Tree of Savior Forum

Offer Job Reset Please

Well yes in most of the situations the cookie-cutter will be better, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a counter ^^
Every builds has it’s pros and cons, even a cookie-cutter can’t have everything ^^

You cannot compare RO times to today. Gaming was something new and it tapped into endless patience. Most gamers were very young to begin with and had time. These RO players back then are 30 today. Chances are they simply don’t have the time to grind anymore. Their wife might even slap them if they wanna touch the PC for more than an hour. Who knows.

Nowadays you can take any game it hypes up and 2-3 weeks later half the population is already gone never to be seen again. If you already lose 50% of the population for basically no reason you better make sure to not lose more due to a reason.

So asking if someone would really quit if he starts underperforming the answer is a very easy yes. However the balancing is so bad in this game that they will not notice until probably earth tower. If you take alemeth for example the truffles have 86k hp and most people will group to farm them. The ellegano mages (not 100% sure that this is exactly their name) have 3k hp.

No matter how hard your build sucks you will always manage to kill them. Heck you could probably kill that as a level 30 if you wouldn’t be oneshotted due to dmg scaling via level difference.

See I am a supporter and I can tell you that you can’t even call it builds what some people are running with. I already ended up with 3 DDs that my single cookie-cutter ele mage would outdps alone (as a lvl 180 :D). However nobody notices since it isn’t that easy to tell who deals how much damage and stuff.

When you run with a couple of good builds your cleartime is suddenly 3 times as fast or even better. However this notion of not knowing will end and at some point you will notice.

If people start dieing more often in e.g. storage and additionally lose silver everytime they die it won’t go well. They will want a solution and which solution can there be to fix their chars? Swapping stats and skill arounds won’t do much.

The hurdle to twink is simply too high you can’t really profit from already having a high level character so twinking essentially is starting from 0 with more knowledge and an arde dagger at the ready. You still have to do the same ■■■■ though since you can’t e.g. go straight to constructor chapel since you won’t get proper xp for ‘reasons’.

So no way to fix your char the option is to restart with an arde dagger or simply this new shiny game that comes out next week…

Everytime you type this: ^^ <— you announce to the world that you know you have no real argument.

Although I doubt it will really reach you let me show you how much meaning that sentence had:

Every builds has it’s pros and cons, even a cookie-cutter can’t have everything ^^

Every transportation method has it’s pros and cons, even a [Private Jet filled with barely legal, but willing girls starting off your garage] can’t have everything ^^

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This sounds more like a personal perspective. It almost sounds like you are saying everyone that played RO was a teen, but that’s probably my imagination.

And why is this? Because they don’t get attached to the game. Why don’t they get attached to it…?

What, like in bed?

Otherwise I’m not sure what you mean by ‘‘underperforming’’.
Is there a competition or some kind of race in the game that I’m not aware of? Or perhaps ‘‘grades’’ and ‘‘exams’’ that must be passed to continue playing?

And why do you think Truffles are farmed instead of these?

That’s a more of an unbalance with specific classes, I think.

Somewhere around the time you will be asking for a personal reset, due to elemental being nerfed?

So having +10 purple/orange items and 3x headgears, does not help start another character off? Or being able to farm millions to enhance your attributes right from the start?

Good example. Because your private jet doesnt have boys for anyone that isnt interested in girls.
Or older women, for anyone not interested in teens.

Plus you know, a private yet is kind of useless if you can’t afford to pay its maintenance costs, or have no place to fly to.

what! So tell me genius, those playing non-cookie cutter builds are doing so cause they want to try something on their own**. How is this going to change with reset?**

.:unamused: I don’t think asking for advice is OP build or cookie cutter build. So, I don’t know who these ‘many’ are. CookieCutter/OP builds are all over the web.

That’s true. But, how is it affected with a reset?

In the end, those who want to try a different build, make somehting of thier own, will do so. Having reset makes it easier, at the same time supporting the game.

official KTOS website.

Mmmh maybe i don’t have real arguments except that i’ve builded myself on every mmo’s to my liking, and never falled had much problems in pvp’s, i would win some and lose some like everyone else. Winning over some cookie builds and losing to some others be it because i miscalculated my actions or juste the player was really good itself.
But maybe i’m just a dreamer that doesn’t like to hear “this build is op” when you can maybe have a way to counter it with your class if you played to another way.
Like the fact that there are ways to kill a druid even if it’s pretty hard. ^^ (with equivalent stuff)

Simply use common sense or ask around. You will find that most persons over 40 that are using PCs today for gaming do so because of their kids.

People that are 30 today are simply the first generation that actually could grow up completely going from Gameboy -> Nes -> Snes -> Gamecube -> PS 1 -> Nintendo 64 into PC in any order/mix you want to imagine.

It seems to me that you believe 40 year olds went around randomly 20 years ago and bought themself a gameboy.

Yes of course there are exceptions but my generation is the first one that could really grow up with electronic entertainment. My parents couldn’t because it didnt exist back then. I am 30 now so scaling it back to RO with the general population in mind who is more prone to have played RO? 35 year olds or <21?
Think CS alpha was played mostly by adults too? :smiley:

Gaming was brought into households by the kids. Be it console or pc for the gross population.

The magic you see happening here is mere logic.

You could also just use experience I raided wow vanilla in several raid groups and I can tell you first hand that old guys (as in 25+) was a clear minority and RO is even 2 years older IIRC.

Why truffles are farmed instead of ellemagos? You make a truffle explode => 0.2% you make an ellemago explode - air, air again 5 times more air OH 0.1%

What I mean by underperforming and noticing it - imagine hovering with a nail over your knee. Of course at first you dont feel anything, but every 10 levels magically the distance between the nailtip and the center of your knee shortens… At first it is like an unpleasant feeling in the air… you wonder… something is not right… what could it be… 100 levels later the truth reeks its ugly head… you have a nail in your knee!

This is how leveling will feel for a weak character by itself. We could call it respawn simulator or ellomago shooting air creator. Your pick - it isn’t pleasant either way.

I will not ask for a personal reset for the mage due to massive changes. The reset will come by itself once the shitstorm rolls in… Looking at my 3 chars all of them are prone to nerfs anyway. Stoneskin, Owl, frost cloud or the mobs are unbalanced - probably both.

+10 purple/orange items and 3x headgears do not help - which is exactly my point. With that gear you should be killing stuff way higher, but it isnt beneficial so you oneshot your way up to lvl 100 the slow and normal way for which you just need pardoner buffs to begin with.

Good twinking means skipping early and play more in the “mid game”.

Now we can talk at length about why people don’t get attached to games anymore or we can keep it short and truthfully - games these days mostly suck. They are played because nothing better is around and we like to play.

Devs don’t invest in proper consulting & learning out of past gaming failures so they design stuff that will need to be revised 20 times before it is fun and engaging. Nobody sticks around long enough to find out anymore.

Terrible English and a stupid example.

Why not have them put rank 7 characters in the TP shop then? Absoulutely ridiculous.

TOS core is leveling and grinding.
job Resets would be suicide for the game
turn this game into another WoW clone or generic MMORPG
which it was the reason for the failure of RO2


This is forum. If u cannt understand jus ignore. This is not school. I believe u not English teacher too… we jus here for discussion… Not for English test. Thanks

Not only do you use ellipsis too much but this game is obviously not for you. Every game does not need to be made for the extreme casual.


I understood your stupid example just fine while pointing out the English just enough that I could reply.

What if they let people burn an existing character for X increase in leveling a new character? X having some relation to the level of the burnt character.

Jintello why do you open your mouth again towards my direction before doing your google job?

You opened your big mouth I still wait for this easily to google information we discussed earlier in this topic.

Answer the questions or shut up - I don’t wanna waste my time with pretenders.

I’m not going back hundreds of post to look up some ridiculous bull you asked about.

I already stated my opinion on the matter and I will continue to do so.

Your reasons have nothing to do with the game and are arbitrary at best.

Continue with your stupid analogies though

You don’t need to go back don’t worry. Just don’t answer to my posts and therefor pinging me back to threads. I dont want to be annoyed by pretenders wasting my time.

You can annoy other people with your meaningless posts that add nothing, just don’t press reply under my posts.


What are you even saying? Do people take you seriously? I doubt it.

If you don’t want to see my post then stop posting wall of text that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.


Class resets go against what they’re trying to do with their game, whether I’m totally with it or not.
Certainly I feel quite a few things can be “iffy” about their ideal but eh.

Conceptually you’re making teams out of your characters and can rotate between the characters you’re playing. Each Character is a “journey” in itself so class swapping removes that by solidifying it within a single character.

This works fine for FFXIV, because FFXIV has the Warrior of light do it all.
In other games it doesn’t fly and instead you just get skill resets (free or Cash depends on the game). GW2 has its own free skill resets for instance but you don’t change the characters profession. Wakfu recently allowed you to change character profession but you (in practice) still make more characters in order to take advantage of the Heroes system regardless. ToS has no “hero” system so it currently doesn’t incentivize you to create additional characters outside of the Team level bonus, however its clear from dev interviews they want you to make more and think screwing up a char is fine. This isn’t that odd given they were making this an Auto attack based game…and all classes can at least auto attack.

Tree of Savior tries to make your time as that class stick out specifically…while you are that class.
They’ve gotten better by putting a fair amount of Strength in the C3’s, this isn’t complete obviously but for KTos (as an example) Flame breath gives you 50% more fire damage. While Wiz C3 gives you 50% more magic attack, while you are a Pyro (and all your damage is fire) it’s practically the same thing (until you are no longer a pyro and have other damage types).

They’re continuing to do balance changes to make multiple paths appealing and have their own niches.
If your build path does not suit you, create another character (that is their words), and hold onto the previous one to see if something changes for it later.

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