Tree of Savior Forum

[NINJA COMMUNITY] Shinobi Class build, etc. (Updated as of 05/16/2016)

Guys i´m doing swc3>?>corsairc2>shinobi
stats 1/1/2 str con dex
what do u think i need to pick
is best on pvp peltasta or barbarian?(about the circle i need)

Yup! I’ll send some details your way shortly

lol… Arde dagger was mentioned as an example of a source of Elemental Damage, as that damage type is appended to the end of every hit, or additional hit, made. Karacha, Arde, Venom, Otrava, or any of the hundred plus items in the game that add a minimum of 1 elemental damage to your attacks would suffice for the question, but Arde is just a common, cheap, and easily noticed source =P

Toy Hammer is a more expensive item to wonder about, but Cafrisun set costs about 20k for the entire ensemble. If any other Shinobis have a spare set laying around, in addition to possibly some decent Elemental Damage like Arde or the likes, I’d love to hear about the results XD Thank you! If clones pick up traits from the gear you wear it could open the door later when Amulets are reintroduced, as well as make for some interesting builds that can be item dependent.

Dude I’ve never seen a Shinobi using Arde Dagger anymore…except if they don’t have any money to buy Karacha dagger, then they’ll use Arde. This is not just a Theory craft, these are facts. You can’t just handle Arde Dagger forever. Sure it is great in early games, i have no doubt about it…but in higher levels, nah…

And besides, look at their stats…compare them…Karacha is better…
My point is,
arde is great in early levels im not saying its really sucks at all, but it should be substituted by Karacha by the time you reach level 170 or 200 in my opinion.

You may ask other people here…there are Living SHinobis here in the forums too so feel free to ask :slight_smile:

Just made it tonight, boys.

Clones are really iffy. They’re really inconsistent as to when they’ll copy Kunai, but that’s common knowledge by now I guess.


You are missing the point entirely.

Again, sir, Arde is an example only. An example. As in it doesn’t have to be Arde, it just has to be some source of elemental damage.

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oh ok hahahaha! I honestly missed it…sorry hehehe
I was hungry…need something to eat to function my brain well hahaha :laughing:

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Dude, do you even sleep and work? XD
I’m just kidding hahahaha!

Congrats dude :thumbsup:

All I can is…
If you choose Pelt, its more on PvE…

If you choose Barb, its for PvP…

Any advice where to grind for a L171 Cor1? I am somehow stuck for I dbt knw where to get quests…


I am currently following this thread at the moment…

Its a guide but you may follow other threads or guides as well :slight_smile:

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Thank you! Gonna read this any moment.

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Ok goodluck buddy :wink:

Shinobi’s clone (Bunshin no Jutsu) doesn’t work with concentrate. not sure is this a bug or not .

I think it’s intentional, as the clones don’t receive any benefit from buffs at all. (As far as I know.)

thats true, it would be too op if they did. after all, it is just a clone

and everyone will love it XD

As of the moment, we are not sure of it yet. I’m still gathering info about it too.

, as compare of getting corsair c2, what is the difference with this build :swordsman c1 > pel c1 > hoplite c3 > doppel c1 > Shinobi ? this guy told me this is full pve killing build…and his lv is 240 something, his youtube channel is called as frost nite, feel free to watch his video what do u think about his spartan shinobi gameplay~ because his video looks sick!
-and corsair captured my interest because of their dual blade skill…wondering what is the difference between hoplite and corsair in term of pve large scale.

I think most of us seen those videos…
Most of the Shinobi players are good…
It’s just that, they’re hiding in the shadows XD

and yeah he is cool :wink: