Tree of Savior Forum

No Silver No BOTS?

Google translator will help me in this…

How do we know the problem of them is out of control and I think that reporting them is not working as it should. Just 2 days ago, I went to complete some quests and from Kalejimas to Investigation I did not stop to find BOTS, BOTS everywhere !!! (Approximately 20 and not counting the Ch2) Not to mention that they were all the same BUILD Sorc C2-Necro C3.

De acuerdo a esto se habían dado cuenta de la cantidad de Silver que había en el juego y para evitar una inflación, decidieron nerf el cómo obtener Silver del Dgn 300 (pero creo que no contarón con la cantidad de Bots) y al final sólo lograron que fuera más dicifil obtenerlos… Y el mercado sigue teníendo precios arriba 100m, creo que estamos de acuerdo que la gente busca conseguir la mayor cantidad de Silvers para:
1.-Mejorar equipamiento.
2.-Comprar atributos.

So if you attack those 2 points you might be able to achieve something, how? Here are some options:

-Baja the prices of the attributes since it is absurd that from lv50 increases the price too much (Mainly from Rank 8 and the amount of Chars you have)

-You can have Drop Points of Attribute Points, starting from maps lv 1-200 with 50 to 200 and in maps lv 201+ points from 500 to 1000, with a % like the Card Albums for example.

  • Lower the same way the price of improvement of the equipment or change it for some type of Item either Powder or Stones, or something to improve is part.

-And obviously download the amount of Silver from the maps, and what even in maps lv 350+ I was stuck with Bots with lv 360 Sorc2-Necro3

They are just ideas and maybe they are not the best and even they are silly, but if this continues, they should legalize the use of BOTS and ALL HAPPY.

Now if anyone knows how to generate Silvers considering that there are people who work and like the game and can not make a good gear END GAME, it would be good to share it to be able to generate + 100m of Silvers and buy a weapon Masinios (Considering the Market of Klaipeda).

By the way, I am aware of the Memes that could be included in this publication, but it would be good to contribute ideas.


Don’t use google translate without leaving an original copy of your message above cause google translate sucks and many here like me know more than one language and can help you…

Traduccion: No uses el traductor de google sin dejar una copia del mensage original sobre el traducido porque el traductor de google no sirve y muchos como yo sabemos mas de un idioma y podemos ayudarte…

I don’t think silver is the problem, bots don’t only go for silver and it would do more harm than good to non bots…

is like removing banks cause the thiefs are too many, when a better security and police of the banks is all that is needed…

:wink::wink: @Staff how about we Exile :wink::wink: more GMs to the fields :smirk:


The damage done is too great right now, IMC ignored this issue since release, actually since Earlier Access.

In the game page says the game has VAC enabled, but I really doubt, and even if there was, I doubt it would caught easily bot/hack software for MMOs.

As @DrRM said, if the GMs at least did what they where supposed to do and patrol the game we would see less bots around. I’m actually trying to understand what a GM on ToS do tbh, aside from sometimes login into the game, chit chat with players and then log out for God knows how long and appear out of nowhere again just to chit chat again still beyond my comprehension.

There will be people coming here or at least thinking: “Why a GM would expend the whole day into the game to ban bots?”.

Who said anything to be the whole day doing that for a single person? No, they have a bunch of GMs, they can pretty much create shifts for that and it don’t need to be 24/7 either.

The game is already boring as it is, and the legit players have issues trying to level or do quests due to these parasites running loose make it even more “fun”.

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the true its that the over prices and the skamers works together to make you to buy silver to get the late tiers items… its just a cicle between unfair market prices and gold sellers. may be if imc must set a base price for the items this will be end.

imo i wouldnt mind if they wipe all the servers (but let people keep all the shit they spent tp on)

a fresh start would do wonders for this game imo, after that the GM’s should do their fuckin jobs, and it will be easier for them since everyone is just starting out.

You call it unfair, but it’s the reality of economy in this game, supply and demand are on bad terms due to:

  • Low population.
  • Heavy restrictions.
  • Massive amount of bots.
  • Massive amount of bugs/glitches.
  • Hackers/exploiters.
  • No solid content that bring fun.

You don’t find fun into the game and you definitely don’t come to work inside a game, you come to play and have fun, but ToS is just another labor on top of what you already do IRL, so why bother with it? This is what a good amount of players who quit, or are about to, think.

And to make matters worse, IMC don’t give a Won to what is happening.

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but thats what i mean when i say that imc must set the prices of the items… thats terms are on hands of the populations and the gold sellers have a lot more money and time invest than recent players so they can’t get acces to items that make them able to handle high lvl maps, so a lot of players are exploiting that to make money selling items to gold sellers and they “monopolizing” the prices on the market. this happen since the arde dagger when the GS buys them to make more farm bots. but now there are less bots and thats why the money are flowing arround in that cycle of sell items at over prices and gold sellers selling silver to “new players”

like a guy say on him review this game has become too unfriendly with new players, and thats a reason why this happen

Damage enhacement attributes should be cheaper or have a shorter cap… some skills go up to 50m each to master :S

LOL, you want to kill the little of game economy’s? They do that and this game is as good as dead faster than it’s current progress.

I don’t get this part, how a player don’t have gear to face high Lv areas? You can farm Lv 350 gear starting from Mishekan Forest that is Lv 326 if I’m not mistaken, the mob there is pretty easy to kill, the only downside is that the map have a low population.

You see people asking for members for Sausys 9 Challenge Mode every day at certain times, and even some in irregular times, you can get a bunch of 350 gear there.

If you are still under 350, you can start out in HG270-315 (they are all linked as floors) and start gearing up from there, then work your way in the 350 gear.

Gold Sellers don’t buy items, unless it’s crap from their clients to transfer the Silver they sold through their website. You are confusing stuff here.

Bot’s don’t need to worry about gear, if you do a scan in most of them you will see that they have shitty gear and not all slots are geared. Specially now that they use Sorc/Necro bots. Also, there’s no less bots, as far as I have seem in some maps, then again, after a certain time they change maps.

This game has always being unfriendly to new players, since EA, and it’s IMC’s fault, not bots or other players, with their ridiculous restrictions.

I’m not a rich player in this game, I have a bunch of chars in my main account and 2 other alts that I don’t even bother playing anymore, and I don’t find hard to gear up, I don’t know where you are coming with this so hard to gear up idea.

If you want stuff falling from sky into your lap you are in the wrong place, and even on other games isn’t like that.

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but thons of games works with a market sistem based on max prices for each item… like BDO and its more live that this game.

i mean like 2 years ago when they buy the arde dagger for like a 2kk each or more.

but thats its the early game, even imc say so. when you are lvling up and just need gear to hande with lvl-ups maps. by high end maps i mean like the farming dung /solmik / CM over 5… a player needs almos a nice weapon to handle thats stuff and thats weapons are for like 70-100 kk on my server and if its are a bow or a staff esily at 150kk or more. thats just over prices.

do you look very suspicius defending the base mechanics of the gold sellers. may be some one have to call a staff member to ask what they think about the prices on the market…

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Some friends who play Black Desert and TOS told me that the market is much better there, because the items have a minimum and maximum value established by the game and that there is an auction system.

How true is that?? I do not know, but if it works … you should try it on TOS

You are going wrong again, don’t compare ToS with other games, the population is totally different, we don’t have enough players to support what you are proposing, it will just sink the economy.

We already have to deal with expensive skill attributes, and I don’t see IMC lowering the prices for them, simple because they created the attribute point tickets, which I’m sure they will put in the Cash Shop as a bundle and single item.

The economy should be ran by the players, not the game company, but in counterpart, the company is responsible for security and control of illegal activities.

And IMC don’t do the security of this game, unfortunately.

We can go all day long discussing this here, but we won’t get into a consensus, you want the company to limit the pricing in market, it’s already there, there’s an automatic limiter, but little by little, players and even GS/Bots owners managed to use it for their own good.

Token was an item that had limit on pricing, it started with 3mil, went to 5 mil, now it’s 10 mil, soon it will probably go up to 20 mil, and like this, the game goes at slow pace, and decreasing it’s speed even more.

If you want to progress fast now on ToS, I suggest you to get into a big guild, even so, do be careful with scammer guilds.

And last, but not least, if you are really unsatisfied, I suggest you to play something else and let ToS hang up to dry, check it once a month to see if something changed for better, that is what I’m doing now.

The bot thing keeps being a non-problem, token is 15m on fedimian and it’s pretty affordable.
An economy based on services and trade IS and WAS to be expected.
Thinking you can get items by pure silver farming is the equivalent of waking up, getting a pickaxe and waving it on the streets hoping it would net you some money.

no. Enhancement attributes are expensive because they give your skills a huge damage boost and are concepted as something you work towards, even once you’ve capped your level.

It also makes builds with lower-ranked Classes more viable because you can cheaply attribute their skills to max in contrast to Rank 7/Rank 8 skills(some are surely overpriced,though, e.g. Mortal Slash,Merkabah,Deadly Combo, Quick&Dead,etc).

It would be way more boring if everyone could easily cap all enhancement attributes, if there’s no endgame, then what are you supposed to do with your silver? Hammer your weapon/armor to +40?

It is very true, but the question is, where do you get that money if you are a person with a life and you work and do not have the time to be 24/7? Considering that if you only have 1 Char it is possible, but even so it becomes heavy, in even getting only one weapon in +16 it is not cheap, maybe you have the fortune to make Silver easy but many do not

psst i know some guys who can hook ya up
jk lol

whale it up
buy cubes / tokens

i think.

In my opinion, the problem is that this game’s drop system is terrible, while you have a lot of silver sinks.

Your silver will be used directly by attributes, Tokens, infinite enhancing system, reagents, teleporting, shops services, improving your pet (not necessary for all mounted classes, but some do need to do it if they want to truly be a companion user). Even if some of these are small sinks (like teleporting), if you add them all together, it becomes a lot.
To that you can add the less direct or even indirect silver sinks.

Then you have the terrible loot and drop rates. Dungeons drop nothing truly useful which makes them lose all the excitement, and on random maps most useful things have a 0.0X% or at best a 0.X% chance to drop (even some rather useless things have a 0.0X% chance to drop, just why ??) duoed with a low respawn/small farming maps (unless you are in dungeon/HG maps). The best part is when you need to drop a recipe with a low dropping chance and you need to get all the low % drop materials as well… \o/
Which is why a lot of people would rather try to buy the weapon/recipe. But then, those are at 25+M… which depending on your characters and/or how long you can play a day can take weeks to get. Especially since silver doesn’t drop easily in this game either.
But no choice when in after 6 months you still cannot drop a stupid Petamion recipe and your alternatives are way too limited.

Oh yeah, the lack of choices between gear is also a terrible thing. You can’t improve your previous gear into a better one, and everybody will use the same kinds: demands will skyrocket. A huge demand already increases the prices, so doubled with a low drop rate… Ouch.

Funniest part is when you spent 30M to buy a recipe and crafted the item, then you enhance it, of course. And fail. Until it’s not worth anything anymore. The 30M are basically wasted. The weapon cannot even be resold at a decent price because people see a +8 3/12 pot and know it’s not worth buying. Unless you want to go at it with golden anvil and/or have a stash of diamond anvils + a lot of money.

It makes the game just… not fun. It’s not fun because it’s a constant struggle, you’re always getting frustrated because even if you do manage to get the weapon of your dream, it will get destroyed, it’ll be outdated next update, it’s a constant silver race, and so on…

It looks like nothing, but I think that simply the ability to improve the grade of your weapon would make the game so much more versatile and fun ! People will use the gear that they like, the bonus sets that they like rather than chase forever after the latest new things… And instead, the latest instances would add interesting new sets. Like instead of making 5 necklaces with all the elements, you can add them to some sets as effects if you have 5/5, for example.


you don’t have to upgrade your weapon through the roof, transcending is still the best answer to all your power needs. Transcending won’t fail you,too.

People just want that extra +800 attack from upgrading to +16 instead of +9. However, what exactly is won by that?
It’s just making the power creep worse.
IMCs answer to your power creep?
Making monsters have more defence&HP.

The more people are owning a highly upgraded weapon, the more likely it is for iMC to create Demon Lords and Velcoffers with so much defence and HP to counter your upgrades, resulting in the few bonus attack becoming insignificant.

within 6 months, you can get a Solmiki medal with ease without rerolling a cube even once (i.e. it costs nothing) so why would you exhaust yourself running the same dungeon again and again without any result?
In that time, you can get your weapon to T6-T8 with 2-3 daily Saalus runs (3x3x180=162 blessed gems + 81million silver averaged).
Saalus and challenge mode[up to stage 5] can easily net yourself around 500.000 silver a day per character, not including the sales of potentially good equipment dropping there.

How is there a need to introduce more easy silver?
You can even do daily quests for additional [up to]148.000 silver +x (around 80-100k from killing lvl 350+ mobs), and on friday-sunday, you can get up to 600 attribute points per day this way.

If you’re playing casually, what’s the point of rushing things?
Aren’t you supposed to have low investment(time)>low return(item/silver)?
This game excels in this point. If you want everything directly, try some RO private server with 10000x rates.

The playing experience is pretty bad and it becomes boring fast because you get everything easily.

Now imagine that on TOS, IMC would have to make the game even more spongy to counter the power creep since they refuse to nerf either overpowered Classes that aren’t in the Cleric Tree or twohanded weapons.

No, the thing making the game not fun is to see that noobs with less investment into a character can easily deal several times the damage of you.
That’s because IMC buffed their Classes through the roof while yours just sucks. This is the point where I say it’s not fun anymore and my investment has not the same value as the investment of player X, although I have invested way more into my character than he did.

Remember the time when Doppelsoeldner had to sacrifice his defence for an attack boost?
Now he can even get doubled defence with Peltasta C2 in his build, making him into a murder-machine without any downsides.
Where is the point playing anything else if the damage comes without a downside on the Swordsman side?
It’s actually hilarious if you think about it. This is what is destroying the gaming experience.

I can’t count the times in Saalus where I set up my sure kill combo to kill a boss and before I can nuke it, a Lancer or Doppelsoeldner uses one skill to destroy it. How is this fair, with less investment and less build-up time he achieved a better result.

This game should boost comboplay, the more debuffs and skills you use, the stronger your skills should be, and the less charging/channeling/preparation time needed, the less a skill should be able to output.

Multihit attributes like Quintain, Triple Arrow, Cannon Shot,Pheasant, Penetration Shot, Zornhau,Ultimate Dimension are just lazy game design that worsen the power creep of certain Classes/builds instead of creating a rewarding combo with management aspects (e.g. Hexing>Damballa, you need to manage the amount of zombies or just can’t even use the skill/deal damage!!!).
They should be removed from the game and instead provide an enticing gameplay mechanic that requires the player to pay attention to the enemy [e.g. Zornhau could deal more hits if used shortly after getting damaged by the enemy as a sort of retaliation instead of by getting a simple attribute at skilllevel 6] and manage his skills/time their uses accordingly.

If they ever remove bots, there will be a huge change in “player” population and market prices.

How? We probably have less than 100 bots active in the game if you sum up all the servers.

I firmly believe this is one of the few games that managed to keep inflation on check. Other grind games have the prices multiply by like x100 every year.

Looks like you’ve been crying for 2 years instead of playing the damn game.