Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Stop trying to give New ideas or ways. Imc wont release resets, otherwise they will have to change some game mechanics, like team level, using pets as part of the team, etc.

Well, they can’t even fix the problems of the server (optimization and head spin), i doubt they can create something like a reset.

Well, i’m still waiting for updates. Once kToS finalized their updates and my choices is still narrowed to 2 dogshit R8 classes then i’ll just quit. I don’t have the leisure to re-roll for the 4th time. 1 or 2 people quitting are nothing to a 5k player game.

I already quit once, got back because of R8, i prepared and got disappointed.

What?..Pets are already part of the team and class reset won’t affect team level since it doesn’t affect levels…unless this was all sarcasm?

Whats the point of team level if you can create 4 chars, one of each class and reset for the meta whenever you feel he is sht?

Team level is there to ease your rerolls.

It’s definitely a capability/resource thing. Look at how they treated TP comp for tokens. They could have taken the time to code it so that the people who BOUGHT tokens would receive the compensation, but that was either too difficult or too time draining for them to program, so what did they do? Something far more simple, if a character has a token in their inventory, 100 TP, boom, done, doesn’t matter if they’re not the ones who spent money to buy it in the first place.

Same issue here, it’s not that they’re opposed to class reset, it’s that it would take time and money they either don’t have or don’t want to spend. They’d have to make sure your attirbutes stayed with you, as I’m sure someone who spent millions maxing out an attribute would want to keep it if they did a class reset and picked that circle again. But since that requires too much work, why bother? On top of which, forcing people to reroll supposedly keeps players engaged longer (those that want to stick it out, people will undoubtedly drop off).

I personally don’t need a class reset, I’d like it, but I don’t need it, but I have to say, when done right, they work well and make the game far more enjoyable. What I loved about WoW was the talent system. I’ll admit it’s not as complicated as circles are in ToS, but as a paladin I could tank, heal or DPS, eventually, I could switch between specilizations and reset all my talent points too. So I could DPS when I wanted to and heal when I wanted to without making two different characters.

If anything, class resets would be beneficial because they would add MORE diversity to the game, not less as people argue. People go the meta build because of the huge time investment, because it’s the safe choice. Of course there are stragglers who invest so much time in a character they don’t reroll despite a bad build, but I don’t think most players are like that. People are far more likely to stick with a meta build since they know it works and play that, then try different builds because of the huge time commitment. When I hit R7 on my archer, I was so excited to finally get musket and eventually was kind of underwhelmed by it and wanted to go cannon instead, but I felt no desire to go through it all again because I genuinely enjoyed all my circles prior to musket. It would be awesome to have the ability to try both and stick with one I knew I liked. I did reroll and go a different route completely into fletcher partly because I wanted something to flow into R8 nicely but a bigger part is because I wanted something new and exciting, I didn’t want to get another character to 240 with only a single circle difference because that would be boring.

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because you want multiple different kinds of circles? No one said reset should be easy or without a significant burden. My archers are my mains but I love swordsmen, I have one that’s a corsair going shinobi, one that’s a cata going catagoon, and one that’s going dopl all at varying levels. If class resets were available, I wouldn’t just make one and reset to try all different builds because I want to be able to play 3 different individuals characters. And if resets were limited and you could only reset one character every say 4-6 months and the silver cost would be huge, it’s not something people could do all the time or would do.

And I’m gonna use WoW again as an example. They allowed for reset, but guess what? I had one of every class and most at max level. For the classes I really enjoyed, I had multiple characters of the same class because even with talent reset you were limited what you could do between three talent trees.

No one is saying make reset easy, make it hard, make it burdensome, but have it available in some way because it’s proven to improve player retention.

Because we can take 1 individual person as an excuse for the whole.
Want to compare to wow?

Everyone was Frost mage. Now fire is the New meta, everyone is fire mage now.

Such diversity.

If we take you as example, class resets become even less important, just create new chars to test stuff.

Doesnt matter if reset is given to people by completing ET 40F. It shouldnt be hard, it shouldnt even exist.

I don’t know how WoW is these days, I played from vanilla through wrath of lich king and quit after that, but during my time playing, in 40 man raids you had to play optimal builds to succeed, period. But it loosened up as more expansions came out and with the death of 40 man raids and balanced classes, people could more or less play any build they wanted as long as it synergized with your overall raid comp and people did. Especially once talent respec was announced (Before dual specilizations was a thing) I would play my paladin as a tank for raids and switch to Ret for DPS during the week. I had the gold to do that even though it cost a lot to constantly respec. I would have played the game FAR less and been way more bored if I HAD to stay as a tank spec for the sake of my guild raid the entire time I was playing.

ToS inherently is far more casual than vanilla WoW ever was, it doesn’t adhere to the trinity structure of tank/heal/dps. Except for ET, you can do any dungeon now with 5 of any class, regardless of circles. The only thing you can’t handle without a little more organization is ET and some endgame WB.

I still just don’t see the issue with allowing circle resets and I don’t even need it for any of my characters. I already earned most of the end game gear I need for my main and am working on leveling up other characters. If someone else spent the time getting to Rank 7 and now wants to have the opportunity to reset because it didn’t work out, what does it matter to me? Go for it man, play what you want to play. I think it’s wrong to assume that everyone would just play the meta, I think everyone would play what they want to play regardless, unless I’m in the minority here.

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People can play whatever they want, but they wont.
People will level with the easiest class (rip cryo chronos during leveling), and reroll for whatever is broken, wow, nice game… Just an example, linker is getting fixed, people cant even read and understand whats going on and are arealdy saying “rip linker, rip featherfoot, rip wizard”.

Byebye linkers, they would reset and so on. We will NOT have diversity this way, people will take whatever is the strongest.

RPG is about making your choice and growing by the way you take, this would become a new easy pos cata wow, “fire seems broken, one shotting and stuff” -> everyone is now fire mage.

The main reason it’s this way, is to promote replayability. However, if the content is too boring (which seems especially true post 150-170~ in ToS), people might end up not bothering to play at all.

Rather then a reset tho, I’d say its better to make content less boring. (surprisingly, a good change might be to make solo grinding actually viable at mid and higher levels)

I’d vote for team level giving increased exp on lower levels and the bonus lowers during the level process (like wow heirlooms, for example, very strong on the early - mid game, and becomes kinda irrelevant later on, as you can get Good items from questing), so you can fast grind the early levels and dont need to do all those quests again.

When I say increased exp, I mean a really expressive amount.

But no reset.

As I said, you seem to assume that the need to reroll will be too great and that the cost of reset will be too cheap that more than half will go for it. Remember, this is a F2P game, not everybody intends to spend a dime on this game let alone spend a lot - assuming reset wouldn’t cost just 10 TP like what seems to be apparent on the arguments by those who are against resets

But regardless, the lack of new characters should come from a healthy mix of new players and older players making a new character, that I can agree. The issue on lacking new characters for partying acceptable but not necessary. What I said in the previous posts still stands: rerolling should be for the purpose of making an alt either to duplicate your old (for dungeon runs) or trying out a new gameplay (not just build, but also gameplay). It should never be because of updates that ruin your class entirely which is definitely unforeseeable - that’s an unhealthy gameplay, punishing players for not having control over what devs implement in the future. The keyword there is purpose - better class balance and more diverse builds is the way to go to encourage - and not force by means of a gamebreaking update- old players to make a new one.

That would be the greatest failure of class balancing. As bad as balance is right now, I have yet to see a class/build that can pick up flowers faster than other builds. lol.

There will always be those kinds of players in every game. If you’re talking about ‘followers’ flocking to a handful of build, the game design (end-game content and class balance) is the root of that problem. With the poor class design we have right now, I’m pretty sure the community has exhausted everything there is to be innovated.

And if you’re concerned with the lack of ‘innovators’, class resets will greatly help - if it isn’t the only thing that will help them. Let’s say IMC miraculously does a great job in balancing every circle of every class so that we have a lot of viable builds to choose from and by a lot I mean probably a hundred times more than the number of end-game viable builds we have now. Resets actually encourage testing since you’ll be spending more time theory-crafting and actual testing than running errands for npcs and grinding exp till you drop. Rinse and repeat if you want to experiment more. But as we are now, most players would rather take the safe route (surprise: cookie-cutter builds). they’d rather go for a tested build as opposed to experimenting and having fun because the game is too unforgiving and unflexible if you want to mess around with your build

As I said, you seem to assume that the need to reroll will be too great and that the cost of reset will be too cheap that more than half will go for it. Remember, this is a F2P game, not everybody intends to spend a dime on this game let alone spend a lot - assuming reset wouldn’t cost just 10 TP like what seems to be apparent on the arguments by those who are against resets

But regardless, the lack of new characters should come from a healthy mix of new players and older players making a new character, that I can agree. The issue on lacking new characters for partying acceptable but not necessary. What I said in the previous posts still stands: rerolling should be for the purpose of making an alt either to duplicate your old (for dungeon runs) or trying out a new gameplay (not just build, but also gameplay). It should never be because of updates that ruin your class entirely which is definitely unforeseeable - that’s an unhealthy gameplay, punishing players for not having control over what devs implement in the future. The keyword there is purpose - better class balance and more diverse builds is the way to go to encourage - and not force by means of a gamebreaking update- old players to make a new one.

That would be the greatest failure of class balancing. As bad as balance is right now, I have yet to see a class/build that can pick up flowers faster than other builds. lol.

There will always be those kinds of players in every game. If you’re talking about ‘followers’ flocking to a handful of build, the game design (end-game content and class balance) is the root of that problem. With the poor class design we have right now, I’m pretty sure the community has exhausted everything there is to be innovated.

And if you’re concerned with the lack of ‘innovators’, class resets will greatly help - if it isn’t the only thing that will help them. Let’s say IMC miraculously does a great job in balancing every circle of every class so that we have a lot of viable builds to choose from and by a lot I mean probably a hundred times more than the number of end-game viable builds we have now. Resets actually encourage testing since you’ll be spending more time theory-crafting and actual testing than running errands for npcs and grinding exp till you drop. Rinse and repeat if you want to experiment more. But as we are now, most players would rather take the safe route (surprise: cookie-cutter builds) because they’d rather

Random PS. I actually don’t mind doing the same quests over and over again if it’s with a different gameplay or different build. it’d make more sense to have a class system that allows for more diverse builds than improving the leveling experience itself.

dewd you sound drunk man, but I’ll take you on anyway

cause your build surely helps gathering those flowers faster. or are you suggesting some people actually grind solo?

it would definitely hurt your ego. so go protest against reset. don’t offer any proper arguments. just say no, you dont want any reset. period.

Exp is significantly less, and exp/hour rate is much worse solo, so probably not. When solo grinding, it takes like 4 hours of grinding to get a level around 230~

Thats the only way your class greatly affects how you level. So why would people be bothered about some imaginary single class that apparently can level faster than other classes?

The other guy wants resets and you quote him like that? Sure, i’m the drunk here.

Deal with it boy, there will be no reset, they arealdy officially stated that.

TOS is in a bad place and they dug a hole which they cant get out of.

If they release new content and change the meta, meta players (which are majority) will either reroll or quit.

If they dont release new content players get bored and quit.

Either way the game is setup to make people quit.

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Most MMOs get out of this Catch 22 by simply offering free resets whenever they have a patch that really shakes up the balance of the game.

Thus “If they release new content and change the meta, meta players (which are majority) will either reroll or quit.” becomes “If they release new content and change the meta, meta players (which are majority) will use their free reset and keep on playing”.

This lesson, like many other lessons many other MMOs learned over time (including IMC’s own Granado Espada) seems to have been forgotten or ignored by IMC for this game.

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May I enquire which gamebreaking update is ruining entire builds?

No it doesn’t, you are just saying resets in general but not at the way it is implemented. The only time class resets will help in experiments is when the class reset is available cheaply and everyone can use it multiple times per character. Let’s face it, if a reset function is implemented as a limited use (1 time use) per character or at a high price/locked behind quests and such, no one will use it to experiment builds. Players will just save it as the the precious thing they have just in case something happens and they are in need of it instead of using it just to test something. This is human nature.

On the contrary, if a reset is implement to have multiple uses, it sure allows for more experiments. But this kills diversity as the game will be simplified down to 4 main classes (archer, cleric, swordsman and wizard) only, all the rest of the classes just be “groups of skills” in which a “reset” can switch around. Will IMC come to this and implement this like D3? I seriously doubt so as it ruins their design and concept of the game, to have 80 distinct and unique classes, not 4.

So there you have it, with limited resets players will still take the safe route no matter what, cuz a ‘reset’ is a precious commodity. Just ask those EA founders who know that the stat reset potion is a limited and hard to get item in the game. They will save it up until they really need it. The research and innovation through resets you talked about will not happen if it is limited.

So like what you pointed out, the root of the problem are:

  • Lack of a different leveling experience
  • Lack of class balancing
  • Lack of ways to entice players to reroll

Then we should tackle the problem at its root rather than introduce a reset which will not even solve those problems.

A reset doesn’t give a different leveling experience, it is still there just that players don’t have to experience it again. A reset doesn’t balance the classes, it makes it worse as players will all shift to those classes higher in tiers. A reset function certainly discourages more players to roll alts.

A you can see, a reset function has nothing to do with all these problems. If you want to reroll and am tired, bored of the notion of going through the quests again, the problem is the quests, not the lack of reset.

And certainly a reset will not enable you to have a class/build that can pick flowers faster either, if that really concerns you so much.

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