reset for the peace of mind that it gives us. The knowledge that our characters, no matter how perfect they are now, will not be made worse or even downright bad by a random balance patch coming in the future.

Anyway, I don’t want to sound too negative about your suggestion. I appreciate you take the constructive approach to this instead of dismissing other people’s opinions without thought. It needs further refinement, but that’s alright. That’s how things get done.

As for who will quit and how many, we have no way of knowing. I just know the opinion is pretty split and if this game turns into another generic mmo i may be one to quit.

I dont think it would take longer. You can do the quests if you want, but you also get bonus xp from grinding to where you dont need to do the quests, because it is just as fast or faster. They could also add some other benefits, i dont know what.

Did you read the suggestion i posted before that one? If they combined both suggestions it might actually work too… if its limited to 3 rank resets per character, resetting from the start could give you 3 again or something. This gives players more options.

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Really? I literally had 0 confusion about what skills did. I read tosbase and the forums and everything was exactly as was described. It sounds like either you have a problem with your reading comprehension or you didn’t read enough/from good sources. 30 seconds on the forums would tell you that Giant Swing is a for-fun only skill, and pouncing is fairly mediocre as well, with some slight PvP potential.

holy ■■■■ get a life LOL

No, we don’t know. But we can find out. IMC could come up with a poll to get a more accurate picture of the situation. It needs to be done on a larger scale, though. The forum community is not representative of the whole playerbase, for reasons I briefly mentioned in a previous post. Maybe it could be done through official social media channels in order to reach as many people as it possibly can.

Yes, I read it. Although I may not remember every post and every suggestion in this thread, I read the whole thing over the last two or three days. You are one of the small number of people that are attempting to come up with a workable solution, which is commendable, and your suggestion is not bad. But as I said, it needs polishing. And it’s hard to polish these ideas when there are still people cluttering up the thread with their arguments against something that nobody is proposing. It’s really quite frustrating.

I think that 3 circles are the minimum that needs to be available for reset at a time, as that’s the only way to reliably allow people to opt out of a class. A single circle reset would help those people that went Highlander instead of Peltasta, for example. And it seems there’s a ton of those. But what about others? Say we get a big nerf to Finestra or Stabbing somewhere down the line. They are one of the main reasons, if not the only ones, for picking Hoplite. People that went Hoplite C3 will have second thoughts not about a single circle, but the whole class. They should be able to pick a class that better complements their build if a patch that radically changes one of their current classes comes out. After all, no amount of research can make your build immune to balance changes that will happen in the future.

I also think that this can’t be limited to a finite number of resets. Say you only give people the opportunity to reset their class once and that’s it. It’s not unreasonable to expect that R8 classes will make many people rethink their build and use up the reset. What will they do when R9 comes out and brings with it a similar problem? Are they supposed to throw away a character they spent upwards of 500 hours on and have fond memories of? Are what about after R8 comes out but before R9 does? Are they supposed to be leveling up a character that may or may not be rendered obsolete with R9 release, not knowing whether or not they should be using their reset now or saving it up for later? What about R10? What about big balance changes that will happen even between new class releases? That’s why the reset option should not be limited in number of uses.

Of course, it should be limited in frequency. Say 1 reset every 3 months. Or every 6 months. I don’t think people that messed up their builds (or had them messed up for them by a patch) would mind waiting for the opportunity to correct their build. It’s all about the opportunity to correct it at all as opposed to being forced to either reroll or be stuck with a character they can no longer enjoy playing.

I imagine that it’s much more acceptable for people to spend 20 hours doing an elaborate quest to change their build, made difficult in order to discourage those that only seek to exploit the reset for an easy leveling early on, than it is to spend 200+ hours on rerolling. Am I wrong? How many people here actually disagree with this?

I disagree with an unlimited reset. They could do 3 at a time, but that uses up all your 3 circle resets. Also, they will have to level the ranks they reset back from 1. When they add new ranks they can give existing max lvl character 1 more rank reset. If that isnt enough for them, they can start their character from the beginning and get their resets back.

They wont have to do all the quests again if they want and it will be quicker the second time around than the first time. This way noone will be able to do a complete build change unless you bring your character back to 1. This also prevents the scenario of picking an easy leveling build and using a reset to go to a more difficult build unless you want to use all your resets.

This is how i feel it should be. It still takes effort and you dont have to completely reroll a new character and lose everything. Which is the main complaint ive seen. That and time, which the bonus xp takes care of. There could be other benefits that make people actually want to reset to 1.

So if you think about it, they could even make this an option for f2p players. They will also get a way to reset stat points by resetting to 1.

that’s the most ridiculous solution ive heard of. Who in the world builds a character without knowing what they are doing anyways? lol @ ppl complaining that they screwed up a character and now want the game to change for THEIR needs.

wanna know something interesting? THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE that are just trying the game to see if they want to play it for sure or not, here in the forums you’d mostly see only people with an already remarked interest in the game and we search for guides, skill sims, databases, etc, but we’re like less than 5% of the playerbase… just look at the forum, there’s like what… 100 or 200 people actively posting in forums? and there’s around 30k players actively playing the game, so that means that the VAST MAJORITY won’t do any research BEFORE starting a character, and then a lot of them will find out they ■■■■■■ up and be discouraged to have lost their first 100 hours invested into the game and will just quit.

and don’t come saying that then the game wasn’t for them anyway if that’s the case, because elitist attitude like that will kill the game, because more than 75% of the playerbase will consist of casual players that will spend their money on the game, so thanks to them the game will continue to be online, becase sadly, the game can’t go on hopes and dreams, it needs cash.

It’s a good thing that nobody is asking for that, isn’t it?

This is reasonable. It’s really just a way of asking people to put in some effort when they want to make changes to their build, as it should be.

But why? If the reset is limited to 3 circles each use, and can only be used once every 3 months, doesn’t that already take care of people wanting to instantly remake their builds? It would take you half a year or longer to completely change a character that is R7 or higher and at point it’s probably better to just reroll it and have the build you want in one or two months instead of waiting half a year or more, all the while avoiding the risk that balance will change once again before that time and your desired build may well not be desired anymore by the time you get there. My solution is for people that are dedicated to their characters and really, really don’t want to reroll. It doesn’t cater to people that want to be switching to flavor-of-the-month builds with every patch.

I see you’re an Oracle C3 and can predict the future to help you plan your perfect build. Oh wait, C3 is not out yet and we don’t know what skills it will have. So maybe you can’t. Too bad!

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If something major happens and you want to completely redo your build, you can. Just reset from 1 and level it up quicker than normal with the bonus.

With the 3 month limit, this isnt possible. It would take 6 or more months, plus you have to re level all the circles anyway. This would take much longer than what i mentioned.

Also, with your 3 month option, lets say your first 3 circles are really good for low levels, but arent good for the higher end content. You can reset those as soon as you hit max, then 3 months later you will have the option back again. Or its good for pve, but not pvp. I can see this being done alot if they do it this way.

With the limited resets, it is only used for what its intended. because this choice matters. For the people who didnt realize the class would work that way. For the ones who get their build messed up because of balance or rank changes. Ones who really just want to change that one circle and not start over.

I don’t want another game being noobed out as WoW has been.
Seriously, MMORPG means trying, deleting, making experiences and getting better and not “You win anyways, so ■■■■ it and do whatever the f you want”
If you don’t want the challenge, don’t face it but do not demand it to be easier and try candy crush instead :confused:


If they are SOOO casual that they don’t plan a build beforehand, then they won’t mind rerolling or using a skill reset to fix the character.

Catering to the attitude of “no consequences” is not the way to build an RPG.

By allowing people to pay money to change classes, then it becomes p2w because people can become fotm classes and we will see so many people with the same build.

The idea is to make a character and play the game how you want. If you want to be totally viable in endgame then plan for it. But don’t go crying when you screw up. Make another character and try again. With a reset nobody would have to level up alts and that’s lame.

Notice how these threads pop up when people are getting to the higher ranks lol.


that’s exactly the problem THEY WOULD, because for people like us that can play 6hrs a day or more, rerolling it’s no issue, but for people that can play 1~2 hours daily, wasting 200 hours just because it didn’t work in the end it’s not an option, they’d quit.

on the contrary, if people don’t have the option of trying new things because they might or might not work, it’ll become super stale, thet’s why 9/10 swordmen become dragoons, it works, and people won’t try anything new because they’re afraid they’d be wasting time an effort for something they might not enjoy or it might not work.

because we can play right now taking into account circle 10 and lvl 600 right?

people seem to think we want an allpowerfull reset that has no restrictions at all, what I ask for is something to fix your circle picks, not your base class, so if you want a cleric for support you have to level a cleric, you won’t bee able to level a wizard and then re-roll into a cleric, that’d be retarded.

nice catch, people started to realize they ■■■■■■ up and they don’t want the 200 hours they have played in the past month to go to waste, specially because we got the premium items on 1 character, and starting over isn’t really an option because you can’t transfer them.

Also, personally I have 3 friends that refused to play because there was no way to re-spec your character, they where afraid of wasting progress and hundreds of hours into a character they might not like in the end.

I think you are taking this way too seriously based on your response. It might be viable to offer class resets when they add 3-4 more ranks, but not now.

If you are too scared to try a build because you don’t think it will be the absolute best for its role, Thats your problem. It’s called a build. Not a build and tear down build and tear down, rinse repeat. You’ll end up with a supreme build and then whine there is nothing to do, whine the game is too easy, whine you can’t get the best gear, cry every time. That’s what this is about. I’d rather the devs follow their vision than cater to crybabies who want everything to be smooth and noob-friendly with no brain cells involved.

Then those people should spend the literally 30 minutes it takes to look at the forums for their class build to see if it’s viable or not. Problem solved. If you didn’t take the time, at any point, in 200 hours of gameplay, to stop and go to the forums, or ask another player in game, if your build is viable, you don’t get to whine when you mess up.

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As the game stands now, Class Resets should not be a priority. Ever heard of responsibility of your choices? People should re-learn to be responsible before and after they make their decisions!

Unless new classes are released I don’t see any point in class resets other than catering for irresponsible post-modern blockheads who can’t even be a man to take responsibility of their decisions.