Tree of Savior Forum

New Drop System in kTest/kToS

It’s not linked to number of channels though, it would be the same if it was just 1 channel or 100 channels
You’re just not making sense anymore

Different interpretations of reading exist for a reason.


No this is why we use a common language, to state our opinions in a concise matter

If everyone just interpreted anything however they liked we’d have chaos

Y: It’s a secret but… it’s bound map-wise. For example, if there is a monster with 500 DPK on Map Z and User A kills 100 monsters on channel 1 while User B kills 100 monsters on channel 2, both players have a 1/300 chance of an item drop.

What are you showing me? That post supports my argument

Its bound mapwise and channels have no effect on it

Topdown DPK has been tested already and its bad. Search forums for peoples results on the current system and add the current fiasco we had with bugged dpk drops. Thats enough to stop me from playing the game. IMC knows they fked up and now they getting rid of the bad system and implementing one that makes more sense and most MMOs uses, not this dumb ■■■■ that never worked properly.

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OK. Then why are there ever any philosophical debates about anything?

You are calling me juvenile, but you can’t even grasp that people read and interpret things in a different way. This is pre high-school stuff.

You clearly never had a philosophical debate, or any debate for that matter if you think any of this resembles one.

That’s not the fault of the system though, its just IMC ■■■■■■■ up the coding
They could very well ■■■■ up an RNG system

Uhm this has nothing to do with philosophy, maths is made so it doesn’t have “different interpretations”, you can understand different things, doesn’t mean you are right about it.

This is a deflection of the question I asked. Sounds like you are stuck in a corner so you are trying to get out by marginalizing the current debate. You should be a politician.

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I really can’t believe people are still arguing about this. Ever since the news of the drop system change, you guys have been going at this pure RNG team Vs Top-Down team and the discussion has only gotten more aggressive without much additional info.

I’ll be as impersonal as I can here. But first things first, let me start by stating given similar average drop rates, TOP-DOWN “DPK” SYSTEM WILL ALWAYS HAVE MORE DROPS ON AVERAGE THAN PURE RNG, no matter how the “fail-safe” is configured to be (map-bound, channel-bound, player-bound, IMC-bound, whatever-bound). It’s simple as that, a mere case of assimptotically comparing the expected number of drops on each system with similar drop rates.

As a reminder we can assume a Top-Down “DPK” system has drop rates given by %= 1/(DPK - #kills), while a pure RNG system has drop rates given by % = 1/(DPK). “DPK” here is simply used as a parameter which determines the number of monster which need to be killed in order for a drop to happen with 100% chance (it can happen at any earlier moment though) or a parameter to determine the average number of monsters you need to kill for a drop (say DPK = 100 for item A, then item A has a 1% drop chance and you’d need to kill 100 mobs on average to get 1 drop), respectively.

That said, the current drop rates we have are so low (due to stupidily high DPK parameters) that it’s indeed really hard to differentiate the current Top-Down System from a PURE DPK system like we used to have. Drops are only “feasible” to happen after 90%ish of the DPK parameter has been mitigated by killing mobs for the higher DPK ones (say 20k for rare weapon cube in HG 315).

Might as well treat these cases as pure DPK really, but that’s due to the high parameter (and thus low drop rate) IMC set.

Given the options to fix the drop system to be more player-friendly, the best course of action would’ve definetely been to simply lower the DPK parameters used to computate drop rates. Instead, IMC decided to change the system to pure RNG. Once again, that’s a worse system (ceteris paribus) than top-down. If what IMC intended with the change was to improve player experience when farming, this new system must come with much higher drop rates as compared to what we have now. In case drop rates weren’t changed, farming will get even more tedious and rops even rarer, period.

(1) Top-Down > Pure RNG, everything else kept the same;
(2) Current Top-Down resembles Pure DPK very closely due to really high DPK parameters set by IMC;
(3) The change to pure RNG only means an improvement if drop rates are considerably increased;
(4) The best option would’ve been to simply lower DPK parameters on our current Top-Down system, but IMC’s too incompetent for that.


He told me that people can’t interpret things differently because we share the same language. Do YOU agree with that?

I just want a progressive RNG system, where it is pure RNG but with N times the droprates for items, but items require N times the drops to make a complete item.

The new HG cube idea that IMC has for kToS is basically what I want for all current top-down/DPK items.

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It clearly states that channels do affect it. Every map has multiple channels, players on all of those channels killing the same mobs affect the kill count of said mob, the higher the kill count the higher the drop rate becomes on all channels. Hence “both players have a 1/300 chance of an item drop”. Once the item drops, regardless of which channel it drops on, the kill count resets.


Yes. This is my interpretation of it.

There’s no need for anyone to be aggressive, anyways.

Let’s attack the points that people make, not the people themselves.

Edit: I’m going to make a topic that consolidates the methods that IMC has used and we can see what the community votes for.

There is only one person being aggressive in this conversation. It is pretty obvious who that is.


Gotta say, this is pretty accurate. If I may add one thing to this otherwise really well done comment, the “reset” needs to be reworked a bit. Perhaps once the required kill count is reached the drop rate caps at 50% (as an example) for 3 minutes and then it actually resets. This way the main concern of many players opposed to the current system is addressed.

The most reasonable person in this topic until now.


We don’t need more spaghetti coding on top of the current spaghetti.

If anything, the recent ‘DPK’ mess ups on the servers should prove to all of us that IMC should move to a simple RNG system to avoid that from ever happening again, and futureproof the server.