Tree of Savior Forum

[NA] / [SEA] Server Merge - First Notice

They just said in a post they were going to expand character spots. Why not wait to merge when that is ready?

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I did on my cell, I will now try again now that am at home…

I bet something didn’t loaded :persevere:


PD: after reading… it still sucks ball, I love both my teams and they both have lot of stuff and are almost equal D:

Probably no, but I do that have 2 teams of 4 characters and 1 pet with no premium slots >.>

so I ether pay for slots or they keep my other 4 characters and the pet hostage :disappointed:

Did I got that right @STAFF :confused:

UGH! I hate what I read more than my internet not letting me post well or see all well :@

Guys, we know IMC ism’t the brightest bulb in the room…BUT read more carefully:

  1. TEAM

1.1. Team Name

  • Your Team Name will be the name of your main team.

1.2. Team Level

  • Only data from your main team remains.

blabla main team

3.1. Character Name

  • If two characters in your team have the same name

bla bla 2 teams

It’s all about whne having 2 teams

4.1. Team Storage

  • Only data from your main team remains.
  • Items from the Team Storage of your secondary team will be deleted. Make sure to move any items you need to the Personal Storage or Inventory of characters that you will be keeping in the merged server.

4.2. Collections

  • Collection data from [NA] Orsha and [SEA] Varena will be deleted.
  • Only data from [NA] Klaipeda and [SEA] Telsiai will remain.

it can be assumed that 4.2. is just the case IF you got 2 teams AND your main team is NOT on those severs, so your 2nd TEAM collection (if any) of the 2 above servers will be deleted

It will be fine, relax


ikr? i have a very low level team in tels (for testing and checking on friends); i have no collections there at all - hope this below doesn’t overwrite what i have on my main team

**deleting all characters now in hopes to avoid this



Hello everyone,

Sorry for the confusion. We’ve updated the announcement.

The collection data for the team that gets selected as your ‘main team’ will remain. If you mainly play on Orsha, that data will be transferred during the merge(as long as it fits all the criteria to be selected as your ‘main team’).


Nice update

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that’s the part that sucks >.>

the criteria…

the some if not all of you blood ,sweat and tears will go to waste…

am just waiting for a hard enough wall to smash my head into right now


More like they never had the population to support 2 servers per region, ever.


On launch they did lol


Given that channels are a thing, nah. There never was a reason to have 2 servers. There will always be a huge burst of players and it will spike down quickly.

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This people with the ‘TOS is dying, oh my, run to the hills!!’ or ‘TOS is dying, it deserves to go down in flames, hue, you all who (or whom? I don’t know how to use it) play it are imbeciles’ are annoying.

I played dying games… if TOS stops with the weekly updates, or with the news, it’s a signal of dying game. If the news have an interval of a month or more between them, that’s a signal of a dying game.

A merge is just that, a merge. When a game opens, there´s a crazy hype (I remember Dragon Nest and Eden Eternal closed betas. Lots of servers and channels totally full!). When people see that the game is not to their liking/ not their style or jump to other hype, the community dwindles, and stabilizes on a way lower number of players. Then, there’s no necessity of all those servers/channels and they merge.

If you don’t like the game, and thinks it’s dying, huehue, why you just don’t leave it? And if people wants to keep playing even if the game is ‘dying’, why in blazes you people have to be so annoying about it?

And remember… if, perchance, the game closes… IT’S JUST A GAME!! Go play another, it’s not like you lost your job (unless you’re from IMC…).

Sorry for the long rant, but, after weeks of posts that look like clones of each other, I got upset and had to vent. And sorry for my awfully bad english, feel free to correct me, please.

Edit: The world is dying… :scream:


The servers can handle 2k+ players though.

8 days

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Now that the collection issue has been explained… about the Characters Slots:

1.3. IMPORTANT! Character Slots (including Companions)

  • Your Lodge in the merged server consists of 4 basic character slots, plus any premium slots you may have purchased (sum of both teams). For example, if you purchased 1 slot in server A and 2 slots in server B, your total in the merged server will be 4 basic slots + 1 premium slot + 2 premium slots = 7 character slots.

So… everyone earned a free character slot with the Leaf Penguin. This character slot is considered a premium slot? If it isn’t, how it will work? I have 6 characters and the penguin in Orsha (no team created in Klaipeda). I’ve bought only 2 premium slots. I’ll have all the 7 after the merge or I’ll lose someone?


Oh wow took them awhile to decide. There probably was a lot of other factors to consider besides the population.

Might have been nice to finally be able to play with my Varena acquaintances (I’m from Telsiai), if they still are playing, but I’m still waiting for the revamped GvG. Did I miss the news and it’s already implemented, or still nada?


Honestly. I expect we to get GvG by March, hopefully 1-2 weeks after the server merge happens.

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Thanks for the info. That’s at least something to look forward to.

By the way, this is a wild guess, don’t count on it. It’s just what I look forward to. >_<

I heard somewhere (I might be wrong) that GvG came to ktos? some time after the ktos server merge?. I have no source at all and could be completely wrong. Not even sure if i heard about it or actually just thought (or dreamt? lmao) about it.