Tree of Savior Forum

New Vaivora Bow:Mergen and updated Vaivora Bow:Fletcher

I will focus on having 2 bow with the ichor vv, if your build is mergen fletcher, one will have the mergen for mob and change it when the boss comes out for fletcher; Where do I get the points? my idea is to testify with arrow sprinkle lvl 11 and with barbed lvl 19 and it would be removed to triple arrow that would be 5 +3 skill pot (8 lvl) and with the ark either thunder or storm and with aoe 20 or approx +16

I mean, I guess thatā€™s the best way to go about itā€¦ Have both and swap to mergen vv to arrow sprinkle every 20 seconds then swap back?

Sounds incredibly cumbersome. But, this game is basically one big chore.

not so, it would simply change when there are bosses, while the merger bow always comes first.
and iā€™m considering its damage to mutant and trinket vv update in new legendary raid

So youā€™re saying for new glacier raid, you would use fletcher bow to Barbed arrow every 15s, then swap back to mergen bow for everything else?

I would like to be able to prove it, since being a mutant, possibly less critical, and the ataka very closely vs the smugis, I am still disappointed with the bow mergen because even so, between the two bows there is a great difference in benefits, it is like something else is missing ā€¦
the same are expeculacones, maybe it is so simple of a change of ichor according to the instance cm / bere / raid but it would be something that I would like to try.

The damage caused by the sum of multy hits + thunder is another test that I would like to do between both bows, but my build does not go to the typical hunter or ranger, currently I am more on the wugushi, fletcher, mergen side just for this.

i dont think its wise to combine them in 1 build (master of none), liberated panties having 2 vaivora bow ichor himself, still separate AOE build from bossing build. But feel free to share your test result here

Btw recently got myself a reinforce bowstring.

So is ranger mandatory for fletcher?

Taking fletcher= give up falcon = aoe goes down.
How does Fletcher/ Ranger/ Margin perform in CM btw?

ranger: increase your DPS only
falconer: increase all of your party DPS area

i advise you to try ranger yourself and see whether its suitable for you or not (for me, i still prefer falconer gameplay)

Is Fletcher Vaivora not getting buffed 100% damage as discuss in ktos?

I like my fletcher mergen, their skill running well, if have statue buff i have more good skill spam ktos vaivora bow buffed as planned


Thatā€™s nice, almost every fletcher in my server already switched to musketeer for WBR and other harder content, thereā€™s so much people selling their vaivora bow ichors recently.

Curious about the actual WBR fletcher build setup though.
Iā€™m tired of not getting 5 billion on WBR due to bad class matchup.

Assuming Iā€™m going to stick with Fletcher, what are the best classes for WBR?
Iā€™ve seen people suggesting Fletcher Hunter Ranger, but I also see leaderboard with Fletcher Mergin Ranger.

Also about the skill point, the biggest argument for Fletcher is the level of Bodkin arrow vs other aoe skills. People donā€™t have a concrete answer for this.

Also for ranger is Barrage really actually any good to invest 15 points on even with ART?

Hunter single target seems insane too with -def and -crit def, however some still pick Mergin over it.
Assuming you pick Mergin (better in CM Maybe, or hunter is actually better?), do you still take Triple Arrow? I was actually thinking of dropping homing arrow though due to its charges, making it actually the lowest dps rotation to be add in for single target. Is Downfall actually better for bossing for Mergin?

As usual no build no gears no nothing :confused:
You thought I didnā€™t search for videos like this? None provide anything.
Seems to be a trend now. Some even go through the trouble of providing a wrong/ more generic build to lied about his build zzzz.
Itā€™s not like people can easily replicate their gears or anything ā€¦

Hm, hunter is OP because of its single target damageā€¦ But maybe you dont see everyone running this on their main because if you build around hunter, you will lack in aoe dpsā€¦

Now we know people spam CM for income. And the more efficient you are, the better

I know looting chance buff, but if you build hunter for boss, then it is a different story

Mergen is like something in the middleā€¦

Re bodkin, ppl just wanna run purely dps most of the time so they have bodkin least. But that doesnt mean it is bad

And if so, you may forget that others may max bodkin on the same boss, so whats the point of having more than 1 bodkin debuff? Maybe thats what others think

Again, we can have guides but there is no perfect and exact skill allocā€¦ There can be an efficient one, but best if you decide what is working for you

if you dont posses +21 weapon and lv 3 seal and lv 6 thunder ark, then dont bother, you dont have the tools. That 4+ Billion dmg WBR belong to player who go further way to make specialized random ichor set just for that weekā€™s WBR.

Casual player asking & copying other build.
Overachiever player find their own most optimal build.
which one are you?

Like I said if they have gears like that, why worry about people replicating their build?
We ask for builds cuz we can at least reach 5 billion reward mark consistently, weā€™re not trying to compete with world record.

However, those so called ā€œelite playersā€ like to post videos to brag but never like to share any inputā€¦
Whatā€™s the point of sharing then?
Boruta lv3 and ark plays a huge role in world record, however, even without those, a well-put build can help the casuals all hit 5 billion mark too, so why not share? (You only need 800 mil per run to hit 5 bil, which is not so much to ask)

Itā€™s not like this game let you easily swap around class/ build freely. Thereā€™re weapon restriction, attributes, and it requires class point to change class too. Thatā€™s why people ask for it.

We have people like GamingHardcore who post useless guides showcasing absolutely worthless build/ gears, and then we have those 5 billion dps guys not sharing anythingā€¦ Both of them are cancerous.

Bruh, relax a bit. Itā€™s just a game.

Here is the spec I normally see.

As for gear, everyone basically runs the same things nowadays.

+10/T10 armors
+16/T10 weapon
+11/16 with T10 trinket
Drako accessories.

The only differences are ichors (which are content specific if you wanna be hardcore) and the anvil on weapons. You see 16-21 on weapons here and there. But the above gear even with your normal str/con/eva/crit can usually hit 5b a week for the rewards. Iā€™ve seen people do it with +11 weapons too.


Pyktis vs pasiute drako become kareline,
But i have no money, which one first better?
Pyktis or pasiute drako??
For usage before getting kareline next year.haha

go pyktis first, because you can hit 4k crit rate cap with just complete critrate random ichor set

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