Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

You don’t seem to realize how online games work, it’s about how they can make the most money during the game whole life not how much they can make in 1 day. It’s like why release 3 popular movies during diffrent time periods?, producers even coordinate between each other for release date. I won’t lie tho, I will spend 200$ on exp cards if it’s affordable to try out builds I want and move on to diffrent mmo.

Money first, fun second. Leveling is not fun. So why not kill two birds with one stone and make money?


Under your logic, “everyone” could just do it anyway, so there’s no unfairness to begin with.

I really hope eventually it comes full circle and you realize how silly your POV is.

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Well for those who do like lvling there is fps games, and even some of those still have lvling. But only games like counter strike with no lvl crap actually last long. If this was my game I would have released tp buying option before people played for 2+ days, before those who don’t like this play style realize that. And if I created a game to have fun in it I would put a price on dowload and remove the tp shop.

And there you go. There’s one of the big holes in your logic. There is no point in leveling anything that is not the best for PvE since it is now best to do that and reset into another build later. You’ve effectively made the leveling progress in ToS even more linear.

Why level as a Wiz2Linker or CryoLinker? PyroLinker is better. Trying to make a Sorcerer or Elementalist? No need to get to Wizard 3 or Linker 2. Become a Pyromancer 2 first for speedy leveling and grab Linker as soon as you can. There you go.

Want a PvP spec Rogue? No need to suffer through Quarrel Shooter. Level up as a Ranger, maybe even take Fletcher. You can reset later.

There is no point in leveling anything that is not PvE spec. Do you see how silly your POV is?

And your pov to want to denie an option to others? Wait for job reset to come out to finally realize that your pov dose not matter. And go uproot some old topics about this on Google from difrent games and see for your self the number of people like you, and that each and every one got destroyed by that same option their pov dined.

Or it can never come out and you can realize that your POV does not matter and is only held by the minority. Time will tell. But speaking as a programmer, it’s a lot of work to implement this.

The poll was also posted in steam discussion. I guess that is considered a forum too though…

I don’t get those people who keeps trying to make the game fit their taste. Just go play another MMORPG if you think this game is too slow and too hard.

I would be really sad if IMC listen to the player in this case. I hope that will stick to their game design and make this game different from the other MMORPG.

+1 to no job reset!

P.S. totally agree with you with the making mistakes part, players nowadays just want instant reward with no hard work


Or with no reset you guarantee that everyone everywhere will have the exact same build and never try another.

Most people wont waste their time experimenting they will just do the best and never even try to find a fun or interesting build they like and will quit that way.

Well you know besides the whole i wasted 200 hours screw this.

Also devs will go with what make them the most money as long as its not pure p2w because they wont be able to afford it otherwise and then their game dies when no one plays it or buys anything.

You can say it diminishes the experience but what it really does is act as a deterrent for most people in the gaming community.

Who cares if the player takes the easy route and switches? The devs get more money to improve their game and they can experiment with any type of build they want. With no reset then they don’t bother and 95% of everyone only chooses the absolute best and most popular build and wont even think of trying anything else ever.

There is literally no downside besides your hurt feelings that people don’t waste as much time as you do. Your argument holds no water what so ever.

Hell most korean mmos are so super p2w that you cant play them without hundreds or even thousands of dollars so be happy this wasn’t one of them.


Um, how is that any different the case now as it is? You could say the exact same thing. That there is really only virtue in rolling from the beginning of your character the best PvE builds.

At least if you could switch people might entertain the idea of off-kilter builds before switching and maybe find a solid build in the process. Right now, you either go a cookie build, or experiment and risk wasting all of your time (and potentially money), for a “learning excursion” that ends in you having to redo everything all over again. Hint : most people won’t do this. The risk is not worth the reward (remember, time is money, and money is money).

Right now you just can’t seem to see that you are trapped by the very logic you’re using to argue against circle resets. It’s like watching a rat in a maze.

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You literally said what i just said in half of my words >.> congratulations :smiley:

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People will experiment regardless. You know those cookie-cutter builds you see? That is the result of lots of experimentation. I think you’re confusing fun with optimal. There are tons of fun non-traditional builds with lots of variance. All a reset would do is make you swap to a cookie-cutter build after your experimentation failed.

Also are people realizing their builds are bad that late into the game? After 200 hours? For me, Rank 3-4 is enough time for me to see if my build is not going to work (after all that’s about half of your skills right there). Are people realistically going getting to Rank 6-7 and just then realizing they made a grave mistake?

Bringing up other korean games is just pointless. Okay, so x game is P2W. And I care because?

We’re talking about this game and just I do care if someone takes the easy way. A big part of learning is making mistakes. You know what happened to WoW when they sold an item to level you up to max, effectively acting like a re-roll? You have a bunch of newbies who know next to nothing about their class at max level. Do you know what that does to people in end-game? You’re there baby-sitting people who know nothing about their class. They have all these tools and know nothing about using them.

I think you’re undervaluing what it means to level something yourself. Using the excuse that it makes IMC more money is not good enough either. Do you even know what it would take to program this? Depending on their current system it could be a nightmare. That’s a lot of money spent. All this does it promote build hopping. Oh this build is really good at PvP? I’ll just become that then. This guy is really popular in parties? Time to use his build. Where is the sense of permanence? Where is the accomplishment?


I enjoy reading posts like yours it reminds me I’m not the only sane person posting here.

Uh no. If you want to do GvG stuff, you would not level as a PvE but with the circle reset, sure why not. You can just be GvG spec later, no problem.

um, how would the person not be “leveling it their self”?

A circle reset is a circle reset, not a free rank 7 character, at base level 280.

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So a Wiz3Elem3War has leveled a Linker2Chrono3? No, they sped through as a very popular DPS and got a Full Support as a result. They didn’t level as a Linker2Chrono3. They had a rather easy leveling experience.

I don’t even think a majority of the people advocating for a reset even have Rank 6 or 7 characters.

Please Do Not Forget that this is MY opinion

And if you like it - let me know. So my point on this aspect of the game somewhat differs from majority’s but is still good. Rank/job resets do not have to belong in the game. All of high-level person will agree that most hard and time-taking part of the game is not leveling, but getting gear, adventure journal. So this things must be shared (there must not to be any UNTRADABLE between one account items, especially those that you can get only via TP or some free actions that you have unpacked on your character and didn’t use). Well, the only thing that deserves to be untradable is EXP cards. In this case it won’t take long (2 weeks or even less) to level another character, but you won’t lose anything that you got on your previous one


That should be a sign to you that people are afraid of screwing up their builds, before they’ve screwed them up.

Why does it matter how easy or hard someone else’s leveling experience is?

Seriously; I just do not get why you seem so concerned with how much fun someone else is having.

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To me, that is a sign of a player who lacks experience in the game and is ignorant to how certain classes play later in the game. The same kind of ignorance that makes someone believe that they can actually make a completely unplayable character who can’t succeed to max level.

There are a lot of items and implementations of things that could be added to this game that would have no bearing on me. Doesn’t mean I have to support it. It seems like you want to bubblewrap a group of players and give them a completely different experience yet you want these same players to interact with other non-bubblewrapped players and for it to be completely positive. It’s not realistic. This kind of logic and style of arguing gives birth to all kinds of items and ideals that won’t affect how much fun I have but can be seen as very intrusive.

Like selling EXP Cards. Doesn’t affect me directly. Am I okay with that? Are you? This is kind of argument you are constructing.