Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

Hi, I’m a new player trying to make a ninja and I wonder if this build is worth going for. Any active Shinobis able to advice or give some comments on this build? (Lvl 150+ newb here so apologies if I miss anything :sweat_smile:)

Hey dude this build is exactly like mine

The mastery of ninja sword build

what do you think.
Bushin don’t copy double weapon assalt and deeds of valor also don’t auto-atack with secundary weapon and two hand sword.
Good luck for us ^^

Corsair C2 gets better, just be patient

Hi Ninja community! I was wondering if I can use the Squire skill arrest and then let my bunshins do the work. has anyone tried it? ThanksXD

Just pvp with my friend and found out that Corsair pulling skill after hook will bleed and it can also proc stun… pretty cool for those swordsman with c3 40%

Hello from Telsiai.
Sw2>Barb2>Cors2>Shinobi here.

It should work, the clones won’t cast Arrest but will cast kunai + swordsman skills.

1 Like

But you can’t cast anything else while arrest is active because arrest will stop should you release the skill’s button.

wwhich skill should i put first, when i become shinobi ?

i was thinking 1 bushin and mokotun and max kunai.
which one ofthem, gives invisibility ?

You should add kunai as your first skill you learn , bushin does nothing much on its own. I recommend maxing bushin first then adding whatever skill you like next.If i recall katon and mijin gives you invisibility with the attribute.

im put only 1 to kunai, then max bushin ?
or max kunai then bushin

Yes you are right, but you can cast bunshin-arrest-combo and you wont give a chance to the enemy to reposition or counterattack the KO combo.

Well on a 1 v 1 match that does help you wait for the CD of some of your skills but the same goes to the enemy and iirc, the enemy can still attack while arrested.

PeltHoplite+Corsair Shinobi
PVE Build: No iron hook

I want to give my thoughts on this build.

Skill reliant…gotta bring SP pots for dem self cast buffs+Dmgskills

Single target…farming mobs is a pain

Excels greatly on bosses

Mokuton is fun xD

Hexen+SpearLunge Highest Damage dealing skill - I ended up relying on this skill combo on mobs with HP 30k-109k. Ofc, its not fast enough to kill them especially 109K one. I have to burn through all my damaging skill sets and half of the my HP bar to kill those 50K mobs. My most excruciating experience was farming for colifly stamen. :'D Knockbacks Gotta timed it properly or else you end up auto attacking because 20+ cds too goddamn long *Hexen, Stabbing n Pierce are at lvl 20+ attribute :'D

Double Weapon Assault - I will have to drop this skill later on when i get a skill reset pot. I rarely use this. Iron Hook - 3 Keel Hauling - 2

Swashbuckling+JollyRogers - People will not hesitate to take you for grinding sessions. At least from my experience. It is also great for farming materials. You have no idea how thrilled i was when colifly stamen drops thanks to pillaging buff from Jolly Rogers. :heart_eyes:

Guardian+Mokuton - Guardian for that extra evasion and Mokuton as a backup in case you couldn’t dodge the hit. Mokuton has a bug where your character is gone entirely. That you have to cast a second mokuton to make your character reappear again.

Kunai+Bunshin - It requires proper setup as the AI’s retarded and buggy. I have yet to try MaxBunshin+MaxKunai. *Kunai lvl 2 Bunshin lvl 1

Mijin - looks great but the dmge is underwhelming… :'D 1,500silver per cast *lvl 1 atm 2k dmge stated on the tooltip ._. i can’t feel it

Katon - I haven’t taken this skill yet.

P.S I haven’t taken any shinobi attributes besides the weight capacity. I’m low on silver atm.

Tooltips too vague :'D

Stats: STR>DEX>CON I’m aiming for 100 DEX

about spear lunge and Hexen dropper. I wanna ask :

  1. How many mobs you can hit with those skills.
  2. How far the range / hit box of those skills

I confuse pick up between cor 2 or dop 1 for shinobi

  1. Spear lunge - 2 utmost if you try to stand in between two
    Hexen - depends on your aoe attack ratio mine’s 6
    I hit 3-5 upmost if they’re close to one another that is and if i could handle the dmge dealt by the mobs. Plus certain maps have really low mob density and they hit really hard. So i’ve settle with 3 instead…

  2. Hexen
    at the very tip the max range i suppose

Spear lunge

the spear lunge hitbox can be tricky :confused: you have to get even closer just to make sure

Hey guys! What about a reroll from this build: to this one: ?

Comments on possible tank shinobis?


Swordsman1, Peltasta, Barbarian3, Corsair, Shinobi.

Taunt things in and then sucide bomb the all.

Thanks dude
in this video

Hexen hit 4times ? someone said it’s hit 9times
in video hexen can hit in 3 direction : front, left side, right side
but cant hit at back

Cyclone is a slash type, and almost people use plate armor in pvp
it’s -50% penalty or -25% penalty ?
the picture say -50% but the description say -25%

but i think will go to doppel anyway, coz i’m to lazy to swap weapon :smile: