Tree of Savior Forum

Give back alemeth, tenet church, Demon prison, Dina Bee Farm

I solo grind Alemeth because the channels are usually empty.

How would moving a map channel to a dungeon channel reduce server cost?

keep costs low, and the reduced channels is a reflection of the game dying so they halve the channels for just enough dungeon channels to not overcap

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how? those sheeps are too tanky for me xD

What’s your build? My Corsair takes them out pretty easily with spear lunge + hexen dropper, pistol shot or stabbing since they’re leather.

I’m a fletcher. i throw a lot of arrows just to kill 1 xD

I think most of those AFK farmers at Dina Bee are not farming for EXP, they are farming for silver. Majority of them I’ve inspected are around 200+ so they would be getting 0 EXP in return.

Fletchers are mostly sustained single target damage, they’re not great at bursting a group of tanky mobs.[quote=“caelab85, post:16, topic:323392, full:true”]
I think most of those AFK farmers at Dina Bee are not farming for EXP, they are farming for silver. Majority of them I’ve inspected are around 200+ so they would be getting 0 EXP in return.

Yeah, this. I’ve only ever done bee farm as a way to get some quick silver and mats for upgrading gems. There’s probably no better place to farm mats for gem upgrades, the bees are numerous, respawn quickly, confined to one area, and roughly 1 in 3 drops a mat.

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why ask for more grinding spots when you can just quest your way to level cap? You wanna know how?

Ask this guy:

I remember trying to level my level appropriate character in Demon Prison 2 and this warlock bitch is running around with a lower level character in tow, obviously power leveling them, trying to greedily kill everything in sight. Meanwhile, I’m just killing what I can before they come in and steam roll all of it. They even had the nerve to use a high level red orb to try and kill me just for being there. Fun times~

I don’t find it fun to play whole game together. MMO always are kind of solo except some content.

I distinctly remember almeth having more than 5 (?) channels for a while. Don’t remember when though. They reduced it again huh.

3 ch per grind map. It’s sad -.-
The game have less players each day, and you are making quit easy (Y)
Maximum level will grow with rank 8, and make the upleveling hardest just let us bored.
Bye fun.

Why do you need more channels? MMO shouldn’t be about taking whole channel for one party. Learn to grind together.

I know it’s frustrating when someone KS you or there is another party on the same spot but it’s all mmo is about. People just get to cozy then they had 5+ channels and they could take one for themselves.

There’s barely enough spawn on a map for one party to be able to continuously PLAY the game instead of waiting around for things to respawn. Heck, even some high spawn maps don’t even have enough spawn for more than one player, like demon prison 2 where some builds can destroy the entire floor before sections of it start respawning

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And here i do agree - we should expect IMC to increase monster spawn - then we wouldn’t need more channels.

Of course! lets grind on a party with 30 players. :wink:
Do you never played in Silute right?

If IMC would make many spots with mobs on one map then one party could sit in one spot and everyone would be happy.

Why are we even talking about grinding? Somenody just claimed to have reached to 278 by only doing quests

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