Tree of Savior Forum

Melee Paladin build. Leave your opinion pls. :D

Err… Mage class and Cleric class are different, this doesn’t make much sense. It all depends on your way of playing and what you want to do. You can’t be the super healer, buffer, tanker and have lasers.

Cleric C3 doesn’t work that well, you have better options by combining Cleric C2 and… You don’t resume a whole build to 3 ranks. Did you do any research on Cleric builds?

Maybe you just don’t like Cleric class? Apparently it doesn’t suit what you want. Why you keep insisting over Cleric (very specific Cleric builds actually) if in the end you don’t want other options apart from something that doesn’t work outside a misinterpretation of class? @@

If melee is what you want the only cleric branches that focus on that are paladin, monk or chaplain.

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I do like cleric…but i know what is to be a “slave” cuz i’ve played priest at RO and i was always needing people to do anything…lvl up, pvp, quest…it suks! I just dont want to repeat it here so i’m trying to pick a supp that can do things solo. If you tell me that this build will not depend on other people for nothing then it’s ok to me but if it do…well u got the idea right?

And i’m rly thinking at the second build to be a trouble to the other team at pvp

I just want to know if this build is good, not perfect, and i’ll be able to do things even if i dont support as a full support or kill people like a true dps but if u tell me “yes, this will help your team and you’ll deal some damage” so that’s what i’ll do but if u think i should change some skills or stats to make it work just tell me…got it now? I just dont know cleric here in ToS and that’s why i’m asking for help with some other people that do know the class.

Here is an example of two cleric classes doing 2v2 pvp on Ktos:

The youtuber is an int-based bokor/druid/pd. His partner in this video is a priest/monk. These are two cleric builds that work well in pvp. In comparison Paladins may survive decently but have a lot of problems killing other players since their only damage skill is smite, which is close range with a long animation.

Rly nice this one but holy ■■■■…this guy is doing some serious damage! o.o
Kinda liked it but i’m more to support my team…or was…crap look what you’ve done to me! T_T

I recommend watching more of his videos for a better idea of classes in pvp. I just chose that one because there were two clerics with totally opposite builds.

Ok, we have some focus now haha
Before it got a bit confusing but now you just stated exactly what you need in one shot without going against the build you are asking for.

This build works, yes. If you learn how to play with it you will be able to be a decent healer, protect your party and do some dps. You will be able to solo too, Paladin C3 is good for PvE. For PvP you can add some CON and survive, heal and ress your party, use PD skills here and there, etc, but Paladins will not do great in PvP when compared to other PvP typical classes. At least not for now.

Btw, I suggest you max Divine Might instead of Cure!

I completely understand your confusion with this mechanic! It’s a different system from RO and other games, I always played as FS too and I know how we usually were asked to cover many different roles in a party. I actually liked that for the challenge - and only when I was playing with someone who knew wth they were doing, of course (and polite people) haha
The way ToS works with the idea of support is not that bad, and it’s fun having to learn again how to build something functional (and trying to focus more on what exactly we liked in supporting roles!). Imagine that the classical FS and cleric classes we know from other games were fragmented and each fragment could have a new purpose when rearranged xD

And hey, if you like PvP I think it is worth researching more about different suitable classes and builds! You don’t need to be Paladin! You can build something that can be used decently in PvP and PvE.

Not that opposite…both “dps” but one is magic and the other physical.
I do enjoy magic and caster and stuff but this bokor build dont seem to be a good support. What u think?

I am thinking about a different class…but that’s sad cuz i rly like paladin but i’ll manage something else. Thing is…i want to balance supp with damage, supp as a main role cuz cleric cant be true dps(if i’m wrong slap me in the face right now and tell me how to) but leave dps to a secondary/needed role. Now i dont care too much for melee anymore, let’s give caster a shot so if you guys have anything in mind in a build like this i’ll love to read. This one guy at the video posted is insane and i loved it but it seem’s to be a little more damage and less heal but i can be wrong and if i am just tell me.

I did the same, but I felt quite opposite.

I really liked the feel of Smite, animation felt powerful and damage was decent. (Definitely an upgrade from being just a battle priest and auto-attacking)

Once I got monk, I actually regretted not going c2 Paladin. :stuck_out_tongue:

One of the characters that I’m planning will definitely be a c3 Paladin, with c3 Priest and Chaplain, once more ranks are available. ;p

I think the problem with his build is he’s only cleric 1. I’d go cleric 2 for heal 10, safety attribute and divine might. Some combo of krivis, bokor and druid for damage. Like cleric 2, krivis 1, bokor 2, druid 1, pd. You could even replace pd for kabbalist or druid 2, but pd would be the best for gvg.

Oh no pd for sure…but his krivis i kinda dont like…i mean, krivis is great but for PvE…zaibas é kinda hard to hit on PvP and i dont see him using much of krivis skills so i could put priest on this spot for the ress skill. What you guys think?

Zaibas probably shines more in gvg rather than pvp, but would make the build easier to lvl too.

Here’s a video of a gvg on ktos. The youtuber is cleric 2, krivis 1, priest 3, pd. I don’t think you’d like this build since the dps is low and it’s harder to lvl, but will give you a good idea of what a gvg looks like. She uses zaibas many times.

Lockius, did you read Wurmheart guide and other topics about PvE/PvP compatible builds?
Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

And the Cleric build discussion topic?

Maybe you should bring the discussion there?

It can help you to have a more consistent idea of your choices!

Dude i didnt…know why? Cuz there’s too many people and will be SO FKN MANY opinions that i’ll never know how to listen to…
Here you guys are helping me a lot and it’s being a lot more focused and no one is arguing what skill is better and why…i read a little but found nothing useful.

Error o.o
i saw some GvG videos…kinda lost yet but look’s like fun, need to try it for myself.

Well i’m trying to consider a caster and made this build, will that be good at PvP and PvE. Stats = Int and 1 con per lvl.

With this build i’m using cleric to nice heals + safety lvl 10. Priest still to ress people and buff at solo grind. Bokor as damage class with druid and PD to boost my end game heals…is it bad?

If you didn’t read you should!

And don’t worry, you don’t need to follow anything they say if you don’t want to. Look for topics mentioning classes you want to know better, and by simply reading different discussions you will see lots of people asking about builds, sometimes the same questions you have, making similar builds, etc. Imo the best opportunities you will have to learn are when people disagree while trying to help, you will can analyze different opinions about the same subject and then form your own. This can help you to truly understand what you are doing.

Others can help you at the same time, yeah, but by doing this and researching you can help them to help you. You need to have a minimum base of knowledge about what you are asking. Try at least.

About this other build. I never tested Bokor or Druid, so I don’t think I have enough experience/knowledge to comment or suggest anything.

And for the support part of this build, is it good or people will kick me out of parties? xD

You should be fine while keeping your party alive xD