Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Oh ty for supporting me there, forgot to mention that more money you “donate” buying virtual crap, the more time devs will spend to think up of ways to make you spend more and to make game interesting for you. It should be win/win for every one.

You can’t extrapolate a comparison to anything you want to suit your argument.

You’re making a giant fuss over how someone experiences the leveling because it could be easier than someone leveling a stupid or inferior build.

The person with the stupid build in all liklihood will find themselves rerolling to the better build anyway, or just quit because they found out their build is stupid with no way to fix it.

Exp cards directly reduce the time necessary without any effort other than the RL effort of earning the money.

Changing circles doesn’t, it just puts you in a position to kill the monsters better because IMC can’t balance their game (hence circle reset requests existing in the first place).

People are not OBLIGATED to suffer IMC’s bad design for the sake of your desired diversity. Your arguments are hinged on the idea that people will just accept it and “deal with it”, but they don’t. That’s the entire point. They leave. Period. No diversity gained. Less potential money for IMC. Less players in the community. Eventually, dead game. And for what? Because you couldn’t get the stick out of your ass in terms of how people choose to level?

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I’m positive that some of the ones who want job/circle reset are those who picked sword2 who suffers from 200+ party dillema (mainly grind parties and soon ET), a dragonball build (all rank 1 class) or someone who though that skill/class was good on paper but sucked in reality.

My opinion about this topic is still neutral due to both having pros and cons but for now i’m still fine with no reset and already rerolled to my 3rd character.

Haha, I mean we probably disagree on a lot but…“dragonball build” is pretty funny and gave me lols.

You dont like the design, then go away. Most people dont want resets. Your arguments are hinged on the fact you think it will make the game better and people want it, but it wont and they dont.

You dont give a ■■■■ that people enjoy not having resets in the game. It was meant to not have them. You just care about what you want. Its pretty selfish if you ask me.


You’re joking right? This “stupid” or “inferior” build is actually critical. You’re being incredibly biased here. A lot of these “inferior” builds lead to great synergy later which is why people want to re-roll in the first place.

Changing circles greatly reduces the effort required. Why don’t you go level a Quarrel Shooter to Rank 5 then go level a Ranger to Rank 5 and compare the effort. You won’t so maybe try actually listening when someone tells you that the sheer different in time and effort is quite a bit. Changing circles in this case doesn’t put you in a better position to kill monsters. It lets you stunlock in PvP. Now if you want to rationalize your circle reset based on class balance then that is just wrong. What do you intend to do? Class hop every time there is a chance that may affect your class? How about rallying people together with the issues about your class and suggesting buffs?

Suffering is a massive exaggeration. You know what some people do with a bad build? They re-roll or persist. Maybe their class even gets buffed, who knows. But you’re claiming they all leave. Guess what? That is simply not true and you, in no way, can actually prove or say with certainty that people with less than optimal builds simply leave the game.

Not really, I use the generic build, he’ll I even saved my skill/stat reset potions in case imc deside to do some major changes to my generic build, also this generic builds come from cbt testers like me, we didn’t really care beack then, it would been wiped regardless of what we did for every one. Now when our time dose matter, who wants to test new builds? Hell if you want to test new builds with no circle/job reset now, play 1-2 generic builds, use them to farm your self gear that can make the experimental builds work, have no life while dying that. Job/circle reset dose not influence me now but it will help me allot when it comes out, and it will, just helping some people stay in game untill it comes out.

So how people choose to use their time in game now dictates the quality of their life? Please, just stop.

You heard it here. Want to experiment? You better make sure you lack a life before doing so.

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Well I feel like I shouldn’t have to because it’s common sense given the plethora of options these days that provide almost wholly better experiences.

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How you feel doesn’t actually matter when it comes to statistics.

I used term “no life” us spending 24/7 in game grinding for Equips used for experimental builds in my reasons for even talking with some one like you.

They already do have resets, circle resets are an inevitability at this point.

Well you thank those “no life” for the majority of the builds in existence. I wasn’t aware how you chose to spend your time in game dictated your quality of life. I guess I’d better go idle in town and chat if I want to look like I have a job and kids, huh?

There is still hope:


unless this was an official poll on the main page of the site, 500 or so players is in no way shape or form even close to represent the opinions of 30k+ players. and that’s more split than you think: 216 v 266, and I don’t agree with none of those 3 options so that leaves too much out aswell

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That’s in games that have class reset or switching to new type of classes or in games like ff14 where all classes available and can be easily switched between. In game like this with no job/circle most builds come from cbt players, there 1% of builds coming from those of obt.

Bringing up FFXIV, the game where there is literally next to no diversity? Why? Do you want to get rid of stat points and skill points too?


And in WoW i can get max level by buying the game.

Just saying, this isnt ff14, the class system is entirely different from ToS.

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Diversity in WoW and FFXIV hinges on your skill and gameplay, completely different methodologies between those 2 sandboxes, and a game like this where they are simply trying to artificially create diversity by making a truckload of (faux) choices.

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I’ve played FFXIV and I played it hard. Heavensward, Alexander Savage, all of that. I can tell you firsthand that there is only one way to play any class and the only diversity is how well you cater to that. Obviously it is more mechanic heavy with actual boss AI, but in terms of building a character in FFXIV, every Scholar is the same.

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