Tree of Savior Forum

[Mega Polls!] Regarding some of the big hot button issues to be used as feedback for imc

I’m saying that the game is fine without it. But instead we have to pay more money to get an equal advantage to people who are willing to spend more money on the game than you. This does not reflect on the players skill, knowledge or understanding of the game. But by how rich they are and willing to throw money away.

The fact that it doesn’t change the gameplay or encourage players to work together, it doesn’t add anything of social value or challenging but instead takes away from benefits that are otherwise EARNED through gems, hunting gear, awakening system, skills that give magic amp like Zalciai, etc.

A game is no longer the same game that it was intended to be. The weight of these stat boosters are far too much for a game that was meant to reward you through other mechanics + time spent, socialising with players.

The difference is significant yes. If you can obtain these bonuses through other means then it should be taken out of the game completely. It shows that IMC do not even trust their own community or game design team to make a good game that people will support regardless of such systems.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John

Edit: Quite honestly, it shows incompetence. I don’t even mean this in a bad way. But it certainly reflect badly on the company and the game itself.

ooooo thats a decent idea.

Again, baseless assumptions without proof…

Your literally the only person saying that these stats are game breaking. Maybe a few stranglers.

I played the game, i gave examples. I played in ktos. I’m not arguing here. I’m merely stating facts about the game.

I’m not going to give you a run down of the stats involved, because clearly you can’t even do your own research right. In fact your argument itself is baseless.


Then you don’t mind redirecting me to your all knowing proof? Otherwise ur just as baseless as I am, and are arguing for fun.

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I owe you nothing, if you can’t even play or research the game yourself. Use the forums, don’t waste my time.

proof means nothing if you aren’t willing to comprehend the full weight of these stat boosters and what repercussions they can have on the game’s economy and community.

I don’t appreciate being criticized for my opinions when I’ve clearly explained in detail in as condensed form as I possibly could and explained why they are wrong.

Awakening Chart

Magic Enchant Scroll Chart

Change magic scrolls RNG Stats in the Cash Shop

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn


Taking into account that in the future they might want to add stronger scrolls than the current ones to get more money. For example in the case of ‘‘Lunia’’ in which the cash items gave a low status such as 7 ~ 9 str after a time were adding cash items that arrived to give more than 100 in all stats …

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The slippery slope is real in the case of asian mmo’s it seems.

You can not appreciate whatever you want, I don’t owe you respect especially when I dont get it either. As far as I’m concerned if you dont have videos this discussion is negligible.

I gave you my respect by going into depth on why I made such a bold statement. I had words to back up those ideals and facts. What have you given me in return?

I do not dislike your opinions, but I should at least feel entitled to my own. I gave you my respect and you threw it back in my face. :joy:

Hope you enjoy the game whatever happens.

But no, you gave me condescending tones and a couple other posts, (while i’m working on my own). I get it your ego is high, but I just dont owe you anything. sounds good? yes it does.

Enjoy yourself too.

I was only giving my view of the current state of the korean TOS. It wasn’t intentionally directed at you. Being confident in your own ideals is not a crime, and having the words to back them up is giving that other person respect.

If we are taking our confrontations personally, it’s because I triggered an emotional response. That’s part of debate and shows confidence, pride, in what you believe in. In your case I was hoping for something more in response.

Not that I don’t care about your opinions, because I wouldn’t be having this conversation in the first place if I didn’t.

And thanks. I will. :smiley_cat:

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I think thats enough from me. I’m not in a rush to pick fights. Just don’t be as thoughtless next time. Ill end it here.

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Poll results (so far): 31% of voters see no problem with magic scrolls.

When so many people see nothing wrong with P2W (no matter how small the bonuses are right now), we can be sure that the scale of P2W will escalate very quickly…

Many players are looking for a game that will keep them entertained for years to come, but they WILL be forced to either: accept the P2W and throw $$$ at IMC to keep being competetive, or simply leave the game in hopes of finding a different game to keep them hooked for longer than 6-12 months.


thank you for discussion. It really useful info for me
and I agree with you discussion.

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Well… I try to be a glass half-full type of person (I’m still super critical of a lot of things though, but I don’t think we can be human without hope haha), and my takeaway was that a full 43% of people who have voted so far think we should get rid of magic scrolls and 14% think they probably give too many benefits as they are.

So I think not all is lost :slight_smile:

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I just wanted to say that I felt the above statement was incredibly ironic given that a kToS player in another thread said the following:

I hope we can all learn to do more careful research and be thoughtful about our comments before putting them out on the internets… (at the very least in the future, please don’t insinuate that “people don’t know ■■■■ about things”, since the boomerang coming back, can, and will hurt :frowning:) .

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You realize he is one opinion against many more that say the opposite so how about you do more research instead of taking 1 word as gospel. Or just go into the Ktos thread and scroll up to shortly after they were added.

Eh? I’m playing with a large group of people who are on kToS. Out of our entire group, during the entire time we’ve played, we’ve seen 3 total magic scrolls. It’s not really just my experience.

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Honestly you keep arguing against people’s opinions unless they match your own.

If it’s the former it’s usually just to tell them how wrong they are and more often than not it makes it even harder to find some logic in what you are saying.


And this was in response to:

Please refrain from trampling on other people’s opinions so easily, it only lessens other people’s opinion of you and your concerns regarding the games development.

And I hope that the community as a whole can steady it’s path and work together on these subjects instead of attacking one another. It’s unsightly. Usually I try to ignore it.