Tree of Savior Forum

No one need you if you are not a Peltasta

“No one need you if you are not a Peltasta”

thats actually true - had that a week or so ago when a random swordi joined party and he couldn pull…somebody in party whispered me that our swordi just runs after us and leeches exp while were doin the job and kinda wanted to make a new party with an available pel so the swordi wont feel offended if we would jst kick him and say goodbye - truth hurts sometimes but ya i as a spoiled marthon grinder demand a pel and chrono 3 in party…to a point where i feel demotivated to grind if we wont have said classes - they simply speed up the grinding process by 30-50% i mean 8m without chrono and pel or 13 with chrono and pel is a huge difference - but ya kinda got spoiled and i feel like in perma slow without a chrono

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Thats only if those who have chose the tank build but how bout the pure dps route “neglected in your opinion” ?
-Smaller Aoe
-Lower range
-More CC than archers, not really since kd/stun dont rly matter for mobs above lvl 200+ let alone bosses
-Tankiest tree by large amount, well since they are short range and first to be damaged so ofcourse they should be given something in return? Not to forget eva/def is useless against homing magic missles.
-Taunt, thats only applied if they went peltasta or took the “aggro attribute”(this alone is not efficient enough to hold aggro)

Well they still can be useful but you need to know the main issue they are facing. There’s a reason why there are dps/tank/support builds else why are there such class diversities in ToS? If one can’t even choose to play as a pure melee dps without any gameplay issues then wouldn’t it pretty much defeat the main purpose of the game’s flexible mechanics? It still can’t be ignored that this is currently being unbalance? Once there’s a demand problem in parties, that alone is already can be seen as class imbalance.
No offence intended :sweat_smile:
Imma share my opinion here as well :open_mouth:

You are 100% right here. It is a MAJOR balance issue. I’m hoping it gets fixed at later levels, because I don’t see it getting fixed right now. The easiest way to fix it partially is simply stop spamming magic mobs and put in more physical mobs. It’s a temporary solution.This alone would buff swordsman tenfold, as dexterity and dodge would be far more useful, plus enemies wouldn’t outrange you.

Yes, you can always get a linker, or even a cryo, but you’re already relying on other classes to make up for major flaws, which isn’t addressing the root issue.

The biggest problem is just that swordsman are designed to be more well rounded. This isn’t a good thing in PvE group play. If there was a way that they could massively lower their HP to greatly increase their damage, all of a sudden they are now balanced as a DPS class too. Deeds of Valor almost does this, but it falls short, and it is bugged as most people know.

It basically comes down to this: The only way to balance swordsman is to make them give up their HP for damage. As long as they have way higher HP than the other classes, they can’t be doing as much damage them, or that wouldn’t really be fair to them (the other classes).

Post 200 swordsman is just brutal if you’re not a tank. You’re going to have to make some good friends. It is entirely IMC’s fault. This game is very new though, and it is all subject to change. They are definitely listening to us, so just keep giving advice and CONSTRUCTIVE opinions.

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Uh huh…

u should try post an image tanking those numbers of mobs but mobs which does range magical homing missiles instead. :wink:


For those HL players no1 ever said it was impossible to get to lvl 280/end game content if you are not a peltasta.

but a peltasta might get there in 300 hours but a HL get there only in 500 hours etc.

im logging in my c3 barb only for boss rush nowadays and hey i just re-rolled an archer 2days ago and omg its awesome.

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This is exactly correct. In fact, I’d rather bring my DPS Dragoon friend than a strange Fletcher along to a party. We know each other well, and teamwork is dreamwork as they say. Plus, it’s a game, you’re meant to have fun with your friends.

I’m trying to understand why shinobi is good for the earth tower, can someone tell me why?

Well, this is how I see it:

I have both a Peltasta and Barb.

If you wanted to be a tank, you might as well have gone Peltasta. I don’t understand players who want to try to be a hybrid of everything. A Peltasta C3 is a better tank than any other classes especially with High Guard. If you want to tank, go Peltasta. Otherwise, your role as a DPS swordie is really just off-tanking.

If you are focusing on DPS, focus on DPS. You don’t deal as much damage as Wiz or Archer but you have the highest HP pool still as a swordsman. That’s the whole point, swordsman is not a glass cannon. You sacrifice some DPS for HP/DEF, but you are still a tank.

If you wanted to be a glass cannon, archer and wiz is the class for you.

Really, it comes down to party composition. People care too much about what is the ultimate tank or whatnot.

Put it in perspective, there multiple party compositions. Do you want a tank that invested purely into CON or a tank that has some DPS? We all know the role of the swordsman is still a tank, they have the highest HP pool.

But… people forget, that the tank also adds to the DPS, although not as much as a wizard or archer, they are part of the party and add to the DPS as a whole. If you are talking about individually, yes wiz and archer deal the most DPS… but this game focuses around the party.

Imagine if a Priest didn’t take Blessing? Blessing adds +170 DMG. Now that might not be much for some people but 170 x 5 members = +850 dmg per attack for the whole party. It’s almost like having an extra party member.

Pit two parties together vs a boss for an example.

You have a pure tank swordie and a DPS swordie. Depending on the situation, you only need enough CON to survive some boss attacks. Otherwise, you dump all your stats into CON for tanking which is useless if the boss cannot kill you anyway and you sacrifice all that DPS which could help the party.

Compare that to a DPS swordie. His role is still tanking but he possibly deals x2 or x3 more damage than a pure tank. He is adding significantly much more DPS than a pure tank.

People really need to stop comparing classes individually. We all know wiz and archers deal the most damage as they are supposed to. It does not make sense to give the tankiest class the highest DPS. Learn to play your role right.


Honestly Pelt just needs a rework.

The simplest and most logical move is to replace Concentrate from the swordsman tree with Swashbuckling so that no swordsman is gimped from party play.

Giving players a reason to progress through Sword2/3 if they want and not locking everyone to pelt1 as the 2nd advancement.

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This is quite true. HL is only popular in KR and INT because of skyliner spam that is nerfed here, and also low level bots farms with HL.

I wish you post how you tank 6x spiral arrows from blue spion archers :grinning:

That’s not how it works in games. If you want pure DPS, you should be able to do it. Pelta is not the answer. Once rank is not the answer.

Here’s a question for you, orindary_eins. If you’ve got your tank, and a healer, and the other 3 are DPS, are you saying that Swordies shouldn’t be there too? Regardless if they could off-tank with Pelta or not.

You see now? That’s not how the world works in gaming.

You want a pure DPS but without weakness
and you call it balance

slow clap*

Um don’t swordmen already give up the range in favor of tankiness? Now if they even give up HP, what do they have left?

Speaking of HP and tankiness, you know, cleric is actually better than swordman, since they can heal themselves. As long as you don’t get 1-shot as a cleric, you have infinite amount of HP, and same armor as a swordman. If you don’t believe me, check kTOS where all priests wear cafrisun to level 200-ish. Swordman cannot do that, unless they goes full DEX, which is severely limited build.

So of all the perks you listed earlier, only aggro pulling stands, hence this thread.

Close range as opposed to long range is a HUGE weakness if you ask me.

slow clap*

Don’t compare real life with gaming. Didn’t you learn that from your parents?

Also, pure DPS does have a weakness. It’s called taking damage and GTFO of damage areas, or take damage and perhaps die in the game.

There is a reason why I don’t like non tank swordsman in my party. It may not be entirely because of their build.

  1. A real tank can let the healer focus less on him, thus increasing our (DPS and support) survivability by alot.
  2. A real tank can stay and lure more creeps, increasing the party overall DPS.
  3. A non tank based swordsman most probably don’t know how to tank (not the build’s fault).
  4. A non tank based swordsman usually does nothing, not even damages to the mobs.
  5. A non tank based swordsman usually believe that they have the highest DPS because they messed up the DPS from wizards by splitting the mobs.

When I type out the reason, it seems that the main reason that I hate non tank based swordsman is that they don’t know how to cooperate with party.

I somehow agree that they should give non tank based swordsman MORE dps though, seriously, they are like some burden now most of the time in a party, especially when healer don’t exist.


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so something without Weakness is Align with non Real life logic
All Pros no Cons = OK in game setting

*slow clap