Tree of Savior Forum

Say Yes to job reset

You yourself said you don’t care. That’s a fact, as stated by you. And this is off topic to begin with.

It is. let’s just agree to disagree.

"[quote=“Rubiss, post:208, topic:232830”]
Well your issue is with the swordsman class as a whole. Do you know why people usually don’t want DPS swordsmen? Because of the reasons you said.

It’s currently an issue but devs didn’t give us a word about it. There’re plenty of complaints about swordmen not being on par with actual DPS with very nice arguments. That’s truly a balance issue.

Now, even if my story sounds somewhat offtopic, you asked for a build that led to a bad experience. That’s mine, giving you the reasons why it was bad. Sharing a whole thread of people like me who "suffered"the same thing.

Also, you are AGAIN assuming I’m talking about a complete full reset? Stop assuming, seriously. A limited reset would enable me to replace one single circle without affecting my build that much. How is, ONCE CIRCLE, going to let me hop into the month’s hot class? Care to explain?

Explain why is bad. Don’t label an argument just like that without offering an explanation. I can’t read minds, I tried it. Being able to improve the attributes without limit but my wallet, also allowing me to buy reset pots, should be in the same bag than the “LIMITED CIRCLE RESET FEATURE”. I see no people quitting because of that. I barely see people complaining about it or spamming threads demanding IMC to do something about it.

I know you are a loyal supporter of the idea that IMC listen to the playerbase. Most QoL elements they included in the latest patch comes from our feedback. They are becoming more flexible compared to the original proposed model. I can’t see why we couldn’t have a LIMITED CIRCLE RESET FEATURE. LIMITED. Not one that allows you to switch a full builds in matter of seconds.

I actually am for limited circle resets. Yeah, you heard right. I am completely, 100% against full resets that let you simply repick your circles. For me, if you want to reset a circle, you should be able to but you should have to level that same circle up.

So for your example, if you want to be a Peltasta? Go back to Rank 2 level 1 and grind up back to Rank 3. That’s acceptable to me.

As for why you’re token argument is bad I’ll explain. You are very biased towards token as you’ve called them broken. You seem to think that because we have something you deem broken in the cash shop then that makes anything not broken a valid entry into the cash shop. So by acting like circle resets aren’t as bad as tokens, for you, that is a supporting argument. That is a bad way to think. Rather than add x and y item to the cash shop because z is broken, you should make z more fair so that x and y can make more sense.

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Then why are we arguing about resets if we both want the same thing? Unless you assumed I was talking about full resets. From the very first second I was against them. It would let you make small tweaks on your classes or fix small mistakes.

It’s not the token itself but the possibility of selling it for silver what it bothers me the most. It will get only worse when this game goes F2P. Silver is a key element in progression, not because of the attributes but gear upgrades, recipes and materials. It trivializes the “farming” aspect of the game. The whole market is ruled by silver.

We also have certain reset freedom with the cash shop’s pot.

The latest update improved the token even more, giving silver even further relevancy and power, enabling you to max your attributes in no time. How do you get lots of silver without moving a finger (in-game. Money still costs IRL time)? Either RMT (buying doesn’t seem to be punisheable) or selling these tokens as well.

Since English is not my native language I think I f***d up my argument. I hope you get my idea.

this argument has poped out too many times already, and it’s ■■■■■■■ stupid to keep arguing about this.

The point is, a class reset system NEEDS to be in place in case of major reworks/revamps, and also to allow theorycrafting, the thing is how LIMITED it should be, since a free class reset would completely break the game

Easily abusable, I can pick a freaking easy class path to solo, get a high level on it (rank 7+) then switch to some real useful but painfull to level class path, like, linker3>chrono3 and be good to go.

The linker3>chrono3 path is a pain in the butt to level, with no damage whatsoever besides rank2… is it fair just because “you can only play on weekends” you pick a noob friendly class path to reach high level then just reset? I’m sorry, but thats bull crap to me, its something a lazy person would ask for…

Next thing you gonna ask is a “rank 7 auto level ticket” because some people just doesn’t have time to invest into their characters, right?

If you’re really interested on a specific class, study its skills, watch youtube gameplays, research the game and its mechanics and only then you can actually have what you need to confirm if that class suits your playstyle or not… if you go into the game blindly, you’re asking to be frustrated.

I know from experience, cause I played “Skyforge”, spent like 5 days farming to get the class I wanted, when I actually got it, I was totally disapointed by its playstyle, didn’t suited me, even tho at the beginning it sounded awesome (costume and skills), in the end, it was my fault that didn’t made a research about it to check its pros and cons, I just dived in blindly. When I went to ToS determined to not make the same mistake twice, I’ve spend the same time I did farming, into researching about what class suited my playstyle and which skills to invest and which ones not to, even tho IMC striked me by surprise with that Steady Aim nerf, I stood my ground cuz I KNEW that fletcher would be the best fit for me, and now I have a awesome builded fletcher3 both stat and skills and not a damm regret… you should do the same and stop willing to have everything easy for you.

This is an MMO, some people are casuals and some other are hardcores…if you don’t have the time to invest into the game, there are some people who can, get used to it

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IMC won’t make a class “Completely useless”, if theres a nerf, it would problably be needed, they won’t just nerf it to the ground… they nerfed Ranger, so what? It still kicks ass, only whiners would say “oh noes they nerfed from 40 to 15 how am I going to pick a strong class now?”… reset POINTS are okay for every major nerf, but CLASS reset? C’mon, you guys will need a better argument than that

MY suggestion?

for those who are lazy enough to do their homework, IMC should make a “training room” with every class in the game where the player can actually test it with all the skills and circles… but only inside that room, so the dude could actually test the class before choosing

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But think of the coding!

IMC, here is the solution.

Scrap all classes. Make 1 super class called the Forum Overlord. We all win.

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Reroll if you want meta.

Adapt or reroll. Simple as that.

Lol why you all so anti fun?
When did games started to be a job and research?

Ye this can be nice.

Tree of Savior doesn’t just have 80 different job classes, just so you can reset and switch / test out builds… if thats your idea of FUN… no thats just being plain lazy and eventually everyone will get bored

If you want to switch and test out builds then go play Archeage

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Where all this hate is coming from?
You do know that all the top builds are the one thats are easy to for suport build you dont solo lvl them. But i see that in this game people first leave or go afk befor say yes to a party.

See, you think all games should be casual and easy and thats your problem. Go play casual game.

I keep telling you guys youre in the wrong game if you want resets but you wont listen. I guess youre just now realizing it. Im proud.

Sory but if a game asking you to reserch in korean forums so you can do a working build,i did an ok drgoon build, then there is a problem and its on the game not the player.

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Whre did i say i wqnt the game easy? If any i want all the monsters from lvl 1 to bevas hard as in DS.but apparently grind 24/7 is hard now days?

Ask the hunters. /20