Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

I didn’t use the reply function before as it was directly after your comment, but in case you didn’t read what I said before:

In this instance, they could easily make it only for those created before this notice will be kept.
Maintenance exists for a reason, and that is to fix the so called unforeseen problems while developing or after implementing.

Let’s just look at something else that could go wrong: If someone made 4 Lv.1 characters in one server that would be unfair for who didn’t make 4 characters there if both didn’t play in this second server. Giving 4 (non-premium/virtual) slots just because someone was lucky to have made 4 characters before isn’t really a nice move.

But I don’t know. There’s too many possible reasons. It’s not a software limitation though, definitely.

It’s probably a defined design that they felt as better and have less issues.

Hmm, I think that makes it even worse.

That’s almost saying that they felt it better to force players that actually play on both server to delete or buy slots because they don’t like rewarding the few lucky players that made mule or test chars on the other server.

It’s just a design decision. The ones that actually plays on both servers might be just as few as the few would-be lucky ones that simply made characters.

And this is just one of the reasons, there’s many to explore. There’s many as well in favor of your suggestion, which isn’t a bad one.

It just ends up to something they felt that was better that way (and that already worked for kToS server merge).

They can add another condition to it then, like only if you used certain amount of TP on that server, or certain team level?

My point is that they shouldn’t punish players invested on both servers just because they couldn’t afford character slots. Imo, that a bad business design.

That isn’t really what localization should be though. They should at least cater it to the needs of their player base, not the player base of kToS. I understand it will need more budget though.

I really hope they take time on this and properly consult with the community.

I mean… for how many players does this actually happen in iToS? Like 1 to 10 max, maybe 50 as a conservative maximum?

I agree with your side, but I also agree with the decision of limiting the characters slots.

There’s too many things for both.

But if you’re going to cater to giving more slots to a few players, there’s too many conditions. There are more things that can go wrong. There are chances that “few lucky players” (probably more than the ones that actually need the slots) get more slots than these that actually need.

The same rules also applies to kToS, I’m pretty sure at least a single person in the entire merged servers have played in two and bought TP in the two servers and somehow can’t buy more TP to the characters and all their 8 characters are max level, well geared and well invested. They probably insisted about it.

Thing is: It worked there. From their data and from most player’s point of view it will work here. It has less issues and is the cheaper solution that doesn’t conflict with many other conditions and game features nor premium features. Unfortunately that’s what they decided and the most viable way for dealing with the situation.

You’re right complaining about it. You should show you’re not fine with something. But it isn’t simply limited to “they don’t give a f at all” nor “software limitation”. I’m sure it’s something they used their available data to decide on along with game features and premium features (yeah, premium features, almost no company will want to give you free premium slots unless in very specific conditions - if you find one, they’re more likely the exceptions/special cases). They should find a balance between what’s good for players and for them. I simply feel the current merge conditions is pretty decent and covers this pretty well.

As I said, that is not how localization should be. You localize a game to cater a certain group/subculture. The kToS players’ point of view doesn’t necessarily mean the people on this server will have the same. They should cater their your audience, not for Koreans.

It doesn’t have to strictly be the slots, they could provide compensations for the amount of time/money invested on the other server. But there was no mention for such discussion, then again, it is only the first notice. That is why I hoped they take time and properly consult with their audience.

As I said…

How many players are you actually catering to? 0? 5? 10?

The specific case where players really need merged slots are really too few.

I agree with you and that it’s a problem, I said it before.

The only thing is: it isn’t that they don’t care about this. If they didn’t care they’d delete characters completely from the others servers.

They most likely had a list of possible ways to deal with this situation and picked the best that balances interests from both sides. It’s a decent decision and it’s pretty fine as it is now. It could be changed to include your case, sure, but might conflict with something else. It’s nothing something decided out of the blue without any consideration.

They’re even leaving us (majority of old players) with extra premium character slot that they doesn’t even need to since we received it for free. They do consider our side but they should consider theirs too and find a balance.

And I’m not talking about kToS x iToS localization. I’m saying that they most likely had the VERY SAME problem you’re complaining about. And the decision worked there. It doesn’t mean we have exactly the same problems and exact the same reactions, but it definitely shows that it worked somewhere, at least, under similar conditions.

I am not saying they don’t care, I never did. If that’s where our discussion is heading.

My bad then. Sorry.

The single reason I’m insisting on every post was this:

It was mostly because the “they just dont give a f at all.”.

It sounded for me as something “they don’t care” if it wasn’t because software limitations.

Sorry, I misunderstood it. I think I’ve been answering a certain group of people in this forum too much, assumed the worst case scenario when reading your sentence. Sorry again ;-;

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That came out wrong. I guess your replies were for other people to think about it.

I, however, insist that you quote the whole sentence at least.

I edited the post, the intention was to show exactly what I was nitpicking about. Not to cut/change meaning of your sentence, sorry agian.

No worries, just glad to have it straightened out. I understand where you’re coming from as I’ve seen people on this forum throw words like white-knighting on a perfectly sound argument.

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Well if a player can’t afford a few char slots which are really cheap they’re not going to benefit their business really. :sweat_smile: I don’t think it’s a bad business decision at all, exactly the opposite. To give free players free slots because of a merge is always unfair to those who pay and buy slots and it’s just a common courtesy in business to favor the paying customer.

And the suggestion you gave was a poor one cause we have resets so there’s no real need to really delete characters so they’re still free slots.

That is not to say that I’m against finding a way to compensate those free players unavailable to buy character slots. It would be something that companies with great management would do but it’s not really something that’s required imo.

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Free players doesn’t contribute to their business? What age are you living in? There’s a lot of games where free players farm a lot and buy premium good from other players using in game currency. And, did you just justify p2w? A company should favor paying customer because it’s common courtesy? -snorts-

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I feel you breh, we arent losing something doing it and I bet that you just come here to see if game already died xD

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Well you’re quick to assume things. No I did not justify p2w. Yes paying players should benefit in someway from paying what is the point of paying otherwise? That doesn’t mean the benefit should equal to having more ingame stats to overpower other players.
Also yes they should favor paying players in these types of situations. If you bought bunch of character slots and some others just get bunch of them for free due to merge it would devalue the money of those who bought the slots.
That doesn’t mean that I think free players shouldn’t be able to get some compensation for their hard work or that they should be ignored as a player base.

Also it’s still the paying players who buy the items with money not free players. It’s important to have reasons for paying people to buy them, sometimes it’s to get ingame currency but even with itos I think a lot of it is just leftover from gacha they don’t need. (Which they bought to get things like golden goro, wings etc.) Also free players aren’t the only ones buying the items for ingame currency. It’s a loose contribution and doesn’t mean much unless a player works really hard ingame and consistently buys a lot of those items. (Which I doubt most of them do but they do exist that I admit.) So I would argue most free players don’t contribute much if at all.

I’m still all for giving everyone 4 more free slots but it’s obvious that won’t happen. Other solutions could be events giving slots or some systems like gifting or being able to sell them. (Which can be questionable.) But giving 4 free slots to only some is and will always be a bad idea. (It’s not only unfair for paying players but other free players too.)

To further elaborate the injustice faced when only some players get free slots the other players can do nothing about it. The injustice of a player losing characters due to a merge a player can do something about (buy slots with tp). It’s not a perfect solution but a better one.

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Hello person that made an all new account just to doom post this out of your boredom. I hope you’re just a new account instead of a banned player making alts, but just in case I’ll flag your post and hope STAFFs checks if you’re evading bans from your previous accounts, breaking forum rules again.

But anyway, do you have any number proof to support your claim? Because I heard population is increasing on other servers. We have conflicting information.

You claimed that, thus burden of proof rests on you. Could you provide any single link, information or source?

Because the only thing that really seems to be dying are your previously banned accounts. (And the forum server while I was trying to post this. lol)

Must be hard to stomach the truth that your playing a dead game and wasted all that time and effort.You got my sympathies :slight_smile: .The merge is a blatant cash grab and If anything Its saying were cutting on costs and just merging servers since others are not getting filled to capacity like It used to during early access.I’ll give TOS a few more years at best before It goes down.

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Oh, may I ask what do you think about players who asked for the server merge?

Because this is what I see in your post history:

You left some time ago and came to laugh more about the forums?

But then for some reason you were throwing money at Overwatch loot boxes which IS a cash grab because gacha:

So… let me know…

what do you call being a cash grab on server merge? Having too many characters on both servers?

You’d complain either way. I found a big review from when Aion merged servers and allowed people to keep their character, what did the big page complain about?

-> Player ended up with more characters than the limit.

The fact that I have to pay to move each and every character — or delete them — in order to just make a character infuriated me.

I’m pretty sure you’d call either way a cash grab or find something else to complain about.

You can’t and you won’t make everyone happy, no matter what.

Aside from your behavior which I don’t get the reasoning behind at all. I’ll just leave this question:
Did you come back to stop being a troll or are you going to keep up with it?

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