Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

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If you think that now every class is equal fast in leveling then we don’t have anytihng to talk about ;p Are you even 270+ lvl?

Then create again? Haha. Sadly, i don’t really have a leisure to re-roll again so maybe i’ll stop if i got screwed further. 1 Fencer and 3 Archer is enough. I don’t plan to have a dungeon runner because instead of leveling up a dungeon slave, might as well focus on my characters so that my time ain’t wasted. I just created what i wanted to but yeah, sad. :smiley:

No one understand we are in 2016.

All game changed.
Even World of Warcraft changed.

All “old games” died with this formula.


Make game “accessible” grand better reputation, higger populations.
a well minded Class Reset like “one circle reset” or “flat reset” wiill increase player aspectative.
Hardcore players wont quit since they are nerds :smiley: …

BUT if like in fedinam sometimes there are LESS than 50 players online Tree of Savior gonna fail (atleast Itos) , and it’s matter of time. I hope i can enjoy the game for a while but it’s look domed and population deserve it.

Bad reviews
complaining about resets
Complaining for everything

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I hope everyone that opposes class resets gets their classes butchered with every patch so that they have to reroll after every update.

Hopefully having to level all of your characters back every time after a patch lands, as well as having to farm back all of those 0.01% droprate items will make you more humble and less of an elitist, gatekeeping troglodyte.

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This reminds me very “accesible” shitty BR/private servers where you can buy anything with cash. They don’t live long however.

I like how people continue to say that any game more difficult than tetris won’t survive in NA/EU/2016.

There are plenty ways to make game accesble and not "pay to win"
Actually if you buy Money from Goldsellers you are a pay to winn player since Tos is “money oriented” rifght now.

IMC can gift to all level 200+ players an “una tantum reset” , just once with R8 release.

IMC can make an 200+ mission with one class reset prize once.

reset can be “login reset” or “one circle reset”.
You don’t have to push people away from your game and i dubt the BR server you mentioned gonna die. They have 734623842394% more population than Fedinam

Or you can wait till the next ranks are released.

That was bRO and it died. iRO is alive.

I wanna add two points:

  1. Every new Rank will change the meta like each new Generation of Pokemon it does. People shouldn’t rush to the max Level just to demand a new Level cap and/or new Ranks, it doesn’t solve anything.
  2. Each class choice changes the game play. Playing a Sapper with QS1 differs from Sapper with RO1 or AR2. Play around with the different build opportunities is most interesting aspect of ToS right now.

and with that, that its required to level there attributes towards 80% to make there skills usefull so they have to waste 10’s of millions each character just for that.

The game is flawed with attributes the way it is, job reset will happen. Or they will have to scale all the new classes to work well with existing classes.

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The OP, who has requested IMC to not implement class resets, hasn’t even logged in to this forum since May. I guess IMC’s lack of class resetting totally kept the OP around, huh?


THis is subjective.

And game experiences and content varies between different MMORPGs.

Some classes are really hard to level. As a templar, a guild leader, who hates swordsman. Youd probably understand a need for class reset. Why ■■■■ on other peoples needs when you clearly dont care?

There is a lot of contributing factors why it would be necessary.

  • Economy. In some places PEOPLE DONT HAVE THE TIME TO SPEND ON REROLLING. I am a guild leader, and I was basically forced to level a class I have trouble enjoying. Do you know how frustrating it is leveling a templar up to 225? And just missing out on a whole bunch of damage oppurtunities that conveniences your leveling speed?

  • Supporting the game you like through things that can be useful. Self explainatory.

  • MMORPG isnt necessarily about what you mentioned. No game intentionally has you rerolling. And no one wants to do that honestly. I mean an altaholic may enjoy making new characters. But people want a main character to identify with. It like making a home. Making home in a body in a fantasy world. No one wants that tredded on. You know how many people probably had to remake multiple times due to rebalancing? Do you know how weak swordsman can be at lv220+? Do you know that struggle? Do you understand how weak templars can be if their characters arnt right and you discover this to late? Right when they establish a guild with 20+ people in it?

  • Convenience for those who enjoy the genre and are extremely busy.

Being inclusive helps the game YOU LIKE GET SUPPORT. It means more money to keep this game a live. I know you dont care if this game dies or not. And that you dont want this kind of convenience for people who dont have that privilege. But theyre funding the game. And honestly. You should look at challenge from a different perspective instead of one with an endgame that can be so jeapordizing to the survival of the game. Someone changing classes doesnt effect you. It doesnt effect their power. Its not even pay2win.

Just because you have the luxury of time, doesnt entitle you to put others at disadvantage.


Yes, I am about that level. I don’t know, man. 270+ is pretty much way beyond solo-leveling that difference in builds would matter.

let’s see:
1-210 consists mostly of quests and queueing dungeons
210-260+ some quests but mostly via grinding parties

if you’re talking about the difficult mobs at higher leveled maps, I think majority is realizing by now that quests at this level ranoge is pretty much going towards a more party-oriented gameplay. Even as a scout/fletcher, I’m having a hard time facing mobs with ridiculous amount of hp let alone surviving high level archer monsters.

If you can’t do those maps, you can always grind til 280, right? Besides, that’s what most anti-reset elitits are blabbering about.

And even if there are builds and classes that are RIDICULOUSLY faster than other builds, why would it matter? It’s not as if they’re jumping right away to level cap. It would still cost them real time money.

What? I solo’ed quests till 278 lvl and 15 class no problem. That’s why people would do fast solo classess early and on 280-330 lvl switch into full endgame/pvp/support roles.

ToS is Tree of Solo right now. Except Earth Tower you don’t need pt :slight_smile:

Why would IMC want to implement a reset if everyone plays like that? They would rather have a non-reset so everyone can play a diversity of classes from 1-280 rather than do the most optimal and then reset at 280.

That was likely their intent but considering that a lot of the levelling experience is questing doing banal things like picking flowers for npcs, where your gameplay is the same whether your playing a mounted swordsman or a bare fisted melee monk or a summoning sorceror, most of what its really done is just drive people to quit

IMC really needs to either implement resets or make it so that relevelling is actually fun by most average standards. Unfortunately, there is no indication of any plans from them to do either.

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I don’t know about that. You mean you haven’t done any grind at all and only used level 9-11 cards from 200-278? Now that’s something.

Anywho, why would it matter? those who can’t solo quests can either find people to party with to either do quests or grind. It would be ridiculous and a waste of money to actually use class reset just to be ahead in leveling by an insignificant amount.

You’re all talking as if different classes can pick up flowers and whatever trash for npcs faster than others or kill 20 monsters faster that it would be gamebreaking. And of course, if ever there’s a class reset (whatever the mechanics and restrictions), it wouldn’t cost 10 TP based on how you talk about it. It should cost just as much as the amount of time you’ll spend doing quests a few minutes slower or the amount of time rerolling for another character.

PS. Don’t get me wrong, I’m honestly still keeping an open mind. I myself don’t want and need any class reset any time soon with the current state of the game. I was once against having any form of reset in ToS but after playing the game and exploring more content, I realized it’s a more reasonable and healthier feature for the game - not for my own since I wouldn’t need it or wouldn’t afford it, but for more options for others. Besides I have yet to see a proper argument than the usual “it will make things easier” people have been rephrasing over and over.

Ain’t that the truth. That there maxim governs MMO’s, ya’ll. We’re all rats trying to work out the shortest path to the digital cheese.

I too find that questing is boring after repeating it numerous times, which is why in other threads I suggested many things in which to make leveling and questing more fun and engaging.

Nip the problem in the bud, the problem lies with the quests and leveling not being engaging enough for players to roll new toons, not the game NOT having any resets.

No, I’m talking about the problem that comes when a reset is implemented. The game already doesn’t have enough players doing the lower end dungeons. If a reset is implemented, more players will just reset and not roll new characters, further starving the amount of players willing to do full clears of such dungeons. Just look at those MMOs with resets of sorts, is it easy to find parties in DGs which are not max level?

If everyone plays just 1 character, set to level optimally, there will be a lack of diversity of classes during the journey to max level. Like what I said posts back, this game has just too many ‘followers’ and lack of ‘innovators’. This is going to hurt even more if such convenience is implemented.

No worries mate, I too keep an open mind to both sides. I’m on my 8th character in levelling, and it is seriously getting more and more boring. But then I too know that some things are limited and not in the game for a reason. The only way to solve it is to find a way which is reasonable for all 3 parties, to get those who needs a reset some form of reset, to let those who are adamant about resets convinced and benefit from it too, and to let IMC still keep their design and concept of the game intact.

This is what we should strive for.

Yeah. Sad isn’t it haha. But bad for us this is what games are ultimately about, they put obstructions and obstacles in front of us to restrict us from getting to our goal fast.

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how about this, once your character can reach cap level/certain level you get a tradeable reset item(could be full class reset or 1 circle reset, idk you guys decide) that can be tradeable once.

While imc wont sell a reset item in the tp shop or something.

that way people that need to reset, still has to find players willing to sell the reset item from people that don’t want to use them at high price as a punishment of sorts for f***ing up your builds mid way(unless you are kind enough, giving it for free :P). while those players that dont need it gets silvers for something that is not useful to them

its just an idea though…