Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

Just… Just remove this piece of f**** st. Bought early acess and now I’m not sure if I should. Pay to win is so f* disgusting. I’m so mad ugh. Please don’t destroy the game, please dont, please. Just make it subscription based already, p2w kills the game for everyone, for who is paying and for who is loosing.

As I understand inter players have lower tolerance to p2w stuff but let’s get real. How many rolls do you need max out 3 attributes on 3 slots? Isn’t it probabilistic impossible?

Someoen calculated it.

About a few thousand rolls… and more.

I’m fine with all of this as long as the enchaned equipment is forbidden from any form of PvP

“Acceptable” rolls is about few hundred dollars, I think.

Someone mentioned that you can buy hats with “perfect” stats for 15m or so, while token costs only 1.5m.

So 200$ per hat.

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Hats should be silly things you put on your head, not enchanted underwear hats that give you 60 more attack. Pay to win bad ,mmk?

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Some input from staff on this, especially before the 29th, would be really helpful.


shouldnt be like this… not fair for free players
though i am not a free player. i like buying stuffs at the cash shops
guilty pleaseure, i quitted smoking so this will be a good way to spend money

Just for giggles… in their current Magic Scroll system… because I want to see the odds.

Let’s say I want HP, SP, and Crit Damage, since these three stats have the highest possible variances. What are the odds of rolling perfect stats on all 3 of those on a single piece?

Getting all 3 of those stat types is 1:2907, getting all 3 stat types with perfect HP is 1:1220940, with SP would be 1:215118, with Crit Damage 1:98838… add those 3 since each is already its own perfect roll, so…


Huehuehue. That’s 1/15 the chance of winning the lottery for countless millions of dollars. You’re more likely to be struck by lightning this year at 1:960,000,


Well, I guess the P2W aspect of it is out the window. Because even with a low variant stat combo like my MATK 42+ AOE + Move Speed at 1:61047, I doubt we’d see many players running around with perfect stats. Hell with some of these odds we’ll be lucky to see players with 3 stats they even remotely want lol

Actually, I think you can get acceptable stats at one hat (3 useful stats per hat) at a cost of ~200$.

So full set of 3 good hats won’t cost you more than 1000$. So the question is, are 1k dollars enough or too much to get 5-7% stronger than your enemy?

Anyway, such gambling should be removed from cash shop.

If it was at least fixed stats(fixed 3 per hat), and you could apply only 1 hat as your “active”, it won’t be such a problem.

Then it would be just like token giving 3 ms, so everyone would be able to buy the hat he wants at AH. So scrolls would still be pretty popular items.

Though it’s pay2win anyways.

But I’d rather accept such type of pay2win where you can get few fixed stats and isn’t forced to wear 3 hats over RNG 200$ OP stats pay2win.


We all know, RNG is how every MMO starts the P2W stuff, if we accept the RNG now, before the game is even released, they will keep releasing more and more appealing RNG stuff (and more pay to win of course).


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I really want this to be completely removed for a plethora of reasons.

  1. This game has such limited customization for appearance as is, and one of the few things in this game that was used to let us stand out now has to be dictated by stats? This is completely uncalled for and shames the already minimal character customization present in the game.

  2. I don’t think money should lead to such a blatant and direct buff to players as these scrolls allow. Stats on any type of gear via cash shop purchases does not put a good atmosphere in the game. Out of all the pay2win options to be chosen, this is really one of the worst ones.

  3. It being pay2win in such a direct blatant way is made worse by it being done so in a heavily gamble-like way. You have low odds to get what is desired which means you have to purchase the item many times per enchantment. Not only is this exploitative, but it makes it a pay2win mechanic that heavily favors the rich. At the very least, you could set the price per enchantment a bit higher and give people what they actually want. It would still be bad due to blatant pay2win but at least then it isn’t as exploitative and bias towards those with lots of spare money.

It’s fine to want to increase revenue but items like this are not the way to do it. Please, be more creative with how to raise profit with care for your playerbase in mind, and be aware of the weaknesses of your game; character customization being one which this implementation makes worse as it ties stats to one of the few things in the game that give us unique appearances. God forbid a player not prefer to use head gears at all.


First, is there an option to hide your cosmetics? I’ll be sorely disappointed if not. :confused:

There are generally very few cosmetic items I actually like, and if I’m forced to choose between looking like what I consider a fool or ‘gimping’ my character… I shouldn’t have to make that decision. I’m already peeved enough that Thaumaturge makes you look ridiculous without the full set of buffs. Even then it’s reallly stretching it. :frowning:

Yes, I understand that the stats are ‘small’ but that’s taking them out of context. If all a build needs is that extra little push. They could get it from this, and free players wouldn’t be able to get the build to the same state.(If they truly can not be sold on the auction)

As far as it being obtainable in-game? Unless it’s something a free player can obtain a reasonable amount of within a reasonable amount of time, it’s going to be incredibly frustrating for the free/low investment players.

Also, from my understanding they only drop from dungeons? I thought that I read that dungeons were restricted to 2(4) times a day? So, with limited dungeon entries, how does the abysmal drop-rate still fit?

Having items in a cash shop that allows for a player to have a leg up over other players at level cap is the fastest way to kill a game in the West. “At level cap” is the key phrase here, because any items that help you at the level cap will do permanent damage, while things like EXP boosts will only make things unfair for a few months.

The absolute WORST way to make things unfair is by adding things to the cash shop that boost character stats or abilities in a significant way. This is no different from someone buying gear with real money, which is absolutely absurd. Disguising these stat boosts in the accessories doesn’t make them any different from someone replacing a low end piece of a gear with a high end piece of gear by purchasing it with cash.

The worst part is that these stat increases are game breaking, not just minimal boosts like 5 dex here and there, it’s in the freaking hundreds. The best HP boots in the game that I can see from the database give 408HP, compared to the 800HP you can possibly get from the 1 of 3 stats from the 3 accessories you can enchant. Really? Are you seriously joking me here? You’re telling me that items that are purchasable from the cash shop give more stats than the best gear in the game?

Seriously IMC, stop and think about this for a second. Once people hit cap and start getting rolled by P2W players purely because of their absurd stats, do you think that they will continue playing? Sure, you made a good amount of money off the stat scrolls, I’m sure the numbers from the Korean servers have got you all gitty, but that won’t last.

There are tons of other ways to make money off of microtransactions without breaking the game:

  1. RNG dyes (armor/weapon/hair), where the color
    you get is random
  2. Mounts/Pets (that don’t have an advantage over
    any other common in-game mount).
  3. Costumes
  4. Weapon Skins
  5. Particle effects (give the character a glow or
  6. Voice changes
  7. Character Slots
  8. Stat/Skill resets
  9. EXP Boosts
  10. Character/Family name change
  11. Storage/Inventory slots
  12. Dungeon/Town/Guild teleport scrolls
  13. Emotes
  14. Skill animation changes

I’ve ranted long enough, but really, please don’t ruin the one game that I’ve been waiting for the past 2 years to play.


I couldn’t agree more. In fact, I have little to add to this. I am actually curious for the exact numbers, because I don’t think I’ve seen them.

  1. RNG dyes – I like it, though I’d rather it not be RNG
  2. Mounts/Pets – I’d probably buy one of these if they look good, yeah
  3. Costumes – If I see a particular one, I might buy it. Same for all other cosmetic things
  4. Weapon Skins
  5. Particle effects
  6. Voice changes
  7. Character Slots – I’d be a bit bummed if this were locked behind a paywall, but I’d probably pay for it if the price is reasonable
  8. Stat/Skill resets – Same as above
  9. EXP Boosts – Not interested in this, but good for those who want it
  10. Character/Family name change – Definitely want this!
  11. Storage/Inventory slots – The storage slots can actually be bought with in-game currency, I believe?
  12. Dungeon/Town/Guild teleport scrolls – Can be bought at a low price already – Good! (Would prefer it to be in-game currency, though.)
  13. Emotes – I actually like that the emotes are part of the Premium token
  14. Skill animation changes – Would be cool if it’s also part of the Premium token

There was no particular reason I added my thoughts there. I just wanted to add something

nobody gives a shet what you think is “fair”

they want your money, and the best way to do so is by making you gamble

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No it is not the best way to make money at all.

They will get some money but lose big part of reguralry paying community.

Look at Riot Games, it’s the most successful gaming company in the world and they NEVER introduced gambling content.


Lol. I played league of legends, and i can say one thing. Skins is one kind of p2w. Looking different to other people, makes you think youre better than them because you have the money to spend 10$-20$ on peice of difference character. Now what, there is more than 100 Characters with 4-5 skins each…

p2w? They did has IP BOOST- EXP boost scrolls. You want to start a new account, go for it. Game for free, dont want to play to long to hit lvl 30 with news? Pay some exp scrolls, you will level faster (few games, 5wins… )

I’m sorry, none of that is P2W.
Unless they’ve changed it since I last played, you can not buy any in-game advantage over other players.