Tree of Savior Forum

Monster Spawning. Need higher rate?

Engrish alert, read at your own risk.

Right now even high level areas are pain in the ass to farm. We need a more consistent spawn rate, more channels for high level maps and better alternatives for leveling low level characters.
Limiting the number of channels per map isn’t going to enforce party play, but it’s making the leveling process pretty annoying because the best maps / spots are crowded with parties fighting each other. The consistency of the monsters’ respawn rate is also pretty much fckd up since the last closed beta test. A better mob distribution would be a great help for people trying to grind.
The leveling processes during the low levels still the same since the closed beta, but its much easier to leave leveling struck areas after the addition of monster achievement system. We need more freedom during the low levels, giving more dungeon runs (and less talts) for low level instances and adding low level grind spots would help a lot. The idea of making a progressive monster achievement would be great. The wings of vibora npc would reward you with exp cards indefinitely, but the quantity of monsters needed to get the exp cards would get bigger with time.

And for the glory of our great loli goddess Vakarine, optimize this game. Let’s make ToS great again.

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Like i said in the other thread on this every map needs to spawn like the starter maps. I would say if there’s ever more than 30 seconds wait between mob spawns (excluding rare spawns) in a grinding game there is a problem.

Will be really hard at f2p comming help The game be better

We desperately need better respawns. Waiting for 5 minutes untill some mobs respawn is horrible.
Please fix this issue. When F2P hits it will only become worse and worse.

Grind? Srsly?
They did nerf only one ⅞0 lvl grind spot in da gaem today and u talking about “grind”? Oh c’mon. This game have a most stupid linnear leveling system.

Rush in da empty maps, find another quest and jump between channels for those 3-10 creeeps. Grinding mobs instead of questing? What a are you, inSAYAN? It s imposiburu!

The problem with the 50% patch was that they increased the spawn amount when the bigger issue is the RESPAWN rate. Like mentioned before people are having issues completing quests as it gets very competitive to find a particular mob. Why was the amount and respawn timer raised from CBT in the first place? Couldn’t be for performance purposes, because the game still runs similarly. I honestly hope it wasn’t raised to deter botters, because that has only made the situation more frustrating for people that want to play the game legitimately.** If it’s neither technical nor preventative, then why even tweak the game as far as field mobs are concerned? It doesn’t make the game anymore challenging, just more artificially time-consuming unless of course that is what you’re going for, IMC.

**PS: Regarding preventative measures for bots. I both commend and condemn IMC for the way they’ve been handling bots. I appreciate the frequent communication regarding bots and measures that will be taken to prevent gold seller / botters and others that will upset the balance of the game. However, I take issue with the ways in which some measures are implemented. The trading/market system is heavily restricted to deter bots / gold sellers but it makes it even more frustrating for your legitimate players.

tl;dr My point is: Your methods work like DRM. You have to find a happy balance when it comes to dealing with bots that don’t restrict the enjoyment one can find from your game, IMC. Botters will always have an easier time, because their ambition is to exploit. Legitimate players shouldn’t be punished as a result. I hope you give this a read GMs and pass along the message.

Thank you

As posted here: Anyone feel like we need more frequent spawns? Even after the +50% patch


So… I’m still waiting for some words from IMC! The Spawn Rate is terrible and must change ASAP!

Yes, i think it is very necessary.

I will support all of these threads 'til the end of time.

We need this to happen or F2P release will be a nightmare for everybody.

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Please increase spawn rate and monster count as well. Otherwise ToS will be unplayable until it dies down.

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Free bump. Can’t give up now right?

Getting to kill some quest monsters is extremely competitive right now but grinding is impossible in most maps and that is even more worrying.

Oh my god, when the free to play comes… I need to level up faster!

please increase the monster spawn rates!

Bump! +1 On increasing the spawn rate!!

Holly Cracker! Look at this!!! The last maint before F2P and they don’t even mention if this is intended or a way to make these CRAPPY servers handle the game and that it will change in the near future when they change servers… AHHHH c’mon!

I’m willing to play this game 3 weeks ago, since it was a 1 week enjoyable game because the “later on” maps are… Well, empty (mob) and full of players or bots…

There is any IMC trainee to “unintentionally” change the spawn rate to… Like 20 seconds single spawn timers? :v

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imc plz, imc plz, imc plz, imc plz, imc plz.

i want this! this looks so much more fun!

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Well, more than 30 days have passed, plenty of maintenances and the respawn rates are still an issue… Nice, IMC clearly doing a hell of a job.

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