Tree of Savior Forum

[Mega Polls!] Regarding some of the big hot button issues to be used as feedback for imc

thank you for discussion. It really useful info for me
and I agree with you discussion.

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Wellā€¦ I try to be a glass half-full type of person (Iā€™m still super critical of a lot of things though, but I donā€™t think we can be human without hope haha), and my takeaway was that a full 43% of people who have voted so far think we should get rid of magic scrolls and 14% think they probably give too many benefits as they are.

So I think not all is lost :slight_smile:

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I just wanted to say that I felt the above statement was incredibly ironic given that a kToS player in another thread said the following:

I hope we can all learn to do more careful research and be thoughtful about our comments before putting them out on the internetsā€¦ (at the very least in the future, please donā€™t insinuate that ā€œpeople donā€™t know ā– ā– ā– ā–  about thingsā€, since the boomerang coming back, can, and will hurt :frowning:) .

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You realize he is one opinion against many more that say the opposite so how about you do more research instead of taking 1 word as gospel. Or just go into the Ktos thread and scroll up to shortly after they were added.

Eh? Iā€™m playing with a large group of people who are on kToS. Out of our entire group, during the entire time weā€™ve played, weā€™ve seen 3 total magic scrolls. Itā€™s not really just my experience.

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Honestly you keep arguing against peopleā€™s opinions unless they match your own.

If itā€™s the former itā€™s usually just to tell them how wrong they are and more often than not it makes it even harder to find some logic in what you are saying.


And this was in response to:

Please refrain from trampling on other peopleā€™s opinions so easily, it only lessens other peopleā€™s opinion of you and your concerns regarding the games development.

And I hope that the community as a whole can steady itā€™s path and work together on these subjects instead of attacking one another. Itā€™s unsightly. Usually I try to ignore it.


@web_nervepress TBH what @thebloodyaugust usually says is dead on accurate - for what it is worth I think his opinions match that of most people that played KTOS to End game contents (260+)

So if heā€™s so in agreement with what ktos players have said why does he get his facts wrong? :joy:

Also as a disclaimer very few international players will have reached 260+ content. I personally only know a couple of ktos players that have, but maybe Iā€™m not as in the know as some other people on the forums.

Edit: Itā€™s fine if you support him, I was only making an observation as a message to the tos community and how people should approach a debate, discussion or making their own observation.

A lot of things get said, but not a lot is actually said at all. If you want to respect the person you are debating with, provide something solid as a basis that is constructive.

@web_nervepress I dont think I said that @thebloodyaugust ever played KTOS did I? I mean he might have but idk. I said most of his opinions mirror those that played KTOS until end game. Magic scrolls from instance dungeonā€¦ I have gotten I think 2 times from 1-260.

Whats the point in you saying that very few international players have reached 260 in KTOS? ITOS as it stands right now is a exact copy of KTOS. Except we get even less dungeon per day :S.

Anyways once you reach end game I am sure you will come to similar conclusions (unless you quit before getting to end game),

Out of curiosity, how many dungeon runs to get those two scrolls?

@chronosanct I honestly cant answer you cuz I dont save cubes up and open them all at once. Just a LOT
Think of them as a bugā€¦ something you are not suppose to see comming out from a cube and it will just ease your mind


More than 100? 200? 300? A ballpark would be nice to know.

EDIT: 300+ cubes just to get 2 scrolls is pure insanityā€¦ how are people okay with that? And some cash shop player can just go buy a stack for how much again?

Also to get really good stats on the headgears you need ALOT of magic scrolls. Im talking 30-40 per each headgear slot. Some of the stat give AOE range or something crazy like movement speed. Honestly its better to buy tokens end game and sell them to players than buying magic scrolls cuz people will sell their headgear with stats you want. For example lets say a mage gets a head gear with 43 phys atk ā€¦ its absolute trash for them but they will sell it on ah since other people will need it. Price would usually go for 1mil ish which is equivalent of a token

And players who use cash? How many scrolls could they get for like $10 (11671.05 South Korean Won)?

i think one scroll is 8 tp so you get 5 for free and 3 you spend.
If you keep saving up tp for the 5 + 3 each scroll is 3 tp. 10$? you can probably get 33 scrolls

Soā€¦ assuming it takes you what? 15 minutes to get a cubeā€¦ and letā€™s say it takes 150 cubes to get you 1 magic scroll (because you said you got 2 from 300+ cubes), you spent (15 minutes x 150 cubes) = 2250 minutes (37.5 hours) to get 1/33 what joe schmoe who spends $10 would be able to get???

Okay yeahā€¦ if thatā€™s how iToS is gonna go, Iā€™m noping the ā– ā– ā– ā–  out.

EDIT: My mind is so blown right now, how does anyone think this is okay?!?! @Staff_Julie Please tell me that @eunsongchoe1989 is lying or a troll or something???

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Useful to know. Kind of wish you said this before as it is pretty important context to you supporting your friendā€™s views and I wouldnā€™t have wrote that disclaimer.

Sorry for going off-topic.

Iā€™ve played for around 800 hours without getting bored yet. Unlikely I will quit, especially as there is no definite end game content. My issue is that magic enchant scrolls give a significant advantage for cash. More cash you spend, the better the stats. (Or at least a better chance to obtain something significant).

Thereā€™s a lot of mechanics that make this game interesting that will feel somewhat lacking due to the accessibility of head gear enchants. If you were to give new players/bots 1:1 trading this accessibility will give them an advantage that wasnā€™t earned through player growth.

Itā€™s the same as these magic scrolls. It makes the general content and mechanics in the game carry less significance. If you can explain how this isnā€™t a flaw in the games design, I will try to understand. Otherwise IMC may as well give the community 1:1 trading and say ā€œHere you go you earned it!ā€

The only difference with these headgear enchants is that IMC manipulate and control RMT (Real Money Trading)so that they can take all the profit for themselves.

Edit: @Staff_Julie Just wanted to include you in this conversation again. I understand itā€™s a difficult topic but please bear with us.

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@web_nervepress to be honest I have no idea what you are arguing for from that post and I am to lazy to go read up what you argued for. In any case 1:1 trading should be free without token since there are a lot of free players in TOS. It just ruins the game when you cant trade your friend because they are too cheap to buy a token. Magic scrolls are a p2w item - I completely agree but since many people are going to rush to get good stats on helms (like they did in KTOS) reasonable helms will scale down in price after a while. In KTOS right now a 40 matk helm is being sold for 400k.

(rather trade with my friends than seeing bots drop)

And what really is the point in maxing out your character when GVG and PVP is pointless? If there was something like WoE then it would be a different story. Everyone will play random matching in dungeons anyways.

Personally I wish they had made tos b2p or p2p. Then all these restrictions would probably be lifted

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As far as token benefits are concerned, I wish they would just release the game as a p2p model if theyā€™re going to make it a lite version for free players.

As for player/public relations, theyā€™ve been what I have been expecting as of late, but I wont really forget what theyā€™ve done in the past. I expect PR to drop again once OBT starts.

It occurs to me that youā€™ve missed my point. So Iā€™ll withdraw from this conversation. :disappointed:

But at least weā€™ve agreed on the crucial point.


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