Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

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Can we get back to the topic now?

Forum games.


I have the same thought as you. Is @tonyostark 's definition of casual and hardcore the same definition as ours? :confused:

well if you consider hardcore players as merely those who spend a lot of time playing - including those that are not competitive and without any proper end-game in mind then, probably yes. I can play 6-10 hours a week but spend those hours just running around and making pointless alts and iā€™d still consider myself casual than hardcore/competitive. (then again, we donā€™t have much end-game content) Iā€™d rather use those terms in a different context than refer to others as ā€˜noobsā€™ or ā€˜retardsā€™.

on hindsight, i probably shouldā€™ve used competive and non-competitive players. but here, iā€™m refering to ā€˜casualsā€™ as non-competitive players without any regard to the time spent as the determining factor between two kinds of players.


In a better ToS with more dynamic class interactions and better end-game content with more depth, skill reset wouldnā€™t undermine competitiveness of end-game, it only does when thereā€™s not much challenging end-game content and the most difficult part is grinding for exp. (which is what we have right now and is probably the reason why some people think having class reset would be killing the game because it would make the only difficult thing in this game easier)

I agree no regular reset or any TP items,
but I hope IMC can be mercy can do 1 time open support something like how they did it in server transfer that allow you to reset ONLY 1 character classes/stats/level/skills with giving enough lv1-11 exp cards thru market depend on the level.
You donā€™t have to redo all achievements/quests/maps, but you need to use exp cards to re-level the character and redo job change.

Personally Iā€™ve create multiple characters and rerolled several times, some reach lvl252 that Iā€™ve not delete yet.
I hope can turn them back into something useful if only 1 of them I would be happy.

In the end, it just boils down to how dedicated a player is in keeping that competitive edge. This pertains to both casual and hardcore (whatever definition we have for them).

Dedication is a very interesting thing, players who are dedicated in remaining competitive will do whatever it takes to retain that edge. They will not hesitate to drop characters and pick up another character to get more efficient in what they seek out to do. This is one of the traits of many top contenders. Another type of dedication is if the playerā€™s character of choice isnā€™t that efficient, the player makes an effort to perfect his strategy, gameplay, skill rotations to make him/her remain competitive.

But not everyone has this trait, hence you see so many players who claim they are competitive asking for a reset when they see a nerf bat coming. Real competitive players wishing for the top seat will realise that it is inevitable, embrace what is coming and quickly formulate a strategy to get back up asap; be it having to restart all over again or continue pressing on to find a breakthrough.

So in the end, yeah. Those who ask for resets are the same as those who donā€™t ask for resets, all are casuals. Just some casuals thinking that they are competitive cuz they follow some FOTM builds.

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Back to topic: Circle reset shouldnā€™t be implemented in ToS. MMORPG are all about making classes and trying things. No Class based mmorpg should give class resets.

If someone want to be always topdog then he should reroll for efficiency. Casuals donā€™t need to be meta to play and have fun.

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and casuals considering themselves as hardcore AND competitive just because they have free time to make dozens of 200+ alts.

Having a reset handy actually does more than just fixing builds. We are creatures of convenience. Every single one of us will always take the path of least resistance. Not many will take the path less traveled.

One of the worries amongst those who are anti-reset is the loss of diversity of builds once it is implemented. We can see it in other games resets are rampant, like D3. A huge majority of builds out there are the same, although the game allows class resets indefinitely. All DH/Barb/Monk/Crus are built the same, everyone going after the same gear etc.

We have a huge amount of followers and very little ā€˜innovatorsā€™. Having class resets will just cause the diversity of the builds to go mostly FOTM builds, leaving very little chance of players accidentally discovering new synergies and builds as there will be lesser players in those off-meta builds.

lol, again. Competitiveness is a mindset. Casual and Hardcore are definitions based on the amount of time dedicated to a particular activity.

You can be a competitive casual or a non-competitive hardcore on any kind of activity.

As such, Iā€™m a non-competitive semi-hardcore player :3


There is already little to no diversity in builds. Having resets right now would just magnify this problem but it certainly didnā€™t cause it. The real lack of diversity comes from poor class design, balance and synergy along with lack of depth in game content

totally agree. as i said, this is one of the reasons why i wouldnt want to have resets any time soon with how the game is right now. iā€™m merely speaking in hopes that ToS will have a better class system. Right now, itā€™s just another MMO with just as diverse as any other MMO in terms of character builds

Itā€™s better to establish definitions like that. Elitits can only think in binary - either youā€™re casual or hardcore while loosely associating competitiveness to only one of the two.

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then, what about rerolling to try other classes via a class/circle reset? aside from rerolling to a meta/cookie-cutter build, there are some who can afford to spend money to try other builds but donā€™t have time to start from scratch. after all time and money are just two sides of the same coin. some have more of one over the other. I have more time than money (heck i canā€™t even afford vpn service let alone a reset scroll should they release one) but i think itā€™s healthier for the game to cater to these two kinds of players.

One way a game becomes pay to win is when the other type of player base has advantage over the other: those with more money can just buy their way out to be ahead of the other group of players who can dedicate just as much time as the other can with money. What we have right now is a different kind of P2W - at the cost of player retention.

Also, iā€™m pretty sure having resets would help in letting those who are dedicated (dedicated enough to contribute a lot to the knowledge for the community) in trying out builds rather than merely making builds in the skill simulator.

Well are we taking about one time circle reset or TP shop items for circle reset?

Anyway itā€™s a ā€˜ā€˜NOā€™ā€™.
One time reset is bad because well itā€™s just nature of MMO that there are nerfs and buffs. People shouldnt be like ā€˜ā€˜ohhh my OP class is now little nerfed, iā€™d better go META againā€™ā€™.

TP Shop items for reset is also no because people would then do fast PVE classess for grind and then fast reroll for support/endgame strong/pvp chars and it beats the whole purpose of mmo.

Anyway ToS seems to be design around having many classess (different lodge, team name etc) so it would be against this design to have class resets.

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more of the latter.

thatā€™s the problem, the meta is pidgeon-holed to a handful of builds. even without tp shop items for circle reset, the problem of people rerolling to the meta already already exists even before TP circle reset so why would be better off without it? not that it wouldnā€™t cost anything should there be a circle reset.

Also, regarding the arguement that people will just make a class/build thatā€™s easy to level then reroll to a meta build afterwards, I dont see the point of doing so when builds donā€™t contribute much to leveling - there are a ton of quests and grinding is party-based. Either way, let them do it, the jokeā€™s on them since ā€œoptimizingā€ a build for leveling wouldnā€™t make much of a difference at all.

OPā€™s argument about GG2EZ became irrelevant the moment people were able to exploit the game to obtain +15 equipment, oh wait, that was pretty much on release.
Any arguments about the game being easy/casual was pretty much M00T as this point.

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I can pay Job reset for my every class 100 USD easly, poor guys go and play with sand.

Just joke no more money for this gameā€¦

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I think that the current system is okay-ish. People have the choice to re-roll or quit.

I already stopped playing once because my 200+ character was built wrong. With the emergence of R8, i thought i have a chance and started playing again but I am in the verge again because R8 screwed my build, tbh i donā€™t think my character have a bright future. LOL!