Tree of Savior Forum

No one need you if you are not a Peltasta

I’m not sure, do you even realize my point has no relation to your point?

My point is that swordsman player is usually annoying to most party, not swordsman itself.

Do you even play the game? Do you know that in this game, especially post 200, most swordsman don’t actually has any dps no matter the build at all?

Topic Related.


i know that Swordies dont do much damges since IMC Screwed up big times.
The question i ask is theoretical and not just for you.
Why should swordies choose Pelt and lose potential DPS while Mage almost always ignore Linker which has also an very good Mob Skil which i would argue is very good support for tanks and dps alike.
Also what do you preffer if you would have this situation?
An Pelt Swordie who isnt really that good in tanking.
or an Non Pelt tank that know what he does and does some additinal DMG.

Is it really that much?
Give me some example of not taking peltasta giving a significant amount of DPS advantage.

if you already have low DPS any additional DPS is good. And once again why should all Swordies have to take the tank route.
It almost as if saying all Blacks are meant to be slaves since they are black. Luckily all most all of humanity has gotten away from this thinking.

And once again why dont all Mages choose Linker?
I mean Linker is one of the Best classes for Grinding and huge Mob crowds yet people dont complain about a mage not having linker. But of course only swordie need to reroll they themself not. they are usally the only people allowed to have fun with their build see 30200 DMG instead of 30000 DMG because they didnt take linker.

If a Non Pelt tank know what should he do, and the Pelt swordie actually don’t understand how to use his swashbuckling, I would take the non pelt tank. HOWEVER, that’s a very very rare case. I had only met 1 non pelt that’s willing to tank and be useful in party after the whole ToS experience.

If the Pelt know how to press swashbuckling, I will always take the Pelt though. Just swashbuckling and my spell alone can do double or triple damage of what the DPS swordsman can offer.

Tbh, I can kick every non Pelt swordsman from my grinding or dungeon party, and clear the dungeon by 4 players, the clearing speed probably wouldn’t be much different. That’s how useless DPS swordsman that don’t want to tank is. Arguably it’s IMC’s fault, but I ain’t gonna take any swordsman that’s being cocky (most of them are) and refuse to help the party.

The main problem is most swordsman player don’t want to tank, claims that they are DPS, and refuse to eat potion because “muh repair cost”. So that ends up being the wizard or archer tanking the boss most of the time anyway.

Difference between having linker or no linker is 80k damage to 120k damage, or even more utility such as CC ability, damage buffing, or CD reduction in some class.

Swordsman don’t gain extra utility by not choosing tank (except squire, which most people is okay with it)

Also, the strongest AOE class, Wiz 3 Ele 3 Warlock don’t even require a linker to function, because Linker doesn’t synergize with them at all.

tl;dr: Wizard class can be useful without linker, swordsman class is a moving burden without Peltasta.

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I know what you are trying to argue, but take a good look on what you can choose at rank 2. Peltasta is the good choice here, whether you want to tank or not.

Highlander? 2H Mastery Attribute? It sucks. Cross guard is okay, cartar is okay, the rest is kinda meh.

Sword2? The stronger buffs you get are barely any different from sword 1, and restrain lv 5 sucks, pain barrier is arguable but only for 5 seconds more…

For some reason, more people pick sword2 FOR PVE and that makes them ultimately useless. And let’s not talk about swordsman players that don’t even have the provoke attribute. Yes it’s IMC’s bad design, but for now we gotta live with it.

i took c2 purely cause i am not one bid interested in its skill set or bonuses. But i maxed Provoke to 10 its not that expensive afterall

i dont get that behavier. I have Provok on 10 and my god potions are dirt cheap. The only reason i dont took pelt is because i dont like to basicly just stand and afk while others do the work. so i took c2 like i said. Will with hurt me in long run? In earthtower mostlikely, in later and newer end game dungeon? Not likely if they dont just copy paste earthtowers Formula.

IMO DPS Swordie also can sub tank in case the main tank ever falls or disconects mid Dungeon or agro the mobs that the main didnt get.

that’s the problem, most swordsman players are being mislead by this. I am 270, I TAUNT AND do damage, 100k bursts at that, the main problem with my dps as a fencer is my very low aoe attack ratio, I could only hit 3 medium mobs with it. each swordsman classes have their own problem, but then again that’s imc’s design. This is just me saying my point about taking peltasta and not just taunt and do nothing but guard.

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I wonder if you ever realize that a DPS swordsman existence is equal to nothing in a party post 200.

I can live without them fine, and probably even grind faster because they don’t fked up the aggro.


yep…solo grinder pelt…no problem at all, except from WB hunt lol. too much lag. cant hit well

Well swordman should be removed. Rank1 should always peltasta

you know why ? that’s international server bull ■■■■ logic
people still invite dps sword man in kr but it’s not here
it was like: "you are an sword man so your duty is a taunter"
wtf with that logic, lol

Swordie is kinda buffed in ktos.

Swordman have no significant buff in ktos. I would say wizard do shtty dps as well. You seems to hate swordman with such low encounter experience with them.
Truly tho, swordman no potion, cannot tank, and always fk up aggro. What server are you in? I’m at 280 for like 4 months now and what you say is not true.

Did someone say Potions!!!???

But yeah, I believe I play on the same server as you Mirarara, but I’ve yet to encounter people/swordsmen not using potions past alemeth.

early on though I will understand bonfire for sp, for hp i’d probably rely on potions still

Peltesta that just taunt and guard is just playing it wrong.

or maybe they just lazy or somewhere in between

I know peltesta is good and such the thing is i hate shield and that’s the only reason i wont go peltesta

Pick peltasta and dual wield. You get guardian benefits and swashbuckling to yourself, you also have a party utility right away.