Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

I see what you mean, but this i a f2p game…they have to make money somehow… In a way with all the nerfs some classes get…that can impact the class, making it less appealing some people dont want to start over as it changed their whole plan. The linker…the swordsman ending mission to catch up to other dps damage. Took me a month to delete a 175 character i had to redo…although planned, with the nerfs and rebalancings…skill and job reset wasnt cutting to save it…would’ve I paid for a job reset…damn right…I put in the hours. so working on a new build.

My mistake not entirely…but nerfs are unpredictable…some are minor impact others are major.

Don’t even bother. Anti-reset will tell you its your fault for not enjoying the changes/nerf made to your character.

Don’t like that ■■■■ forcibly entering your ass? The problem isn’t you getting raped its you not enjoying it.

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lmao Never thought it would be put in this context lol hilariously makes sense. but i guess business is business.

I’m not sure how would it bother people if people change their class tree…I mean is not like is going to let you change to a different class like from cleric to archer…just to the cleric one. Probably they will make it very pricey to limit the excessiveness.

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Oracle and Druid are different classes. So are all the other classes in the Cleric tree.

It’s been explained before. Making decisions =/= as fault.
And if you dont enjoy a character anymore, you have the option of making a different one.

Class in TOS is nothing but a skill build. If IMC names a piece of sh!t “an apple” would you eat it? Again i’m not going to get into a argument over the definition of words.

Your not making sense, who said making decision was equal to fault in the first place? People made decision on their build. IMC fck with them. People made decision but its not peoples fault. Not once did i say people made the decision so it’s their fault.

So if you don’t enjoy getting ass ■■■■■■ you have the option of biting your tongue and killing yourself? I don’t want to remake and i don’t want to kill myself. I want an option to opt out of the situation.


Perhaps one way to reach an agreement with the two sides (for and against, as well as the secret group ‘I do not care’) would be that instead of providing a miraculous potion, would allow the exchange of objects and silver without Token in the same account and revise what objects are interchangeable and which are not.

It could be a good solution, since any ‘reroll’ could be facilitated with the objects themselves and resources from the same player. And no, we would not be giving a miraculous potion with sugar P2W, because such facilities in the form of silver and of itself would be owner of the account and these characters.

We must not forget the other big problems with the game, starting with the bad optimization, the forbidden market, the imbalance between first classes (including cycle 3) with new, PVP closed for low levels (and schedules) failed guild system, needs of anticheating, party lvl gap (this convert an online game in solo game), and the lack of fun activities as might be the PK.

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That escalated quickly.

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This game will die really quick if IMC allows people to reset their classes. There’s just not enough content in this game and people will get bored fast if they don’t feel it necessary to play a new class to get their “perfect” build.

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this is probably half of the reason people are overreacting too much on having any form of “class” reset feature, whether subconsciously or not. “class” resets sounds too much like a hack or a cheat. In games where skill builds primarily define your role in the same way class circles do here in ToS, I’m pretty sure they have skill resets, or at least players are given free resets when a huge changes are made for “skills”, but we have yet to discuss about acquisition.

to those who are saying that ALL people asking for resets are only asking for their own benefit, let me tell you that there are the same kind of people among those who are strongly against resets and that they are just as selfish as those they try to oppose (hint: they’d quit if IMC implements resets. some argument you got there). These people from both sides have no place in any form of intellectual discussion at all. I for one don’t need or want any form of reset for myself cause with the proper implementation and tweaking of some mechanics, I just don’t think it would ruin the game as others would think. It’s not as if it will only cost 10 TP. Besides, I won’t probably even afford it and I’d rather spend my money on selling valuable TP items or on my VPN’s subscription. Of course I’m with those who oppose any form of game feature that corners free players (players who dont plan on spending anything, including me) into buying any cash shop item. I’ve already posted some reasons above on how a class reset won’t necessarily make the game p2w, so just backread if you’re curious or if you want to discuss it with me.

Lastly, the thinking that the game shouldn’t accommodate any casual player is plain elitist. (note: accommodate and not kiss their ass) And for those who are intellectually mature, it is easily obvious that any elitist mindset is counter-progressive and undermines any form of productive discussion.


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Basically why I’d prefer putting more effort in my posts and writing everything I’m thinking - so kids who can’t read beyond twitter limit can just ignore it and avoid any useless discussion. This is a forum, not a chatroom. Anybody who complains about posts being tl;dr clearly doesn’t have any capacity to read. C’mon, it takes only a few seconds to read most tl;dr posts.

@haukinyau what did I tell you in another thread? I told you to stop trying to act smart and just be in your usual trolling mode. We could use someone to entertain us right now. Now be a good boy and be the adorable forum mascot you are. Leave the discussions to us adults.


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What people dont realize is that leveling new chars and trying new class combos is the game.

Dont get me wrong though, i understand why people want them. I could agree with some kind of limited resets. One to where you can test a new class out for like 5 class levels or something. Didnt turn out how you expected? get to change that single rank once, but your stuck with what you pick at that point. This would be good for beginners who are just learning the game.

Another form of reset I support is complete char lvl 1, class lvl 1 reset. This way you can keep your achievements and other items on that character if you wanted to redo it. Possibly with some kind of bonus xp gain.

What i dont agree with is people completely changing their builds to something different. New rank comes out and everyone wants to reset to the next best thing because they like to follow the meta. This isnt a good reason. Neither is a single OP skill getting balanced. Oh you picked the most OP build you can find and now there is something better? Even though your build didnt change you want to reset to this other thing? too bad. Start a new character.

I know not all people think this way, but i feel this is the majority of the ones who want it.


dont worry there will be rank reset at the lasts months before ToS closes servers.

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Isn’t this what’s already happening? People rerolling to other cookie-cutter meta builds? Nevertheless, any form of class reset - depending on its acquisition - will just magnify this game flaw. That is why I am for class resets but only when class balancing is improved, when so-called “meta builds” are not confined to almost just one build for every base class.

Also, they can implement a cash shop item that only resets/edits one circle for a ridiculously high price to discourage complete reset of a whole build so that the more circles you want to change, the more money you’d have to burn. (e.g. 500-1000 TP for one-circle-reset) This way, it’s still more sensible to make a new one.

But for now, I’m betting on IMC implementing cash shop class reset before they can even do proper reworks and rebalancing on classes.

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But classes are not classes because there are more skills and less classes in another game.

Fck logic, gib us resets.

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There are lots of casual games out there, this can be played by casuals, but don’t expect things going like every single player will wait for the casuals to catch up just because of that.

had there be a Gamer that made a Guild for casual players, that would do them Wonders for all game experience in the future, Maybe ?
that 'd be amuzing.

Some do and thats fine. Its not like the rank 8 classes just made every build ever made obsolete. There are plenty of people who wont reroll. The ones who want to always have the best build possible will have to play the game. Not sure what the issue is with that. Many of the meta builds right now have good rank 8 choices.

Even having it cost alot of TP is a bad idea because putting a high price tag on it just makes it p2w. Before i played this game i was playing an extemely p2w game and i spent hundreds every month just to keep up. Not sure why people want it to start going down that road. That just opens the doors for it.