Tree of Savior Forum

No Silver No BOTS?

Back then Solmiki didn’t exist.
And some people cannot even do Solmiki.
And most of all: was it even my point ? No. Are you seriously ignoring the main point I’m bringing up to focus on an example ? Was I asking for another necklace to use or whatever ? No.
The point is that things are useless difficult to get even if you try to farm it for months. Which is typical of IMC: things aren’t challenging in the sense of difficult, it’s just “challenging” because it’s luck, RNG, or you simply have to do it forever. And since the combat system isn’t interesting to start with… much fun, indeed, much fun.
But if you enjoy it this way, good for you. Apparently the thousands of people who quit didn’t. To each their own, huh.

And yes, the skills, the stupid way fighting works, how stupidly weak enemies are, etc., are just some of the issues. So is the fact that your life in this game depends mostly on silver rather than you simply playing. Which is why people RMT so much. It’s not just whales or shady people: a lot of casual, lambda people also RMT. Why wouldn’t they anyway ? Not only it’s not punished, and it’s way faster to spend a few $ to buy X item than to spend forever doing mindless farming silver and/or drops.
Especially if you want something from an instance which have a limit on runs. Gotta limit the amount of Talts or Mystery Cubes people can get in a day, after all.

If you call “in check” the fact that prices triple every few months… Okay. And for some servers it’s even more. Some other games are even worse and have their prices that get multiplied by 100 every year ? Do I look like I care how terrible some other games can be ? If you want we can also compare it to other grind games who do it much better but what does it bring to the conversation ? What does it change for TOS ? Nothing.

“Market Names”. It’s still working. Although you’ll have to “meet” one of the characters of the players in map for it to appear on the market. Easy to do if you’re a regular player, though.

Shards have been the same for almost 1 year, the market has adjusted to the game changes, it’s not raising for the botting, cards are the same price too. Prices naturally became a bit higher because people can do carry saaluses + runs and they get money on each daily run. You do realize that other games with bot problems have inflations of like 1000% over a year right?

nothing else to resort with but insults huh?
observing wild bots in their natural habitat is amusing.


As I said before in the topic I created, the impact of the bots are as follows in a mmorpg.

1 - Monopolisation of spots preventing the leveling of normal players.
2- creation of “SUPER PLAYERS”, after all these players will have money to have everything the game provides quickly and without the need of grind.
3 - destruction of the game economy. Due to the fact that silver is not a problem, since they buy as much as they want from the gold sellers, these Super Players pay fortunes for items of rare drop in the game, and this creates a vicious and endless cycle, after all the news that an iten x was sold for a generous amount, quickly spreads, and the next one that drop the iten x would also sell for this amount. Therefore, since the game does not provide a quick gain of silver, more players will seek a faster source to reach the competitive, and it is at this time that many players start looking for these gold sellers.


Ya’ll are funny.

You really think -ALL- the whales buy silver from bots?
Where do you think the cash shop stuff on the market comes from?

You really think they’re destroying the game economy?
Who are the people farming these rare item drops that the ‘SUPER PLAYERS’ are buying?

Someone has to be farming the UBER DROPZZZ11!1! in the first place.
Maybe you should start being the ones farming, instead of the ones whining?

The only thing irritating that I can see is the monopolization of farm spots.
Aaaand i’m pretty sure that if the bots leave, there’ll be player drama over who gets to what spot first.

Here’s what you need to do.

  1. Make a thaum farmer
  2. Upgrade a cheap bad stat berthas / primus (QUIT THINKING YOU NEED THE MAX STAT LINE ONE)
  3. Go farm HGs for weapons for other classes
  4. Make a proper team setup.
  5. Go farm some masinos
  6. Sell to whales.


200 bots on ONE SERVER. Gaining 500-700 silver per mob at a high chance.

If you think this isn’t a major issue idk, I don’t want to call you dumb but ok

PS, I know how these bots work. I have a friend that RMTs and they have about 6b in stock in different characters.

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I’m not saying that the bots aren’t an issue.

I’m referring to all the uber items that these ‘Super Players’ are buying.

It’s part of the issue though, where did the super player get their “silver?” spreading it all out causing more inflation?

I’m a bit worried that my RMTing friend bought 1.2b in like 1 day? I mean if he a NEWBIE already bought that much, what more could others do lmao

Not solely from the bots, though.

If my math isn’t wrong, its actually about the same Real $ price (albeit a little slower) to do TP > Token/Cube conversion to silver. In which case, the silver would come from other players.

There’s a bunch of disclaimers on the RMT sites about how they don’t pay for ingame market fees (which’ll set you back 10%, gotta factor that in).

In fact, if you’re ‘lucky’ with cubes/boxes, its cheaper to buy cubes.

Yes not solely from bots, never said that.

But never forget, these abominations cause major inflation via silvers that you aren’t supposed to get because you’re not actively playing.

Quite sad to see bots increasing in number, even having the balls to bot using masi bow because they know they’ll get ignored. Keeping it up this way means we’ll reach 300 bot count soon. Sausys 9 alone already has 10 bots. These things can farm and roll a good primus gear while they’re at it getting silvers…

And don’t forget shinies. White shinies are very common and are about 50-60k silver. And for sure out of all those bots scattered in maps there will be golden mobs dropping 500k silver.

so yes it isn’t solely from bots, but they do a very major part in inflation while also contesting for tokens which gives money to legit RMT

Oh and sorry If I’m starting to become rude with my replies, I’ve hated bots for a long time now, and I want to take every chance of obliterating them.


You don’t understand what i’m saying.

I’m saying that you can grind for the items, and NOT JUST BUY THEM.

Edit: Why are you all thinking of “OMG I HAS TO GRIND XYZ AREA FOR SILVERS 2 BUY PRIMUS”

And not “What build can use shitty gear and still farm primus items?”

That is what I keep trying to point out.

No offense taken. I’m not a supporter of bots either.

I’m just rather ticked off that plenty of these ‘complaints’ also come with people bitching about having to buy silver for late tier items.

Few people can understand how gold sellers affect the game’s economy, but you gave a class here today. What you described here had to be put on a frame and sent to the developers of I m C, so they would think a little and develop something to do away with those damn sellers. Congratulations. I fully agree.

@Lostac brings up a very good point.

There are -bots- in Sauce9 farming for primus drops.

@SoftYoumu Why are the players complaining about farming for silver to buy those primus drops, and not giving it a go at farming for them?

Masinos recipes drops are not limited to old players. Newer players can also get them.

You don’t need a +16 weapon to do the raid.

Heck, you can already catch up pretty damned quickly using the silver you get from levelling to 300.
Brand new character to level 300 gets you around 2-3m silver if you clear your daily dungeons.

Once you hit 300, you can easily farm for 270/315 gear and give em a go at hammering to +11. That is more than enough for all open-world (HG included) stuff.

Do that, then farm in Sauce9 for primus gear while levelling to 350. Then use 350 gear. Then do the raid yourself.

Is the above so damned hard? That was exactly what I did when I came back to ToS around a month and a half ago. The only advantage I had was the newbie/returnee package.

It has everything to do with this portion of your post.

I am also rather irritated that -every single time- some muppet (see early few posts) complains about BUYING Masi weapons, it comes along with blaming bots for -OH THE HORROR- PRICES, and asking IMC to implement hard caps on market prices (Hint. It dosen’t work.).

Just like the other thread a while back asking for hard-caps on token prices. Lmao.

Edit: You can actually catch up to older players in TOS fairly easily, given that the gear is mainly centered around HG drops now… The only thing I can think of that’s a little gear locked right now would be the Unique Raid. And you can do that one with +11s.

That’s actually not true, haven’t seen a complaint like that at all on the forums. You can stop your exaggerations just to give your argument any type of credibility.

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It is extremely relevant.
The BOTS are nowhere as much as these threads say.
And the main argument most of you guys are using is economy.

Not only the inflation is almost nonexistant on this game, you are not even required to trade with any other player to get the strongest gear in the game. It is pretty obvious that all this steams more from envy than anything.


Now, i’m not calling you blind, but…

Edit: Oh oh oh there is this one too!

You really need to see your optometrist.

Oh oh, don’t forget this hilarious thread.

Please force your players to sell cheap tokens! Charity charity11!!

Tbh this stuff makes me mad too.
People in this game expect to be able to “compete” into an economy by pure silver gains. Christ, if the prices of weapons rise just sell damn weapons instead of farming silver.

In a closed system where money can only increase every second that passes you CANNOT expect economy to not inflate. Fun fact? Italian economy inflated more than tree of savior did in the same amount of time in the 90’s. By the end of the 90’s a good pc costed the equivalent of nowadays 10000 euros. You are welcome.
I would add that we had no bots.