Being peltasta isn’t the answer to everything tbh, at least if you do get a party you don’t get placed into roles that you weren’t built for. Yes peltasta is great and all and in this current build, might be a necessity, but the day you pick up the circle, you get shoehorned into a tank role and you have a huge responsibility ahead of you. Doesn’t matter what stats or skill build you go for, you can be a c3 hoplite/dragoon or a c3 barb/doppel but oh you picked Peltasta? You tank, that’s all, potentially wasting about 75% of your other role efficiency. I am not sure how much fun that is compared to not getting a party.
Thats how logic works in this world
You need to balance betwen protection and Firepower. thats how every front line unit works.
if you familiar with military then you should know Artilery unit is thin skined but packed larger caliber, compared to Front line unit like tank.
or medival cannon compared to footsoldier
I got fencer goin Pel1 also.
because IMO Melle DPS need certain amount of protection to be effective, since swordman even DPS build were once and foremost still a Frontliner for his team.
because the other class lack ability for aggro, Sw class that have peltasta in the build has higher demand. In group of my friends there’re cleric and some mage that is as tanky as Sw but the party performance is better when there’s someone who can aggro.
Find peltasta buddies that you can tag along with one of them when you go with party farming or dungeon so you can act as dps+sub tank when the tank is low on HP or fall.
The reason we are always gonna be tank is due to our damage is far much lower compared to Archer and Wizard. If our damage is just about 5-10% difference then we could stand a long as a DPS instead of just meat shield = /
I totally agree, swordsman skills need a percentage scaling, all skills from rank 1-6 become nearly useless later because they don’t scale with your level.
If they want all swordsmen go tank, than why do classes like barbarian,doppel,cataphract and dragoon even exists?
poor balancing here.
playing solo since level 190 and im 229 now, close to quit the game since the only class I like in games are swordsman like classes
Its because out of all the classes, the swordman actually has the lowest dps because its meant to be a tanker, 3rd place in dps is cleric, then wizard, and top would probally be archer, though depending on build it goes between wiz/archer for 1st. Peltasa circle one is purely for swashbuckling, which is a slightly beyond screen range 11 enemy taunt that can pull a bunch of stuff to you at level 5 swashbuckling. If you go even higher in peltasa u can pull even more, but peltasa 1 seems to be all you need. Swashbuckling is also pretty godly for farming too since it’ll pretty much yank everything on screen to you. on my 116 dragoon build, I use swashbuckling and then stabbing and it usually wipes out the entire pack of mobs.
Why would anyone want a swordman for dps? when a dps cleric (mostly chaplain), or a archer or wizard is far better? IMO the only really good build for swordman is swordie->peltasa->hoplite3->dopple->dragoon. nothing else will match its dps at endgame. I mean hoplite 3 is free 150 crit rate (or 150 dex bascally) free +3 aoe ratio, a 0s cd spamable ranged attack skill, which is made even more op when you factor in dopples deeds of valor/cyclone, then dragoons ability to use 2 hand spears+its sky high hitting attack skills. Oh and because of hoplite3, you never need to add any dex at all. You can go all str/con and still have higher crit rate than a high dex swordie. The +3 aoe attack ratio that also comes from the same buff for the crit is also quite nice. You pretty much can’t make a better swordman combo, it can dps, tank or off tank, taunt, it does pretty much everything.
The downside to this build is its a late bloomer. you won’t really see how strong it is till hoplite3, but once you get hoppy3 and keep going it just gets more and more insane as u get dopple1 and then dragoon. Alot of people get the 2 hand sword classes cuz at low lv and mid lv they are decent, but they start to fall off HARD at like 170+ and thats when hoplitedragoon build starts to outshine them in everyway.
Maybe i’m bias, but if i had to choose between archer or swordie, or wiz or sword for dps, i’d always take the archer or wiz over swordie anyday. Most people will sadly. Not that I am that picky, usually i’ll just take anything and go even if its not optimal.
If only the Barbarian Taunt would work the same way as Swash Buckling… it would solve so much problem… but it has such a SMALL AoE and such HUGE Cooldown…
Give Warcry an attribute that pretty much does the same thing as Swashbucking and that helps the lack-of-class-diversity issue.
But there’s still the fact that everything does more damage than Swordsman class overall; and no, just because it’s a Swordsman, that doesn’t mean it’s automatically a tank - that should be dependent on chosen classes and stats.
Aside from all that, one of the issues I’m seeing is the small fact that magic cannot miss regardless. Anyone else think spells should require an accuracy check?
Peltatsa’s Guardian skill (at level 1) gives up to 18% evasion bonus with level 3 attribute… that skill pretty much replaces Gung Ho and Concentrate late game saving you buff slots… Peltatsa can never be useless
I think you guys understimate tanking in general.Everyone else does more damage if tank is doing his job.
Second, Swordie still has monopoly on “increase dmg type” debuffs.
Wiz3 Kino3 here.
It’s not good for boss indeed. Not bad, but not good compared to how much he shines in grinding pt/dungeons. But who cares ? Most of the time you’ll face foes, and most of archer will totally outdamage wizards vs boss.
And no, kino3 won’t tank at all x) You’re based on channeling, you don’t want to find yourself main tank Anyway, most of the time, the monsters won’t be able to attack with a psycho 3, no need tank anyway (raise + gravity pole, telekinesie for isolated targets)
they could just make swashbulk a swordsman skill and give peltasta some magic tanking hability instead
This is not good news for me. I took HL and sorta regretting it. I have Corsair in my build tho and I’m going c2 > Shinobi (hoping he will get better with updates) . I guess I can compensate with jolly roger as team buff for dps so even tho I cant tank maybe some team might pick me. Also I am thinking as more guilds become available it will be possible to farm and lvl with Guildies regardless of build…hopefully haha. I went dps but I want to make a full tank eventually just not this guy.
It is kinda ironic how people starting to realize why its worth it to take peltasta, When I just started this game everyone keep on asking me "why do you take peltasta instead of HL. There is a reason why swordman got the biggest hp pool & we are the only class that has aggro pulling skill even we have passive for it (provoke), we just need to make the best out of it
I am a Sw - HL3 - corsair .
And I love my character so far.
Planning to become a shinobi
Soo… Does this mean that as long as I took Pelta c1 I’m good? Is full tank so much better in high level dungeons, that it is worth giving up all the dps for those few utilities from tank classes, or Pelta1 is all I need to be useful and I should just keep going fps? I’ m Barb so there doesn’t seem to be any way to transform me into tank at this point other than reroll, but looking at those tank classes, they appear to give s*it at 200+ anyway, so how is it exactly?
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Wow, so a DPS swordy is indeed useless than? Whats the point of being swordy dps, when 3! classes out dps you? Oh and I am consider a tank also? So I have to spend points in con to make that up, even weakening my dps even more? Jesus then whats the point of classes like dopp, barb, and highlander. Why didnt they just make the swordsman classes meant for just tanking then? So I didnt have to play this game because I like swordsman classes and hate being a tank. Just pisses me off I wasted money and time, and time again hunting for rare gear. And all these restrictions with the trade? And here I was 197 feeling bored of the game already, now I see this? Man ■■■■ this broken ass game. Smh
190ish here, so I can’t say much about the real group content.
I can say this however: too often, players who never tryed swordman first hand have wrong expectations.
Peltasta real good thing is guard (aka holding your shield and increasing block chance), reducing damage taken is like increasing hp, takes more time for you to die. Swashbuckler from C1 aggroes 11 mobs, in my experience it is not a proper taunt, taunt usually FORCES the mobs to attack you, from what I understand it just applies provoke to them, same passive attribute from swordman circle 1. Increasing provoke to 10 is all you need to have aggro (the target attacking you, instead of others in your group).
I guess it also depends on what type of content you are doing, for grinding mobs that don’t aggro you on sight, SB is great, although I have to admit the most important part when doing this, is that the rest ofthe group understands not to run in front of you or to start dealing damage while yo uare still gathering up the crowd. If you can find a way to deal a bit of damage in the first few moments after aggroing them, with provoke to 10 they are going to stick to you for a while, maybe long enough for the party to clear the field. While you hold there, highlander gives you the ability to block with a 2handed right? I guess it is not as effective as shield guard + finestra at negating physical damage, but should be enough to give you extra mitigation, I’m just making assumptions here.
The main problem in my opinion is that the majority of players want the mainstream option; a month ago right before launch, peltasta and rodelero and constitution were all considered subpar, I even had someone not inviting me while grinding at some lvl 40 dungeon (I know it’s too low level, I had just started, what did I know?) because I had too many hp and therefore too little damage in his opinion - I had 20 points in con and 20 in str back than - now we start to experience hard-hitting monsters and the first choice is stacking CON.
If you have an unconventional build, the biggest effort will be convincing other players you can be useful, proving to them that you are is probably even easier.
… 500% aggro generation wont hold stuff long.
If you mates do 10~20 times your dps xD…
Only swqashbuckling can hold stuff good.