Tree of Savior Forum

New Vaivora Bow:Mergen and updated Vaivora Bow:Fletcher

the reason behind bodkin 4 is because ktos fletcher usually a fletcher-hunter(-def&critres%)-ranger build. if you dont have hunter, bodkin will help your pt physical DPS against boss.
bodkin is redundant if you party with linker or hunter.

at ktos vaivora bow boost barbed arrow +100% dmg

Thanks for the insight. But if it’s for solo bossing will there be any chances where bodkin will not be placed at 4?

yes, if your equipment is average like me, you better bodkin 15.
But if you overgeared like this ktos player, you dont really need that %def reduction skill

arbalester(vaivora xbow)-ranger-mergen(vaivora bow: mergen)
by the looks of it, vaivora bow: mergen isnt as bad as the description says, on contrary, it really make arrow sprinkle+ART becoming a clearscreen skill

liberated panties(that youtuber) thread regarding this video:

i dont understand 100% with google translate tho

hi woedenberg!

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I am confused. How is arbalester fitting into that build when it requires xbow? If the vaivora for mergen is a bow how does he manage to pull it off?

And is Wastrel Ichor still viable for the bleed bonus damage or they swap it out for something else? Other than vaivora trinket i can’t see any other options.

Did they change the cd of sprinkle? Both the video of the bow test and this cm, I see it at 20s cd.

Isn’t it 40s? BTW, I think if I were to give up skills for it, it’d be most likely homing.

But it still doesn’t make it better than fletcher bow. Barbed is insanely good. If you’re a mergen and fletcher, there’s no reason to go mergen bow over fletcher bow.

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If IMC want variety, they could have make the Mergen Vaivora about Triple Arrow.
Making it 100% explode, shoot out 3 more arrows, and maybe gives 2 more overcharges to differentiate between fletcher vaivora role and mergin vaivora role (one for bossing and one for CM trash clear)

Triple Arrow is arguably the best skill for Mergin as far as CM goes since it is some of the rare skills which scale directly with how many targets you hit at once.

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How is arbalester fitting into that build when it requires xbow? If the vaivora for mergen is a bow how does he manage to pull it off?

imo vaivora trinket that many attack against X types is still not sure yet will it still be +10% dmg against ep 13 enemies or not, so i stick with wastrel trinket which is fix 10% bleeding dmg

@Ennislol according to arrow sprinkle CD -20s

can we build two vaivora bow build swap after using arrow sprinkle and barbeb arrow?

yes you can, still need 2 varna bow tho

So technically he is swapping weapons around everytime he cast certain skills? That sounds like a chore to optimize that build

Not manually swapping weapons, mergen skill will autoswap to bow, arba will autoswap to crossbow

I see. Thanks for the clarification. But xbow has never been a thing for me so i guess will just stick to Ranger-Mergen-Fletcher until it totally gets useless at some point.

Thanks for all the replies on my queries.

Sprinkle was always nice because it was pretty good for both single and aoe, but with the caveat that aiming was pretty mandatory with it. In addition, the cd was atrocious at 40s. So it was reduced to a 1 pointer skill usually.

Even with reduced cd, and this bow and art…does the dmg compare to things like zenith, spread, homing, and triple?

Maybe if it had 2 oh at the very least…doesnt seem to be worth still imo.

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does the dmg compare to things like zenith, spread, homing, and triple?

apparently yes, at 00:40 1 OH of arrow sprinkle kill stage 6 mobs

I think it is mainly not because of the skill itself but how AS procs the new Thunder Ark that kills the mobs

ark thunder only single target, and at 00:40 i heard only 5 thunder sound, so i think your deduction is wrong. Moreover, all other skill proc thunder too at those video, so all of them biased by thunder dmg too then?

Well everyone else is always wrong vs your opinion hahah.

Point taken point taken, we’ll leave the more complicated damage specs research to you

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have you read the personal review from that youtuber?
your deduction is valid if only the arrow sprinkler skill got help from thunder ark and every other skill didnt, but in that video all of the skill got help from thunder, so every skill was equal for comparison already.

00:11 triple arrow proc thunder
00:23 homing arrow proc thunder
00:31 zenith proc thunder
00:35 spread shot proc thunder

So is AS good or bad? And where will you take points from?

read that youtuber review (in korean). Google doesnt translate it properly but i think with this vaivora bow:mergen he managed to bernice lv 171, and planning to bernice lv 185-190 with more optimal setup.
greyhiem also give conclusion in his own video too.

Always remember, we dont measure/compare how good Arrow sprinkle at bossing as in how good barbed arrow at mobbing.