Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

A few more years sounds quite good to me. And, in the strict sense of the word, the intention of a pastime game is… pass time… and waste it. So, all games are a ‘waste of time’ as you put it. :prince:

Unless it’s your job playing MMORPGs… if so… I need a job like that.


I think he lives for it, Lunar… but that’s not ‘wasting time’, just playing the game is… :thinking:


So I take you came back to troll again.

I’ll just ask:

But you’ll ignore since you’re just a troll so :woman_shrugging:

Nah, i dont mean that way, i just want to play on international server again because in region that got blocked (especially on my region) never reach 100 people a day in total, on Klaipeda as example only have 11/100 max a day on channel 1, isn’t it means that the game is dying in here? no one do shouting too on channel if there any i can count it with my finger. When i do grinding i’m the only one on the field like 1/100 and only have 2 channel. Maybe you know which region that i mean.

if you still need a prove i can give it based on Social Media.
Official TOS link --> (to prove that Social Media that i share below are really from the real publisher) --> there is no update since March 2017 --> no one seems to retweet or like the tweet --> not much, if there are any comment they just asking how to fix the problem or bug

I never get banned too actually this is my 1st time post too and i just miss the old day on International server playing with my friends from another region as well when Early Access. Just hope for the best.

Sorry for the post, if this post is breaking the rules then you can delete it from here but i just want you to know the truth , i can say this much based on the real condition that i face here, all of it is based on the truth.


Your view makes way more sense since you’re coming from IDNTOS. I actually totally agree with you, launching an IDN server was a bad idea from the start, I’m honestly sorry you’re stuck on there. I’ve talked to a few people from there and everything I’ve seen suggests that IDN should find some way to merge into ITOS or at least remove the region lock.

Unfortunately the reality of IMC licencing IDNTOS out means it’s unlikely to see a change any time soon.

We’d be stronger together. :heart:


Damn, I forgot IDNTos existed😭


Sorry for my post as well, didn’t remember IDNTOS (and didn’t know it was that bad) :x

Thought your post had the intent of mixing ktos (which has a region block afaik and twtos and jtos which I’m not sure has blocks).

Sorry again for replying that way. We have a common case here on forums of trolls jumping out of nowhere to to doompost and make things up, I thought it was the same case ;-; my bad :x


This is the only game forum where dead ppl come back to haunt the living.

why? I dont get it


nah that’s ok now i feel like my voice reach something (at least some ppl from outside IDNTOS acknowledge our problem xD *touched * :relieved: ) its just a bit lonely here on IDNTOS , not many ppl to communicate so i just come here to see if there area any change of region block.

yeah twtos, ktos, jtos or maybe thaitos it seem lot of ppl still playing there , it will be fun to join actually.

lol maybe someday that day will come. Just wish for the best in the near future :sunglasses:


Now I wonder if IMC has forgotten about INDTOS… those links @kherogen posted are… depressing :frowning:

just VPN and join your Indo friends in SEA