Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I myself rerolled my character because I thought ANY swordsman class could tank. Turns out, there were specialized classes for that. So, I actually did my research and remade my character. Works out swimmingly right now.

I was level 80ish when I remade my character. It wasn’t a complete loss, I made my mistakes and I learned form them. I actually found it rather fun playing from scratch again.


Its a different story entirely when you get your swordsman to 280+ class rank 8 comes out and you realize you need to reroll your entire level 280 character to setup a build to pair up well with that new rank 8 class.

That said ive voiced my opinions several times in the actual thread so ill link it here


i live my gaming life by 2 stantards:

1- Time is a priceless commoditie;
2- Time is really a priceless commoditie.

That said, i must point out that im not an “asian Grinder” type of player, and while i really enjoyed the themes of games Like RO, Lineage and Lineage 2, i couldnt stand the fact that i had to kill 5000 grasshopers to gain a lvl.
Im lvl 220 atm in TOS, i had to grind some levels, but nothing unbearable, i have no complaint about the leveling so far, there ar a lot of biomes and interesting themed maps, and the music of the game is very nice.

And i understand some people enjoy watching grass grow or paint dry, just because they can endure it while most cant, making them special snowflakes, allowing them to be part of the 1%.

Its a fact that this kind of players dont want something like circle reset, just because it disminishes their inherit ability to endure such things, not to mention the “time” factor. And its normal for them to be against this kind of feature, as it will somewhat mitigate their “advantage” over average players.

As a player that value my time… a lot, i welcome the circle reset feature, if properly introduced. For example, it should be a low avaliability item, like:

  • you could get one every 3 months for each account (not stackable).
  • extra one avaliable to players that had their classes heavily tweaked by patches.

This would be enough to prevent players from “overreseting” circles.

Most hardcore players will react to this kind of feature with vengeful hate, by the reasons stated above. They will reroll as many chars as they need, they have the time and will to do such thing, and are more than willing to use that as a “skill” cap to set them apart the rest.

There is a diference between a feature trivializing a game and improving quality of life. Most of the players against it dont care about either, theywant it not added just because, as they say: “ill happilly reroll everytime i make a mistake or IMC screw my build, therefore everyone should too”.
And to justify this posture they use things like:

  • “this is how true rpgs works”
  • “reroll or leave”
  • “this game is not easy”
  • “thats how this kind of game works”

To all of that i say BS. Its simple, you people dont want the feature just because you have no problem with the game requiring you to spend another 500 hours to do slightly or heavy changes to your build.

I think its fair to let people reset their circles for whatever reason (“why” is not important here), as long as its not abusable and is time restrictive.

ps: sorry about the bad english


Well said! I’m with you, no to the job reset.

Note aside
Some people are mistaken to think that making a game more easy, or that giving the player options like a job reset is a feature for all casual players. Yea, it might apply to those that call themselves casual, those that want to play the game to all it’s depth but have little time. That’s not a casual player, that just a core player with little time. The casual player comes for other things, like the grind, the questing, the social life, etc.

They already do. When your lodge is full, for 33 TP you can buy a new slot. It’s already in the game… what?

Hey look, some no-life who probably plays 18 hours a day and doesn’t want reset because he has all the time in the world to level how many chars he wants to.


This game WILL fail without reset, 99% of the players are casual, and they will quit the first time they have to reroll characters, and a game without players is a dead game, that means all the “hardcore” will quit as well.


And I’m 99% sure you made that statistic up and it’s nowhere near realistic. You just want to believe you have majority’s support behind your opinion because that would be really convenient for you :slight_smile:


its no secret that 99% are casual,

99% of all statistics are made up.


What if I suck at candy crush too?

Who is we? because there are some people who are asking for an easy reset. With the only restriction is a high price tag and that would be the worst way to do it.

This is the worst argument too. Its not about the single person. Its about how a big change like this would affect the game.

I loled at this


Maso Sado time in this thread here lol.

Obviously, I was implying there are people who are not asking for a complete reset . OP doesn’t say what is she/he is against.

High price tag, low price tag, buy with silver, seasonal one time quest? That is for IMC to decide. I cant decide what’s good for their business.

Nothing more worse than you claiming “big change” “affect game”.
Are you going to bring fake diversity into this?

A few of you here are more concerned on how others are building their character and are they going to enjoy more than you.

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It’s hardly a matter of YES or NO.

It’s a matter of “Will it make them money?” If they can implement something streamlined that they can make money off of, there will be a Circle reset in the future no matter how much people whine about it. It’s just a matter of time.


And it’s not that simple either. You have to think the longevity if the game too. Resets would make people quit this game faster.

If this game takes too much time or effort for you, simply play another game instead of demanding it to be easier. There are enough easoer and mire effortless games so you can enjoy them. Let us enjoy ours.


If this game takes too much time or effort for you, simply play another game instead of demanding it to be easier. There are enough easiee and more effortless games so you can enjoy them. Let us enjoy ours instead of ■■■■■■■ it up.

This exactly: the skills are not nearly accurate enough as they are now, and things often don’t work as stated, or are otherwise just confusing. For me, I thought the Chaplain’s Aspergillum was literally casting Aspersion with every auto attack, because that’s how the description made it seem, and I spoke with MANY people who thought THE EXACT SAME THING. And I had to get to level 125~ before I got to find that out.

Anyone who’s making arguments like:[quote=“Brobbulus, post:4, topic:232755”]
Ppl have to learn that there are still places where they have to suffer consequences if they f*** up.
It’s not always about just messing up a build by accident. Sometimes it’s about literally not having the necessary knowledge about something before making a decision. With the fact that ToS is so heavily about the diversity of builds, the amount of time it would take to try making every possible combination of classes is absurd and entirely unrealistic. People should not be penalized for figuring out they aren’t really into one class, and should be given the opportunity to try a different class if they decide they’re not totes happy with the path they chose.

That doesn’t mean class resets should just be handed out for free, mind you. It simply means they should be possible. I don’t see why people are so against the idea of something being possible as long as it’s only obtainable within reasonable constraints.