Tree of Savior Forum

No one need you if you are not a Peltasta

the problem is the CD of swordy’s skill, our skills are not powerful enough compared with other classes, on DPS.

the better way to raise dps is to lower our CD on skills.

i currently have 1600 sp with only 10 in spr.

I have never run out of sp because all my skills have long CD which most of my time was doing auto atk.

dont say other classes’ cd are longer than ours, theirs are ranged and more scaled with stat

and most important,
they dont take damage while using skills…

every time after i used Cyclone in mobs (lvl 230+), i need to take a break =3=

You tried to defend it by pointing out an obvious flaw? I’m confused

Cyclone and a couple other doppel abilities is one of the reasons they are wanted in earth tower. The builds may differ though. Ktos is a little different than Etos

Odd how so many people avoid attack Rodelero’s despite Rodelero’s bring 200% extra scaling to Strike that applies to all strike damage dealers in the party attacking that target.

Meanwhile even many Support Wizards go for wizard 3’s 50% scaling despite it affecting only them and even if they may not have sufficient damage tools to work with it solely because they’re thinking of the future.

If you think Long term then Rodelero has 200% extra scaling to strike on single targets that will apply throughout the game, just as lethargy is 100% for strike on multiple targets, and snatching is 100% to Strike/Slash.

I think a lot of people forget just what contributions they can bring (the amount of Wizards without Lethargy lvl1 is ridiculous, and there are even Hunters who don’t realize Snatching is nearly a mandatory Hunter skill).

Of course Rodelero is underpowered but there is a lot of FoTm talk here that doesn’t replicate itself in other class discussions because their are more players in those other classes who focus on later use. “What will still be relevant at rank 8 or 9” is often something considered.

Cataphracts get bonus movement speed and extra health from riding, regardless of how DPS skills go down the line they will have those benefits.
Rodelero has Strike debuffs that increase dps on the target.
Peltasta has Swashbuckling, Guard Attribute bonus, Evasion bonus and Umbo Thrust.
Hoplite has Finestra and Spear Lunge, regardless of how rank 8/9/10 go Hoplite will have those contributions to its self (finestra) and to other pierce damage dealers (Spear lunge).
Squire has Arrest and its base camp (and obviously repairs/boosts for field grinding).

Corsair has Jolly roger for extra party DPS, more money and a little extra defense, as well as Iron Hook for some CC.

There is benefit to more then Peltasta, although sure some players may not value anything other than Swashbuckling.

Imo, a Monk and a Rodelero 3 in Ktos will be able to deal significant amount of damage together, and still deal a decent amount together even now. Throw in a wizard thats two strike damage dealers and 300% to strike damage going out, even more in Ktos. Wiz Could be a great deal of things, Rodelero can get extra damage from frozen enemies too. so Cyro works, Elementalist obviously hits hard (Hell Rodeleros and peltastas benefit from Petrification too not that many eles have Stone curse either), and Linker is a benefit for Rod and Monks more single target nature.

So many ways to play in this game and to construct teams.

dont use Ktos as reference, it doesnt count here…

give HL Skyliner 0 CD back, well, even 8 secs cd I will shut my F up = =}}}

and earth tower or not as long as in a pt with heal, then it doesnt matter that much…

the problem here is that non tank swordy find it hard to join a pt and skills dont work well in solo as well.

I solo and party on my doppel all the time. Yes the damage we bring is on a slight cooldown BUT if built right the cd is only 1-2 seconds. Most of our abilities have a decent aoe ratio. Solo is slightly more rough due to our CDs lowering our defense and such but we make up for that with the ability to take down high HP mobs quickly.

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Use Crown on Magic mobs. Also, go get Glass Bracelets and upgrade them between 3 to 5 (3 is good so far) and now you have over 90 magic defense per bracelet. Then go upgrade your amulet … to something that has high defense. Or get Strength Amulet and upgrade to 5+ that nets you 50 magic defense. Also put in your boots Blue Gem lvl 4 in both sockets if you got the cash …

Not sure how else to mitigate the damage from magic … Only Crown and then Cross Slash/Skyline or Cyclone or Moulti or if you are Doppel C2 you’ll just own them pretty quick. Not having much trouble with magic mobs, in fact they’re the best for building up Deeds. But right now I’m just a lvl 243 not sure how hard they will get at higher levels.

What Sumerr said. +1

Swordies, gear up (update/upgrade your gear). We’re not Archers and Mages - they don’t need to gear up. We’re broken until IMC fixes us.

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Truth be told this reminds me of RO lol. WHen you actually had something you needed a tank for, there were like 3-4 options that could actually eat heavy damage, ignoring things like SW. But for base reference, Crusader/Monk were the main tanks, and no 2HS Agi knight was ever going to do comparable MVP style damage to an archer or wizard for instance.

This game just has a style that isn’t really comparable to the newer styles of things, and is very rock paper scissors. More recent MMO’s are balanced to the point that there isn’t a huge loss of being a ‘melee’ dps, it generally just requires learning mechanics better and playing more carefully.

This game on the other hand, is very much about X does tanking, Y does dps, etc. There are no swordsman builds that do healing for instance, no archer builds that do tanking. When you are the only class who can wide rage provoke, and you have the highest base hp by 2x? This is what’s going to be expected. There is always going to be a meta, and you can choose to go with it or against it. In this case though, I’m fairly sure it would be a far better idea to play a class intended for dps aka archer/wiz, if that’s what you want to do.

Just take a look at cata, where you get a % of your mount’s hp/def/eva. Even though Cata is a DPS tree, it has defensive things worked into it, along with the fact that all of it’s skills are usable with 1h spear, have knockback (cc), have decent aoe size, Cata also has bonus movespeed (kiting). This sort of gives me the feel of a Hybrid class.

Looking at something like Barb, one excellent fact if you want to take it high into the tree is Frenzy. Even if you build heavy con, you can still get the stacks on this and build up your ATK to do decent damage while tanking. You also get some good AoE hits that you can use while CC (aka cleave’s stun damage), seism. These can be used for some damage, and to keep aggro better as well.

If you go HL at least to 1, you can get Cross Guard. With this you can even swap to 2H after using SB and using skills for more damage, assuming you want to go the 2H route, though obviously will get your hurt. You can use attacks in between cross guards to mitigate damage.

Could just go by what they tell you at level 2 (remember the beginning quest in Laprasa Pond and West whatever woods?) they recommend Str and Con for Swordsmen.
Of course people can do their own thing but the recommendation is that.
Likewise STR is recommended to archers but its also stated that they may want to be agile (dex).
Wizards get told INT or SPR and to choose specialization or to be a hybrid.

Still there are exceptions such as CON being a powerful stat for anyone regardless of what they recommend.

By the way, Jolly Roger damage increase is bugged on iTOS.

Honestly taunt should be a C1 Swordsman skill. This would make all swordsman builds more viable.

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Not all Swordsmen are tanks and as such they’re not all suited to take swashbuckling if it means they’re going to die when the mobs collapse on them.
That is Peltasta’s niche which is why it has that skill.
Peltasta is also the only class actually labeled as being “Defense” type in the swordsman class tree (Rod is attack type).
If people want to be tanks they go Peltasta it is that simple. If they want to prioritize damage then there is Swordsman c2 (pretty mediocre though) and Highlander instead. Its really simple.

Go Peltasta to prioritize defensive tools, go Highlander/Swordsman C2 to prioritize offensive tools. There’s nothing even remotely complicated about it.
A Swordsman has 3 routes he can go at Rank 2. 1/3 is Defensive.

there is one attribute called provoke…
but i am not sure it is passive or active.

and I have never tried, as i dont know if i can turn it off or not
because i read some ppl screwed as it drags too many mobs that they cant handle.

It is very dangerous for solo swordies to draw unnecessary attention = =
i always keep my profile low…

You can turn off Provoke.

Iron Hook the Rushing Cata moron, problem solved.

Better yet, just Arrest the fool.

Falconer’s can also just Hanging Shot.

TL;DR There are ways around every so called “problem”

well in gvg the cata is just a disruptor if you focus on the cataphract alone then you would have losed because his teamate will devour all that focused the cata

Almost in every game Wizard always seems to have best AOE DPS.
that doesnt the problem. because its like unwritten rule in MMO classing.

Appeal of Melle DPS were never be a party Primary DPS, it never will, from almost every MMO game I played.
it usualy, mostly, Melle DPS were excell in smaller scale PVE sometimes best at solo or part of a small group like 2 or 3 player total.
like two handed knight or CritSin back in RO days. which have similiar fate

IMO The problem of “Forced Party” to tackle end game content were caused more by the End game content required Party and hard to Solo, rather than the problem within the class itself

Fencer is more like end game Frontliner class, since they have skills to block or adding evasion they can function as tank. as pure DPS ? they will be lackluster

Barbarian more like kinda Jack of All Trade class, since all their skills were not specialized, and can be used with all weapons combination.

the first time I saw Highlander skillset, I dont see DPS. rather seems Class that give bad status, bleeding and all.
Cartar Stroke were nice, but the overall feel of the class more like semi support. Compared to Hoplite skillset

while IRL, spear historicly refered more as Offensive and aggresive weapons more so than Swords for almost all parts of Human history (which why offensive operation sometimes reffered as Spear head in modern days)
but I agree, the Emphazise of Spear in this game were kinda unfair for swordlover (me included lol)

come say that to me in game noob

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