Tree of Savior Forum

NO Job reset PLEASE!

Lol. Yea the ones who want resets are nice.

Look at celgamings post up there. There are many pro reset people who act like him.

There are plenty of nice and not so nice people on the no reset side also.

Not sure why you’re being so smug with a completely unrelated point:
you can see the Druid class costume before you play it. That example is incomparable.

More importantly, it’s not adding anything to the argument that there’s no reason to restrict class resets: if you don’t like it, don’t do it. Why do you have to prevent others from having alternative choices?

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You’ve not read these threads in their entirety I take it…? (especially the first one shudders)

There’s been very few suggestions that even try, and nice?
Do you perhaps wear your sunglasses at night?

You obviously telling yourself all builds are viable and balanced and hence diversity, is not fake.

Why don’t you prove it. Go make a uniqie non-meta build, get others with non-meta builds and go clear earth tower.
I am very curious about this diversity you and others keep saying, will get disturbed cause of circle resets.

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All the people demanding a reset option probably did not give ONE FCKING SECOND of effort to think about their builds and it’s their own fault. And yes, those people worsen up the community, as seen in, for example, WoW, where suddenly all those kids came along and the game became more and more ridiculously “easier”.

No kids and if you do not bother spending effort in your build, it’s your own fault. That’s it. Period.

That’s what the game is about. Making experience, thinking about your build, getting experience. And yes, if those points are no more, the game becomes ■■■■. And yes, that affects me as well.

  • Kiddos demand “easier” stuff and “I don’t want to be responsible for my choice”
  • Making the game easier makes more of those kiddos come in
  • Community becomes crap

Yes, they can play the game too. They can stand in Klaipeda and spam the chat for gold, probably that’s their level.


Not every build is good for everything. Earth tower is just one dungeon. The only end game dungeon? There will be new dungeons where earth tower builds arent viable for that.

People want to be able to do everything on one character, but sorry that isnt going to happen.

Not all builds are created equal and i never said that. There is a learning curve though and your next character will be even better than the first.

Thats not to say that i think people should throw their old character away. I think there should be an option to reset your character from the beginning. Character lvl 1. class lvl 1. keeping items and achievements. Possibly with some kind of bonus xp or other benefits. Not resets where you can just repick your ranks and keep your character level though.

Do me a favor and read my post a couple posts back it may change your mind.

You clearly did not read any of my posts. Dont generalize if you cant form a response to constructive posts

I did. And told you - if the game is too complex for you, go play something else. Period.

Read my post above yours. I’m in favor of a way that you wont have to throw away your old character.

Why didnt RO fail? RO didnt have a change job cash shop item. If you picked sage, you’d end up being professor. All you could change was skills/stats via cash shop, not whole damn jobs.


It’s okay. You seem to undetstand what we are getting at. And what I meant by fake diversity. A little more push and you will be on this side of the boat.

You didnt read it if you think planning for the unknown is “complex” lmao

And why did WoW fail?

  • because they removed the entire skill trees where you actually had to THINK about what you do and just gave every class certain skills at certain levels and that’s it, so that it is idiot proof for 5 year old kiddies.

Why are you quoting me? o.o. I just said a system with no class reset can work…

Wow also didnt fail last i checked it still has an expansion coming out very soon and blizzard is a huge successful company

Where is the failure?

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There is one thing that keep bothering me about all these NERF talk that peoples seems to advocate as a reason for Circle Reset.

I’m currently leveling 3 characters, cuz well I like to try different things.

Currently, I’m leveling:

C2 Cleric, C3 Krivis planning to go Druid.
C1 Cleric, C2 Priest, Planning to go Chaplin.
C1 Wizard, C3 Cyromancer, Planning to go Chronomancer.

I’m having fun leveling those three just because well, I don’t care about being number 1 DPS, or number one at anything.

I made threads about how I hated Flying Monsters in this game, rendering 90% of my skills useless as a Cleric. I’ll make threads about ANY class I play that feels under-powered or is under-performing.

But I will NEVER ask to have the ability to reset my Class…because then why even bother making alts or even playing the game…it just become a race to max level and then what? Pick FOTM build and be done with the game…

From my point of view, Class Reset should only occur when there is some dramatic changes to the game. Like let’s say they increase level CAP once a years and added a bunch of new classes.

Chances are this will changes the META completely and many classes combo may become obsolete.

Also what if they change Pardonner and you can’t use Daino/Barrier scrolls anymore like they are planning for KTOS. Wouldn’t that make Krivis more interesting and Paladin too?

In any case, this would debate about Circle Reset seems to come from peoples that just want to play the FOTM classes and have the ability to switch on the fly when the next FOTM combo arrives. That without ever investing any time.


Mostly kiddos that ruin every community they enter.

I got curious, what kind of combos have you planned using with that build? People who pick pyro usually take linker too to boost their fireball’s damage.

Don’t need resets, fix the broken circles, skills, et cetera.