Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

It’s based on which has the higher team level and the number of characters. So if you want to know what your “main team” would be, then you’d need to log in and check. You still have a little more than 3 weeks until the merge. If you can’t log in and want to check, maybe you can send a ticket or pm a staff here.

If you want to keep all your characters, then what you can do is buy the necessary slots on your “main team” to accommodate them. Based on the guidelines, they won’t really delete characters/companions unless you can’t accommodate them since you either lack the premium slots or you’re over the allowed 30 slots.


not if I cant find a better internet or hope they repair the optic fiber and reach this place before the maint…

that been said, I got 4 characters on klaipeda, but 5 characters on Orsha and cant remember what team level is higher D:

I want Klai name, but i cant remember if I did more stuff on orsha T^T I hate merges I will always be oppose to it D:

I hate the “we will kidnap your characters until you pay us” @Staff


merge all servers and i will still not play :tired:

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I really hope you’re wrong DrRM

I need this confirmation from any @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Han @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Amy based on what i questioned before:

Will I lose any character? Really?!

then why are you here?


To make the community as toxic as possible, obviously, as too many “players” do.

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Don’t worry! It was just confusingly written, it was updated a few days ago to be more clear:


Collections from the main team will remain.

If you don’t have a team in klaipeda I’m like 99,9% sure that you won’t lose any characters.

The whole point of losing characters/slots is not allowing people who have 4 characters in both servers for example being able to get 4 extra slots for free. (If it was allowed everyone who doesn’t have another team should just make a new one for the extra slots obviously.)

Any bought slot in either server will however stay.

With the free extra slot which I think is premium slot as they didn’t change normal maximum to 5 will not be lost in the case of having one team for sure.
I also think it’s not lost even if you have it on both servers but I’m not sure if they’ll take some actions against it.

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The point is doing it as fast and automated as possible, cause taking the effort of checking who has made characters before the announcement last year and those who will make teams and characters this year to profit take time and time make people bitchy and impatient…

Basically the system will screw over some to prevent been screwed by others…

EDIT: and yes am pointlessly angry over nothing cause I lack the info to know if am right or wrong cause the staff need to ask the devs and the devs need to ask themselves and am still waiting for the @Staff to come pat my head and prove me wrong with good news

“Rush only makes you slower”

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Well imo, even with no abuse it’d still be unfair to give some players 4 free premium slots. :x you get to keep everything if you buy the slots, the fact of losing characters suck with merges but it is what it is.

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I suppose it’s hard to happen, but… does someone have 30 chars in Klai plus 30 in Orsha?


is not 4 premium slot, is 4 free slots I already had and will lose cause I will have to pay for it…

and it’s not the money cause am sure the TP I got saved between the servers might be enough (sadly not everyone will be that lucky), its about principle…

first we pay for characters already there for free and later will end up paying for a subscription to enter the game :roll_eyes:

“Give a mouse a piece of cheese…”

EDIT: @raikoseifuu I knew people in orsha that were character making addicts xD so I would doubt it if there are some out there…

we need to keep in mind that the amount of people that play the game is a circle and the people that visit the forum is other with the middle been those that do both

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Yeah well the difference is still that it’s all in one server.

I mean I wouldn’t mind at all if they gave everyone 4 more character slots. But it would need to be everyone gaining from it. Having the ability to have 8 free characters IN ONE SERVER. Otherwise it’s not fair for everyone.

But as companies pretty much never go with the giving everyone free stuff (at least not in that quantity) the route is stuff getting removed unless paid for.

Also I guess it has to be more fair for paying players. Giving free slots from other servers to some is mainly unfair to those who paid for the slots in their own server and never had any in other. It’s always the free player who loses in these situation.

We still don’t have any official word regarding the 5th slot we recieved with the leaf penguin right? Like whether or not it’s considered premium.

It is considered premium.


I don’t think the 5th slot will be carried, as if would be easy to create an account on the second server just to get the penguin on that server and get a free 6th slot, as it would be 4 + 1 premium on each server. And it wouldn’t be fair for us playing with only 5 slots on Fedimian. Unless they put some kind of hack to consider the leaf penguin separately as a 5th slot on the merged server.

Can we receive the Penguin after all this time? I believe it was sent only for the already created teams.

The Pengreen slots are counted as Premium, and will be transferred.


So just to make sure, if I have enough character slots for both teams on my Main Team, my 2nd team characters, will just be transferred over to my main team? Also will it count my extra penguin slot if it hasnt been used yet?

example: If I have 4 open character slots on [KLAI] (including penguin slot from [ORSHA] team), and I have 1 character on my [KLAI] team and 2 characters on [ORSHA]. I wont lose any characters?

edit: I have characters on both servers with rare cosmetics and stuff I spent aaaages grinding for lol and I’d really hate to lose either of them.