Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

Yes! Just make sure you have the available character slots to avoid any complications.

If you accidentally exceed your capacity you’ll be able to delete the Characters and Pets as necessary.


Oh ok thank god lol I just had to make sure xD

so if i have 12 characters in Orsha, but 1 character in klaipedia i have to delete one either from Orsha or Klaipedia in order to enter the server? (since my team in klaipedia only have the 4 base characters, well five with the slot they gifted but i think that count as base?)

The free slot counts as a premium slot and will be transferred.

But assuming you have 4 Basic slots in Klaipeda, and 4 Basic Slots +8 Premium slots in Orsha (including the Pengreen slot), then you would need one more slot to keep all characters on both servers. Initially you will be able to log in, even with excess characters, but after a grace period you will be confined to your Lodge until you delete a character/pet or buy enough slots.

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May I ask from where this print came from?

Sure! It’s just a PM.

Yes, the basic slots are not carried over meaning he would need one more or have to delete a character.

4 slots in Klaipeda + 1 penguin + 4 slots in Orsha + 1 penguin = 6 slots
Fedimian = 5 slots

I vote for an extra slot in Fedimian as compensation :sunglasses:

The free slot that was gifted with the Leaf Penguin will be treated as Premium. People who had teams on both servers at the time received the free slot on both servers.

4 Base Slots + 1 Free Slot from Orsha + 1 Free Slot from Klaipeda

Doing the math and hoping my memory is correct, I got enough TP on klaipeda to save all my characters from the evil kidnappers, but I will say goodby to my dreams of customizing my characters and role-playing them to their full potential T~T

is there a way where i can place the penguins on different parts of the lodge with an account with only 1 char? all of them are smooshed in the center and it looks kind of creepy ; w ;

You can still select your companions and physically move them to look a little less creepy, but you won’t be able to switch which lodge they’re in.

i did that but they keep on resetting to the center when i go back

i kind of like when people mistakenly went into my lodge. the penguins will be staring at them from all directions XD

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So that means he wants to be. . .

The center of attention :sunglasses:

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There is a reason for IMC not doing the question you do, like wanting old players to RETURN.

But i have other question, “why not?”.

Why is there a coming server merge if there is not problem with the game? Why people need to “play another” if this game is “perfectly fine”?

Whiteknighting is disgusting.

I have another question:
Do you know what technical limitations and latency means?

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Whiteknighting? UUUhn… Damn, you got me… /sarcasm

Or just don’t know how to read… how cute…

Where I said the game is perfectly fine? I don’t remember saying that… nor to people play another game while this one is (still) here…

Maybe you should find new things to do, it’ll make you feel less agressive. I heard yoga is good.

Cheers, sweetheart!


They don’t have to give free premium slots. They should just allow going over the current slots.

If you have 4/4 char in Varena, 4/4 in Telsai, after merge, they could have 8/4 characters. This way they didn’t give any slots, but we still get to keep all our characters. The player can’t create any character unless they delete characters until they have 3/4.

But they didn’t. I don’t know though if it’s a software limitation, the devs can’t do it, or they just dont give a f at all.

It’s just that many people would abuse it. It could also create new unexpected problems when implementing.