Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Her real argument seems to be more along the lines of, “I wouldn’t use the class reset system because I would prefer to spend exorbitant amounts of time remaking a character, and for that reason no one should be allowed to.”

Her only “arguments” against class resets are things that are speculative possibilities. “The community will change because the game will be too easy.” That might actually be a GOOD thing if the community is full of people like the ones advocating against class resets. :smirk: And like you already said: this game is not difficult. At all. It’s a time-sink and that’s it. She wants everyone to sink ridonkulous amounts of time into rerolling characters. Why? Who knows? Maybe she just doesn’t want people to enjoy this game? Maybe she’s one of those people who feels like their opinion is an objective truth? Maybe she feels like she’s gone too deep to change her mind at this point? **shrug **


I would have to re-read my replies, I cant remember if I posted arguments in this thread or not, hmm.

Ah, doesnt really matter. Plenty of good arguments to be found in any of these threads. Read them?

If you are asking only about my arguments, well they are out there. You might have to go to one of the other 4-5 threads out there to find them tho. I can’t keep track anymore at this point.

That’s your own fault for not keeping the discussion in one place.

Let’s put +50% attack buffs in the cash shop too. I don’t see why making someone else’s experience better makes your experience worse, after all. If you don’t want to use an attack buff, then just don’t.

See how bad that line of logic is now? That’s not a good thought process to have.

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yes, let’s do that. Lets sell power.

compare time to buff~
the best logic ever!

I knew you’d totally try and change the subject when I showed how stupid your line of logic is. This community is so predictable it is hilarious.

Your line of logic was stupid. I never compared the the buff to a reset actually. You merely WANT me to since you can actually argue against that. You can’t argue with the fact that your line of logic is completely flawed though. That’s why you have to divert attention away from it. Thank you for being so laughably formulaic.

I’ve been to the other ones, trust me, and no, you’ve yet to provide any meaningful rationale for why circle changes would be a bad thing all you do is play contrarian without ever offering a compromise.


Your logic makes no sense and has nothing to do with circle resets.

Please use your brain before posting its not hard

Would you like to elaborate, or as usual are you just going to insult while contributing nothing of value yourself? [quote=“raikouski, post:175, topic:232755”]
Please use your brain before posting its not hard
For you it is clearly way, way too hard though. I even tried to simplify things down enough that even YOU could understand, but I guess I can’t do that without breaking it down to anime and memes with you kids.

Youre almost not even worth replying to except im bored as hell and everyones asleep

Please stop being a hypocrite its embarrassing

ToS is an evolving game. Class nerfs and buffs are bound to happen. If IMC has no intention of nerfing or buffing any class, then there shouldn’t be job reset. Otherwise, I see no problem about it. Not to mention that it will bring in more money for IMC.


Everyone here seems to be getting casual and hardcore mixed up with tons of free time and full time job. As someone with a full-time job (cough, cough, paying customer) I don’t have another 500 hours to invest into a main character who only has one minor flaw that can’t be fixed.

Do i spend another 500 hours fixing a mistake that took fraction of a second (click)? No, I go play dark souls 3, or some other A list game I spent my money on since “What? IMC doesn’t have the option to save my literally hundreds if not thousands of hours in the cash shop?”

I mean even from a competitive point of view think of all the silver you’re missing out on leveling a new character instead of your main? Millions in just a couple of days and while it may seem simple now we are capped at 280 right now ppl. It’s release, claiming a system, that hasn’t been implemented, mentioned, or tested in this game yet will ruin it with no proof (real data as in treated in game) is just asinine.

Oh but you know what will ruin the game? Casuals leaving in droves due to an interesting system with obvious flaws. Class imbalance is the Developers responsibility. Even with rerolls people would most likely be playing what they like to play right?

You know what I’m flustered. I already made my point. IMC, it’s up to you what I do with my discretionary cash


It should not matter what other players are doing. If they want resets and are willing to pay for it - that should be all that matters. It’s not as if you’re being forced to reset just because it becomes an option.

You are treating this issue like it would ruin your experience due to other players resetting. What kind of nonsense is that?

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You seem to be getting having a job mixed up with not wanting to take responsibility. As someone who works roughly 60 hours a week (cough, cough, multiple founders packs purchased. Cough, everyone currently playing IS a paying customer), I have no issues spending 30 minutes before building a character to check on the forums to see what I’m doing isn’t stupid.

If you spend 500 hours in game without spending 30 minutes out of the game (or even in it, asking all the helpful users there) checking on what you’re doing, then you don’t get to cry when you mess up. IMC should not be responsible for your lack of any foresight or planning.

This game isn’t designed for casuals. Not only that, but casuals are the first to hop to new MMO releases anyways. They are going to leave no matter what. That’s why MMOs are a dime-a-dozen these days. There are constant new releases that last one to three years and then fade into obscurity. Meanwhile, people still play Lineage 1, Lineage 2, Everquest 2, Final Fantasy XI, etc. These are games that have been around a VERY long time because they have the hardcore fanbase. Hardcore players keep games alive.

If you are so competitive to start with, you should have read up on builds. Sorry you chose to wait until 500 hours in to start being serious about it. Hindsight is 20:20 though.

What it comes down to at the end of the day is certain players wanting everything.

If you want to be casual, that is great. Play at your pace. Enjoy the game. Have fun. Try a weird build.

If you want to be a ‘Hardcore’ player, that’s great too. Look up builds. Discuss things with players. Grind those bees! Get that perfect build!

If you want to be entitled, try that weird build, build full Int on your Swordsman, and don’t think about anything, then whine to IMC because you messed up and you’re not as strong as other characters.

Choose to be casual and have fun or choose to be serious and put the work in. Don’t blame anyone else because you made mistakes though. No one should have to give you a boost to be as good as players who put the time in to actually learn about the game. If you chose not to, that’s your choice. It’s no one’s fault but your own.


To add to this, most builds are viable. If you want to be optimal, you should do some research. However most paths are viable and can get to end-game. Now when you get to end-game, a lot of groups want people who know what they are doing; they want people who did research and have optimal builds.

If you can’t find a group to take your build, make one.


Exactly this. Everything is viable. You might be slightly weaker, but IMC is constantly releasing balance patches. If you were too strong, expect to get nerfed in the future anyways. If you’re worried about being 10% weaker than your peers, then put in the work to find out what is super strong. You can’t just cry and say ‘but i play games for fun, make me strongest now plz’.


Some people in community are sadly getting used to ask for things to the staff and assume they will actually do what you want. As a community we had some request, which are well founded, like the opening of regional server, but this nonsense of class reset is just ridiculous.

Class reset doesn’t add diversity and doesn’t appeal to what you call “casual” players. You are just trying to justify a selfish feature to fit your lazy behavior.


People who argue that resets shouldn’t exist are just trying to justify their elitist behavior. Lack of ability to change parts of your build leads to stagnation and everybody following whatever the most popular cookie-cutter builds are. Creative builds only result when players are free to experiment without the punishment of permanent catastrophic failure.


No where have I said I had a bad build. All of my characters are golden abs jessy waiting to smash you noobs when the pvp arena is open. Taking responsibility onto a game should be a sin. I’m not even going to respond to that

Actually not true.
Creative builds can also result when players really struggle to find a new way, a better way to play a class. That is achieved better when you have to “deal with it” with what you got. Why struggle to find a better solution if you can always reset to the “right way”? In my opinion, those build and gameplay style are truly creative and aim to go beyond the meta.

Tell me of a game with multiple classes without class resets. I played many RPGs, all this nubs here claim that rpgs should not have skill resets? Maybe in 2005 they had not thought of resets to main attraction of a game, but in our age currently resets prolong games life.

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